A* 算法研究(附 Python / C++ 实现)

A* 算法研究


A*寻路算法详解 #A星 #启发式搜索

路径规划之 A* 算法








前面已经学习了 Dijkstra 算法和 Best-First-Search 算法,A* 算法可以看作是这两种算法的组合

A* 算法的思想核心是:核心想是:每一步的选择既要考虑离初始点的距离,也要考虑离目标点的距

这里首先定义这两个需要考虑的距离(函数),G 用来表示当前位置离起点的距离(也就是走过的路径),H 用来表示当前位置离终点的距离(和Best-First一样的启发式函数,比如曼哈顿距离),那么 A* 算法每一步考虑的就是

A* 算法研究(附 Python / C++ 实现)_第1张图片

A* 算法在运算过程中,每次从优先队列中选取 f(n)最小(优先级最高)的节点作为下一个待遍历的节点

A* 算法使用两个集合来表示待遍历的节点,与已经遍历过的节点,这通常称之为 open_setclose_set


  1. 初始化起始节点和目标节点,并将起始节点添加到 open_set
  2. 初始化每个节点的代价函数值:g(n) 表示从起始节点到节点 n 的实际代价,h(n) 表示从节点 n 到目标节点的估计代价(启发函数)
  3. 初始化每个节点的父节点为 null
  4. 当 open_set 不为空时,重复以下步骤:
    • 从 open_set 中选择具有最小 f(n) 值的节点,其中 f(n) = g(n) + h(n)
    • 将该节点移出 open_set,并将其添加到 close_set
    • 如果选择的节点是目标节点,表示找到了最短路径,可以停止搜索
    • 否则,对该节点的相邻节点进行以下操作:
      • 如果相邻节点不在 open_set 和 close_set 中,将其添加到 open_set ,并更新其g(n)和h(n)值以及父节点
      • 如果相邻节点已经在 open_set 中,检查通过当前节点到达该相邻节点的路径是否更短,如果是,则更新相邻节点的g(n)值和父节点
    • 继续下一轮循环
  5. 如果 open_set 为空,表示没有找到最短路径,搜索失败
  6. 一旦找到最短路径,可以通过回溯每个节点的父节点来还原整条路径

这里的 open_set 和 close_set 其实就相当于 Dijkstra 算法中的 U 集和 S 集

初始时 S 集中只有起点,U 中是除起点外的其余顶点;open_set 初始时只有顶点,而 close_set 为空

Dijkstra 算法每次迭代时从 U 集中找出路径最短的顶点,并加入 S 集中,同时更新 U 集中顶点的路径及其 parent 节点;A* 算法从 open_set 中选取 f(n) 值最小的节点,加入 close_set,对其相邻节点进行操作,注意如果相邻节点已经在 open_set 中,检查通过当前节点到达该相邻节点的路径是否更短,如果是,则更新相邻节点的 g(n) 值和父节点,这是容易忽略的部分

其实 Dijkstra 算法在更新 U 集时也是更新刚加入 S 集顶点的相邻节点,检查通过当前节点到达该节点相邻节点的路径是否更短,因此 A* 算法也要有相应的操作


启发函数对 A* 算法有很重要的影响

  • 在极端情况下,当启发函数 h(n) 始终为0,则将由 g(n) 决定节点的优先级,此时算法就退化成了Dijkstra算法
  • 如果 h(n) 始终小于等于节点n到终点的代价,则A*算法保证一定能够找到最短路径。但是当h(n)的值越小,算法将遍历越多的节点,也就导致算法越慢
  • 如果h(n)完全等于节点n到终点的代价,则A*算法将找到最佳路径,并且速度很快。可惜并非所有场景下都能做到这一点。因为在没有达到终点之前,很难确切算出距离终点还有多远
  • 如果h(n)的值比节点n到终点的代价要,则A*算法不能保证找到最短路径,不过此时会很快
  • 在另外一个极端情况下,如果h(n)相较于g(n)大很多,则此时只有h(n)产生效果,这也就变成了最佳优先搜索



  • 如果图形中只允许朝上下左右四个方向移动,则可以使用曼哈顿距离(Manhattan distance)
  • 如果图形中允许朝八个方向移动,则可以使用对角距离
  • 如果图形中允许朝任何方向移动,则可以使用欧几里得距离(Euclidean distance)


A* 算法研究(附 Python / C++ 实现)_第2张图片


function heuristic(node) =
    dx = abs(node.x - goal.x)
    dy = abs(node.y - goal.y)
    return D * (dx + dy)


