Xcode中Active Compilation Conditions和Preprocessor Macros的区别

Xcode中的,都是用于 条件编译时,所需要定义变量时,有两个:
Active Compilation Conditions和Preprocessor Macros


Active Compilation Conditions vs Preprocessor Macros

Super Preprocessor Directives with Xcode 8 – Derrick Ho – Medium


对于OBJC,用:Preprocessor Macros

对于SWIFT,用:Active Compilation Conditions

xcode – #ifdef replacement in the Swift language – Stack Overflow


“Active Compilation Conditions” is a new build setting for passing conditional compilation flags to the Swift compiler.”


Using Swift with Cocoa and Objective-C (Swift 4): Interacting with C APIs

“Preprocessor Directives

The Swift compiler does not include a preprocessor. Instead, it takes advantage of compile-time attributes, conditional compilation blocks, and language features to accomplish the same functionality. For this reason, preprocessor directives are not imported in Swift.”

swift Active Compilation Conditions

Xcode 8: New build settings and analyzer improvements – miqu.me

之前swift中定义自定义变量时,都是放在OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS中,现在都可以改用SWIFT_ACTIVE_COMPILATION_CONDITIONS的Active Compilation Conditions了。

xcode – Any way to do true conditional compilation in Swift 3? – Stack Overflow

“Active Compilation Conditions is a new build setting for passing conditional compilation flags to the Swift compiler. Each element of the value of this setting passes to swiftc prefixed with -D, in the same way that elements of Preprocessor Macros pass to clang with the same prefix. (22457329)”


  • 在之前OC时代(编译器是clang),条件编译所用到的变量定义,都是通过:GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS的Preprocessor Macros去定义的;
  • 后来swift中(编译器是swiftc),最开始时是用:OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS的Other Swift Flags中定义的(加上-DXXX)
  • Xcode 8中又更新为,换用SWIFT_ACTIVE_COMPILATION_CONDITIONS的Active Compilation Conditions去定义变量XXX即可(不需要加-D)。

此处,Xcode9中,当前代码是swift,用的编译系统也是swift,所以变量定义是用Active Compilation Conditions,而不是Preprocessor Macros。

你可能感兴趣的:(Xcode中Active Compilation Conditions和Preprocessor Macros的区别)