On the Design Fundamentals ofDiffusion Models: A Survey

1 Title 

        On the Design Fundamentals of Diffusion Models: A Survey(Ziyi Chang, George A. Koulieris, and Hubert P. H. Shum)

2 Conclusion

       This study seeks to address this gap by providing a comprehensive and coherent review on component-wise design choices in diffusion models. Specifically, this paper organize this review according to their three key components, namely the forward process, the reverse process, and the sampling procedure. This allows us to provide a fine-grained perspective of diffusion models, benefiting future studies in the analysis of individual components, the applicability of design choices, and the implementation of diffusion models.

3 Good Sentences

        1. Although these three components generally define the generic pipeline, they are currently lacking a comprehensive survey. Some existing survey papers focus on higher-level solutions to facilitate applications, and explore less on the design details of each component  Some concentrate on specific domains or aspects of diffusion models, lacking insights on the holistic design fundamentals of the generic pipeline. Others focus on the application side, and thereby provide fewer observations on theoretical designs. Overall, a survey that concentrates specifically on designing the aforementioned components of diffusion models is lacking.(The existential significance of this learning)
        2.This survey bridges the gap in the literature by offering a thorough and cohesive review of component-wise design fundamentals in diffusion models. In particular, we have organized design fundamentals of diffusion models into the forward process, the reverse process, and the sampling procedure(What has this paper done)
        3.Transformer is increasingly adapted as an alternative architecture for the denoising network. In principle, a transformer can directly substitute U-Nets because it can also maintain the data dimensions. Nevertheless, direct substitution empirically does not yield better quality because transformers are known to model global relations and may suffer from losing short-range dependency. Therefore, some U-Net structures are usually added to transformers to retain the benefits of U-Net as much as possible.(Why Transformer can't be completely replaced U-net) 

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        On the Design Fundamentals ofDiffusion Models: A Survey_第2张图片        



On the Design Fundamentals ofDiffusion Models: A Survey_第3张图片

        而反向过程则如图所示,通过优化去噪网络中的可训练参数θ来近似,用神经网络通过递归的方式来去除前向过程添加的噪声,而并不像GAN那样在一个时间步中消除所有噪声,公式如下On the Design Fundamentals ofDiffusion Models: A Survey_第4张图片

其中θ是去噪网络的参数,pθ(xt−1| xt)是逆向跃迁分布。逆向过程通常被参数化为右边这个是一个正态分布,可以通过重参数化技巧把均值和方差的相关性绑定在一个标准正态分布的上。

        而去噪网络通过负对数似然的标准变分界限进行训练:On the Design Fundamentals ofDiffusion Models: A Survey_第5张图片


On the Design Fundamentals ofDiffusion Models: A Survey_第6张图片


采样过程的公式如下所示:On the Design Fundamentals ofDiffusion Models: A Survey_第7张图片





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The Systematic Method,系统方法在通用流水线中涉及多个转换链

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