A* 算法研究(附 Python / C++ 实现)_第3张图片


function heuristic(node) =
    dx = abs(node.x - goal.x)
    dy = abs(node.y - goal.y)
    return D * (dx + dy) + (D2 - 2 * D) * min(dx, dy)



function heuristic(node) =
    dx = abs(node.x - goal.x)
    dy = abs(node.y - goal.y)
    return D * sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)

Python 实现


A* grid planning

author: Atsushi Sakai(@Atsushi_twi)
        Nikos Kanargias ([email protected])

See Wikipedia article (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A*_search_algorithm)


import math

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

show_animation = True

class AStarPlanner:

    def __init__(self, ox, oy, resolution, rr):
        Initialize grid map for a star planning

        ox: x position list of Obstacles [m]
        oy: y position list of Obstacles [m]
        resolution: grid resolution [m]
        rr: robot radius[m]

        self.resolution = resolution
        self.rr = rr
        self.min_x, self.min_y = 0, 0
        self.max_x, self.max_y = 0, 0
        self.obstacle_map = None
        self.x_width, self.y_width = 0, 0
        self.motion = self.get_motion_model()
        self.calc_obstacle_map(ox, oy)

    class Node:
        def __init__(self, x, y, cost, parent_index):
            self.x = x  # index of grid
            self.y = y  # index of grid
            self.cost = cost
            self.parent_index = parent_index

        def __str__(self):
            return str(self.x) + "," + str(self.y) + "," + str(
                self.cost) + "," + str(self.parent_index)

    def planning(self, sx, sy, gx, gy):
        A star path search

            s_x: start x position [m]
            s_y: start y position [m]
            gx: goal x position [m]
            gy: goal y position [m]

            rx: x position list of the final path
            ry: y position list of the final path

        start_node = self.Node(self.calc_xy_index(sx, self.min_x),
                               self.calc_xy_index(sy, self.min_y), 0.0, -1)
        goal_node = self.Node(self.calc_xy_index(gx, self.min_x),
                              self.calc_xy_index(gy, self.min_y), 0.0, -1)

        open_set, closed_set = dict(), dict()
        open_set[self.calc_grid_index(start_node)] = start_node

        while True:
            if len(open_set) == 0:
                print("Open set is empty..")

            c_id = min(
                key=lambda o: open_set[o].cost + self.calc_heuristic(goal_node,
            current = open_set[c_id]

            # show graph
            if show_animation:  # pragma: no cover
                plt.plot(self.calc_grid_position(current.x, self.min_x),
                         self.calc_grid_position(current.y, self.min_y), "xc")
                # for stopping simulation with the esc key.
                                             lambda event: [exit(
                                                 0) if event.key == 'escape' else None])
                if len(closed_set.keys()) % 10 == 0:

            if current.x == goal_node.x and current.y == goal_node.y:
                print("Find goal")
                goal_node.parent_index = current.parent_index
                goal_node.cost = current.cost

            # Remove the item from the open set
            del open_set[c_id]

            # Add it to the closed set
            closed_set[c_id] = current

            # expand_grid search grid based on motion model
            for i, _ in enumerate(self.motion):
                node = self.Node(current.x + self.motion[i][0],
                                 current.y + self.motion[i][1],
                                 current.cost + self.motion[i][2], c_id)
                n_id = self.calc_grid_index(node)

                # If the node is not safe, do nothing
                if not self.verify_node(node):

                if n_id in closed_set:

                if n_id not in open_set:
                    open_set[n_id] = node  # discovered a new node
                    if open_set[n_id].cost > node.cost:
                        # This path is the best until now. record it
                        open_set[n_id] = node

        rx, ry = self.calc_final_path(goal_node, closed_set)

        return rx, ry

    def calc_final_path(self, goal_node, closed_set):
        # generate final course
        rx, ry = [self.calc_grid_position(goal_node.x, self.min_x)], [
            self.calc_grid_position(goal_node.y, self.min_y)]
        parent_index = goal_node.parent_index
        while parent_index != -1:
            n = closed_set[parent_index]
            rx.append(self.calc_grid_position(n.x, self.min_x))
            ry.append(self.calc_grid_position(n.y, self.min_y))
            parent_index = n.parent_index

        return rx, ry

    def calc_heuristic(n1, n2):
        w = 1.0  # weight of heuristic
        d = w * math.hypot(n1.x - n2.x, n1.y - n2.y)
        return d

