
[1/10 12:27 PM] Katarina Ernestus

Hey block 1! Today is the last day of the first week of interviews. For those of us that recruited last semester, we are almost there! Whether or not we get anything this semester, keep your head up and be PROUD of all the work you’ve done and how far we have all come. We will all end up with jobs that will lead to a successful and fruitful career, whether that be from this recruitment cycle or the next.

I can’t wait til we’re all back together again! In the mean time, enjoy yourselves, crush your interviews, and just remember that everything will work out!

[9:47 PM] Katarina Ernestus

Hey everyone! So there is an MBA exchange student that is with us this semester that has a consulting interview with Bain!! Very exciting, but unfortunately she doesn’t know anyone and doesn’t have anyone to case with. Please reach out to her if you are able to case! I personally can’t even imagine being in that position so I have already scheduled time to case with her. Her name is Emily Feng and feel free to message her here on teams
