
snide adj.讽刺的; 挖苦的
parchment n.羊皮纸; 仿羊皮纸; 羊皮纸文献
rare finds 稀世珍宝;千载难逢
use it or lose it 用进废退(用则进步,不用则退步)
keep to the timetable 保持进度
【例句:We got a timetable to keep.
stay beautiful 后会有期
action figure n.(仿影视等角色的)战士玩偶,人偶
patina n.(金属表面的)绿锈,铜锈,氧化层; 薄层; (木器或皮革的)光泽
enigmatic adj.神秘的; 费解的; 令人困惑的
kibbutz n.集体农场(以色列的共同生活、工作、决策和分配收入的合作农场或工厂)
transference 移情
swivel chair 转椅
pair off (使)成对儿,(使)成双(常指成为恋人)
edge 尖刻的声调 sardonic edge 挖苦人的语调;辛辣讽刺的语气
aeronautical adj.航空(学)的; 飞机设计制造的
Tel Aviv 特拉维夫,以色列第二大城市
hold sway 占统治地位;具有重大影响力
【例句:But traditional mores hold away around you, most important in the preference for sons over daughters. 但是传统的观念控制着你,使你偏爱男孩多于女孩。
horse-drawn adj.马拉的
tootle v.信步; 闲逛; 溜达; 不慌不忙地开车
push back 推拒,抵制(变革、批评等)
R. D. Laing 英国精神病学家兰恩
rite of passage n.成人仪式; (标志人生重要阶段的)通过仪式,重大事件
Yeshiva University 耶希瓦大学 yeshiva n.授业座(正统派犹太教育机构)
hand in one's notice 递交辞呈
crockery 陶器; 瓦罐
cane furniture n.藤制家具;竹制家具
send sb. packing na.撵走;解雇;开除;叫某人卷铺盖走人
【例句:As I recall, you thought it was only right and proper that Ruth and Sarah be sent packing. You were positively cheerful about it.
vacancy n.(职位的)空缺; 空职; 空额; (旅馆等的)空房,空间; 无兴趣; 无主意; 空虚
spell out vt. 详加说明;全部写出;拼出
【例句:This young woman had applied for the vacancy with the most dubious of
references, which spelt out to any experienced butler that she had left her previous situation under something of a cloud.
Can it be that...? 莫非;难道
【例句: Can it be that our Mr Stevens is flesh and blood after all and cannot fully trust himself?
modicum n.一点点; 少量(好事或愉快的事)
【例句:If I thought there was one modicum of sense in what you are saying I might bother to engage with you in this discussion.
cobweb 蜘蛛网
highwayman n.(旧时常骑马持枪的)拦路强盗