    def calc_grid_position(self, index, min_position):
        calc grid position

        :param index:
        :param min_position:
        pos = index * self.resolution + min_position
        return pos

    def calc_xy_index(self, position, min_pos):
        return round((position - min_pos) / self.resolution)

    def calc_grid_index(self, node):
        return (node.y - self.min_y) * self.x_width + (node.x - self.min_x)

    def verify_node(self, node):
        px = self.calc_grid_position(node.x, self.min_x)
        py = self.calc_grid_position(node.y, self.min_y)

        if px < self.min_x:
            return False
        elif py < self.min_y:
            return False
        elif px >= self.max_x:
            return False
        elif py >= self.max_y:
            return False

        # collision check
        if self.obstacle_map[node.x][node.y]:
            return False

        return True

    def calc_obstacle_map(self, ox, oy):

        self.min_x = round(min(ox))
        self.min_y = round(min(oy))
        self.max_x = round(max(ox))
        self.max_y = round(max(oy))
        print("min_x:", self.min_x)
        print("min_y:", self.min_y)
        print("max_x:", self.max_x)
        print("max_y:", self.max_y)

        self.x_width = round((self.max_x - self.min_x) / self.resolution)
        self.y_width = round((self.max_y - self.min_y) / self.resolution)
        print("x_width:", self.x_width)
        print("y_width:", self.y_width)

        # obstacle map generation
        self.obstacle_map = [[False for _ in range(self.y_width)]
                             for _ in range(self.x_width)]
        for ix in range(self.x_width):
            x = self.calc_grid_position(ix, self.min_x)
            for iy in range(self.y_width):
                y = self.calc_grid_position(iy, self.min_y)
                for iox, ioy in zip(ox, oy):
                    d = math.hypot(iox - x, ioy - y)
                    if d <= self.rr:
                        self.obstacle_map[ix][iy] = True

    def get_motion_model():
        # dx, dy, cost
        motion = [[1, 0, 1],
                  [0, 1, 1],
                  [-1, 0, 1],
                  [0, -1, 1],
                  [-1, -1, math.sqrt(2)],
                  [-1, 1, math.sqrt(2)],
                  [1, -1, math.sqrt(2)],
                  [1, 1, math.sqrt(2)]]

        return motion

def main():
    print(__file__ + " start!!")

    # start and goal position
    sx = 10.0  # [m]
    sy = 10.0  # [m]
    gx = 50.0  # [m]
    gy = 50.0  # [m]
    grid_size = 2.0  # [m]
    robot_radius = 1.0  # [m]

    # set obstacle positions
    ox, oy = [], []
    for i in range(-10, 60):
    for i in range(-10, 60):
    for i in range(-10, 61):
    for i in range(-10, 61):
    for i in range(-10, 40):
    for i in range(0, 40):
        oy.append(60.0 - i)

    if show_animation:  # pragma: no cover
        plt.plot(ox, oy, ".k")
        plt.plot(sx, sy, "og")
        plt.plot(gx, gy, "xb")

    a_star = AStarPlanner(ox, oy, grid_size, robot_radius)
    rx, ry = a_star.planning(sx, sy, gx, gy)

    if show_animation:  # pragma: no cover
        plt.plot(rx, ry, "-r")

if __name__ == '__main__':


E:\Junior\Code\path_plan_test\a_star_py\a_star_py\a_star_py.py start!!
min_x: -10
min_y: -10
max_x: 60
max_y: 60
x_width: 35
y_width: 35
Find goal

A* 算法主要体现在 planning() 函数中,过程与 A* 算法的描述是对应的

def planning(self, sx, sy, gx, gy):
        A star path search

            s_x: start x position [m]
            s_y: start y position [m]
            gx: goal x position [m]
            gy: goal y position [m]

            rx: x position list of the final path
            ry: y position list of the final path

        start_node = self.Node(self.calc_xy_index(sx, self.min_x),
                               self.calc_xy_index(sy, self.min_y), 0.0, -1)
        goal_node = self.Node(self.calc_xy_index(gx, self.min_x),
                              self.calc_xy_index(gy, self.min_y), 0.0, -1)

        open_set, closed_set = dict(), dict()
        open_set[self.calc_grid_index(start_node)] = start_node

        while True:
            if len(open_set) == 0:
                print("Open set is empty..")

            c_id = min(
                key=lambda o: open_set[o].cost + self.calc_heuristic(goal_node,
            current = open_set[c_id]

