

1. Are you putting all of your savings into that company? Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.(means:Putting all of ones resources into one possibility)

2.It cost me an arm and a leg to take my trip to Australia.(means:Very expensive

3.I was over the moon when he asked me to marry him.(means:Extremely pleased or happy

4.He comes round to see me once in a blue moon.(means:Happening very rarely

5.The money sent by comic relief to help poverty in Africa is just a drop in the ocean. They need far more than this.(means:A very small part of something much bigger)

6.We have to actually do something about global warming. Actions speak louder than words.(means:It’s better to actually do something rather than just talking about it)

7.I bumped into Jenny in town the other day. It's a small world.(means:Meeting someone you would not have expected to)

8.I just said it in the heat of the moment. I was angry. I know I shouldn’t have.(means:Saying or doing something suddenly without thinking about it)

9.I don’t want to argue with him again. It’s better to let sleeping dogs lie.(means:Avoid a conflict)

10.We're really working against the clock now. We must hurry.(means:Not having enough time to do something)