            # show graph
            if show_animation:  # pragma: no cover
                plt.plot(self.calc_grid_position(current.x, self.min_x),
                         self.calc_grid_position(current.y, self.min_y), "xc")
                # for stopping simulation with the esc key.
                                             lambda event: [exit(
                                                 0) if event.key == 'escape' else None])
                if len(closed_set.keys()) % 10 == 0:

            if current.x == goal_node.x and current.y == goal_node.y:
                print("Find goal")
                goal_node.parent_index = current.parent_index
                goal_node.cost = current.cost

            # Remove the item from the open set
            del open_set[c_id]

            # Add it to the closed set
            closed_set[c_id] = current

            # expand_grid search grid based on motion model
            for i, _ in enumerate(self.motion):
                node = self.Node(current.x + self.motion[i][0],
                                 current.y + self.motion[i][1],
                                 current.cost + self.motion[i][2], c_id)
                n_id = self.calc_grid_index(node)

                # If the node is not safe, do nothing
                if not self.verify_node(node):

                if n_id in closed_set:

                if n_id not in open_set:
                    open_set[n_id] = node  # discovered a new node
                    if open_set[n_id].cost > node.cost:
                        # This path is the best until now. record it
                        open_set[n_id] = node

        rx, ry = self.calc_final_path(goal_node, closed_set)

        return rx, ry

1、初始化起始节点和目标节点,并将起始节点添加到 open_set

		start_node = self.Node(self.calc_xy_index(sx, self.min_x),
                               self.calc_xy_index(sy, self.min_y), 0.0, -1)
        goal_node = self.Node(self.calc_xy_index(gx, self.min_x),
                              self.calc_xy_index(gy, self.min_y), 0.0, -1)

        open_set, closed_set = dict(), dict()
        open_set[self.calc_grid_index(start_node)] = start_node

2、当 open_set 为空时跳出 while 循环

				if len(open_set) == 0:
                print("Open set is empty..")

3、从 open_set 中选择具有最小 f(n) 值的节点

				c_id = min(
                key=lambda o: open_set[o].cost + self.calc_heuristic(goal_node,
            current = open_set[c_id]


				if current.x == goal_node.x and current.y == goal_node.y:
                print("Find goal")
                goal_node.parent_index = current.parent_index
                goal_node.cost = current.cost

5、将该节点移出 open_set,并将其添加到 close_set

			# Remove the item from the open set
            del open_set[c_id]

            # Add it to the closed set
            closed_set[c_id] = current


			# expand_grid search grid based on motion model
            for i, _ in enumerate(self.motion):
                node = self.Node(current.x + self.motion[i][0],
                                 current.y + self.motion[i][1],
                                 current.cost + self.motion[i][2], c_id)
                n_id = self.calc_grid_index(node)

                # If the node is not safe, do nothing
                if not self.verify_node(node):

                if n_id in closed_set:

                if n_id not in open_set:
                    open_set[n_id] = node  # discovered a new node
                    if open_set[n_id].cost > node.cost:
                        # This path is the best until now. record it
                        open_set[n_id] = node


rx, ry = self.calc_final_path(goal_node, closed_set)

C++ 实现

  1. 定义一个三维数组 path,用于存储每个位置的方格对应的“父方格”的坐标
  2. 二维数组 valF 保序每个方格目前情况下最小的 F 值
  3. 由于每次需要从 open 表中弹出的是F值最小的节点,选择使用优先队列来作为 open 表
  4. 定义 visit 二维数组作为 close 表,初始值false,对应位置为true时表示已经加入 close 表
#define N 6 // 棋盘/迷宫 的阶数 
using namespace std;

class Node
	int x, y; // 节点所在位置	
	int F, G, H; // G:从起点开始,沿着产的路径,移动到网格上指定方格的移动耗费。
				 // H:从网格上那个方格移动到终点B的预估移动耗费,使用曼哈顿距离。 
				 // F = G + H 
	Node(int a, int b) :x(a), y(b) {}

	// 重载操作符,使优先队列以F值大小为标准维持堆 
	bool operator < (const Node& a) const
		return F > a.F;

// 定义八个方向 
int dir[8][2] = { {-1,-1}, {-1, 0}, {-1, 1}, {0, -1},
		 {0, 1},  {1, -1}, {1, 0},  {1, 1} };
// 优先队列,就相当于open表 
// 棋盘
int qp[N][N] = { {0,0,0,0,0,0},
		 {1,1,0,0,0,0} };
bool visit[N][N]; // 访问情况记录,close表 
int valF[N][N];   // 记录每个节点对应的F值
int path[N][N][2]; // 存储每个节点的父节点

int Manhuattan(int x, int y, int x1, int y1); // 计算曼哈顿距离 
bool NodeIsLegal(int x, int y, int xx, int yy); // 判断位置合法性
void A_start(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1); // A*算法 
void PrintPath(int x1, int y1); // 打印路径

/* ----------------主函数------------------- */
int main()
	fill(visit[0], visit[0] + N * N, false); // 将visit数组赋初值false
	fill(valF[0], valF[0] + N * N, 0); // 初始化F全为0 
	fill(path[0][0], path[0][0] + N * N * 2, -1); // 路径同样赋初值-1 

	//  // 起点 // 终点
	int x0, y0, x1, y1;
	cout << "输入起点:";
	cin >> x0 >> y0;
	cout << "输入终点:";
	cin >> x1 >> y1;
	x0--; y0--; x1--; y1--;

	if (!NodeIsLegal(x0, y0, x0, y0))
		cout << "非法起点!" << endl;
		return 0;

	A_start(x0, y0, x1, y1);  // A*算法 
	PrintPath(x1, y1);        // 打印路径 

/* ----------------自定义函数------------------ */
void A_start(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1)
	// 初始化起点 
	Node node(x0, y0);
	node.G = 0;
	node.H = Manhuattan(x0, y0, x1, y1);
	node.F = node.G + node.H;
	valF[x0][y0] = node.F;
	// 起点加入open表 

	while (!que.empty())
		Node node_top = que.top(); que.pop();
		visit[node_top.x][node_top.y] = true; // 访问该点,加入closed表 
		if (node_top.x == x1 && node_top.y == y1) // 到达终点 

		// 遍历node_top周围的8个位置 
		for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
			Node node_next(node_top.x + dir[i][0], node_top.y + dir[i][1]); // 创建一个node_top周围的节点 
			// 该节点坐标合法 且 未加入close表 
			if (NodeIsLegal(node_next.x, node_next.y, node_top.x, node_top.y) && !visit[node_next.x][node_next.y])
				// 计算从起点并经过node_top节点到达该节点所花费的代价 
				node_next.G = node_top.G + int(sqrt(pow(dir[i][0], 2) + pow(dir[i][1], 2)) * 10);
				// 计算该节点到终点的曼哈顿距离
				node_next.H = Manhuattan(node_next.x, node_next.y, x1, y1);
				// 从起点经过node_top和该节点到达终点的估计代价
				node_next.F = node_next.G + node_next.H;

				// node_next.F < valF[node_next.x][node_next.y] 说明找到了更优的路径,则进行更新
				// valF[node_next.x][node_next.y] == 0 说明该节点还未加入open表中,则加入 
				if (node_next.F < valF[node_next.x][node_next.y] || valF[node_next.x][node_next.y] == 0)
					// 保存该节点的父节点 
					path[node_next.x][node_next.y][0] = node_top.x;
					path[node_next.x][node_next.y][1] = node_top.y;
					valF[node_next.x][node_next.y] = node_next.F; // 修改该节点对应的valF值 
					que.push(node_next); // 加入open表

void PrintPath(int x1, int y1)
	if (path[x1][y1][0] == -1 || path[x1][y1][1] == -1)
		cout << "没有可行路径!" << endl;
	int x = x1, y = y1;
	int a, b;
	while (x != -1 || y != -1)
		qp[x][y] = 2; // 将可行路径上的节点赋值为2 
		a = path[x][y][0];
		b = path[x][y][1];
		x = a;
		y = b;
	// □表示未经过的节点, █表示障碍物, ☆表示可行节点 
	string s[3] = { "□", "█", "☆" };
	for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
			cout << s[qp[i][j]] << "\t";
		cout << endl;

int Manhuattan(int x, int y, int x1, int y1)
	return (abs(x - x1) + abs(y - y1)) * 10;

bool NodeIsLegal(int x, int y, int xx, int yy)
	if (x < 0 || x >= N || y < 0 || y >= N) return false; // 判断边界 
	if (qp[x][y] == 1) return false; // 判断障碍物 
	// 两节点成对角型且它们的公共相邻节点存在障碍物 
	if (x != xx && y != yy && (qp[x][yy] == 1 || qp[xx][y] == 1)) return false;
	return true;


A* 算法研究(附 Python / C++ 实现)_第4张图片
