

 * Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Zhang Ming (M. Zhang), [email protected]
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation, either version 2 or any later version.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
 *    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
 *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
 *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
 * more details. A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at:
 * http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses

 *                                   rls.h
 * Recursive Least Square Filter.
 * The RLS adaptive filter recursively finds the filter coefficients that
 * minimize a weighted linear least squares cost function relating to the
 * input signals. This in contrast to other algorithms such as the LMS that
 * aim to reduce the mean square error.
 * The input signal of RLS adaptive filter is considered deterministic,
 * while for the LMS and similar algorithm it is considered stochastic.
 * Compared to most of its competitors, the RLS exhibits extremely fast
 * convergence. However, this benefit comes at the cost of high computational
 * complexity, and potentially poor tracking performance when the filter to
 * be estimated changes.
 * This file includes five types usually used RLS algorithms, they are:
 * conventional RLS (rls),       stabilised fast transversal RLS (sftrls),
 * lattice RLS (lrls),           error feedblck lattice RLS (eflrls),
 * QR based RLS (qrrls).
 * Zhang Ming, 2010-10, Xi'an Jiaotong University.

#ifndef RLS_H
#define RLS_H

#include <vector.h>
#include <matrix.h>

namespace splab

    template<typename Type>
    Type rls( const Type&, const Type&, Vector<Type>&,
              const Type&, const Type& );

    template<typename Type>
    Type sftrls( const Type&, const Type&, Vector<Type>&,
                 const Type&, const Type&, const string& );

    template<typename Type>
    Type lrls( const Type&, const Type&, Vector<Type>&,
               const Type&, const Type&, const string& );

    template<typename Type>
    Type eflrls( const Type&, const Type&, Vector<Type>&,
                 const Type&, const Type&, const string& );

    template<typename Type>
    Type qrrls( const Type&, const Type&, Vector<Type>&,
                const Type&, const string& );

    #include <rls-impl.h>

// namespace splab

// RLS_H


 * Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Zhang Ming (M. Zhang), [email protected]
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation, either version 2 or any later version.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
 *    this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
 *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
 *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
 * more details. A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at:
 * http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses

 *                              rls-impl.h
 * Implementation for RLS Filter.
 * Zhang Ming, 2010-10, Xi'an Jiaotong University.

 * The conventional RLS algorighm. The parameter "lambda" is the Forgetting
 * Factor, the smaller "lambda" is, the smaller contribution of previous samples.
 * This makes the filter more sensitive to recent samples, which means more
 * fluctuations in the filter co-efficients. Suggesting range is: [0.8, 1.0].
 * The parametet "delta" is the value to initialeze the inverse of the Auto-
 * Relation Matrix of input signal, which can be chosen as an estimation of
 * the input signal power.
template <typename Type>
Type rls( const Type &xk, const Type &dk, Vector<Type> &wn,
          const Type &lambda, const Type &delta )
    assert( Type(0.8) <= lambda );
    assert( lambda <= Type(1.0) );

    int filterLen = wn.size();
    Vector<Type> vP(filterLen);
    Vector<Type> vQ(filterLen);

    static Vector<Type> xn(filterLen);
    static Matrix<Type> invR = eye( filterLen, Type(1.0/delta) );

    // updata input signal
    for( int i=filterLen; i>1; --i )
        xn(i) = xn(i-1);
    xn(1) = xk;

    // priori error
    Type ak = dk - dotProd(wn,xn);

    vQ = invR * xn;
    vP = vQ / (lambda+dotProd(vQ,xn));

    // updata Correlation-Matrix's inverse
    invR = (invR - multTr(vQ,vP)) / lambda;

    // update Weight Vector
    wn += ak * vP;
    //    wn += ak * (invR*xn);

    return dotProd(wn,xn);

 * Stabilized Fast Tranversal RLS
template <typename Type>
Type sftrls( const Type &xk, const Type &dk, Vector<Type> &wn,
             const Type &lambda, const Type &epsilon,
             const string &training )
    int filterLen = wn.size(),
        L = wn.size()-1;

    assert( Type(1.0-1.0/(2*L+2)) <= lambda );
    assert( lambda <= Type(1.0) );

    static Vector<Type> xn(filterLen), xnPrev(filterLen);

    const Type  k1 = Type(1.5),
                k2 = Type(2.5),
                k3 = Type(1.0);

    // initializing for begin
    Type    e, ep,
            ef, efp,
            eb1, eb2, ebp1, ebp2, ebp31, ebp32, ebp33;

    static Type gamma = 1,
                xiBmin = epsilon,
                xiFminInv = 1/epsilon;

    Vector<Type> phiExt(L+2);

    static Vector<Type> phi(filterLen),
                        wf(filterLen), wb(filterLen);

    // updata input signal
    xnPrev = xn;
    for( int i=1; i<=L; ++i )
        xn[i] = xnPrev[i-1];
    xn[0] = xk;

    if( training == "on" )
        // forward prediction error
        efp = xk - dotProd(wf,xnPrev);
        ef  = gamma * efp;

        phiExt[0] = efp * xiFminInv/lambda;
        for( int i=0; i<filterLen; ++i )
            phiExt[i+1] = phi[i] - phiExt[0]*wf[i];

        // gamma1
        gamma = 1 / ( 1/gamma + phiExt[0]*efp );

        // forward minimum weighted least-squares error
        xiFminInv = xiFminInv/lambda - gamma*phiExt[0]*phiExt[0];

        // forward prediction coefficient vector
        wf += ef * phi;

        // backward prediction errors
        ebp1 = lambda * xiBmin * phiExt[filterLen];
        ebp2 = xnPrev[L] - dotProd(wb,xn);
        ebp31 = (1-k1)*ebp1 + k1*ebp2;
        ebp32 = (1-k2)*ebp1 + k2*ebp2;
        ebp33 = (1-k3)*ebp1 + k3*ebp2;

        // gamma2
        gamma = 1 / ( 1/gamma - phiExt[filterLen]*ebp33 );

        // backward prediction errors
        eb1 = gamma * ebp31;
        eb2 = gamma * ebp32;

        // backward minimum weighted least-squares error
        xiBmin = lambda*xiBmin + eb2*ebp2;

        for( int i=0; i<filterLen; ++i )
            phi[i] = phiExt[i] + phiExt[filterLen]*wb[i];

        // forward prediction coefficient vector
        wb += eb1 * phi;

        // gamma3
        gamma = 1 / ( 1 + dotProd(phi,xn) );

        // Joint-Process Estimation
        ep = dk - dotProd(wn,xn);
        e  = gamma * ep;
        wn += e * phi;

    return dotProd(wn,xn);

 * Lattice RLS
template <typename Type>
Type lrls( const Type &xk, const Type &dk, Vector<Type> &vn,
           const Type &lambda, const Type &epsilon,
           const string &training )
    assert( Type(0.8) <= lambda );
    assert( lambda <= Type(1.0) );

    int filterLen = vn.size(),
        L = filterLen-1;

    // initializing for begin
    Vector<Type>    gamma(filterLen),
                    kb(L), kf(L),
                    xiBmin(filterLen), xiFmin(filterLen);

    static Vector<Type> delta(L), deltaD(filterLen),

    // initializing for Zeor Order
    gamma[0] = 1;
    xiBmin[0]= xk*xk + lambda*xiFminOld[0];
    xiFmin[0] = xiBmin[0];

    Type e = dk;
    Type ef = xk;
    eb[0] = xk;

    for( int j=0; j<L; ++j )
        // auxiliary parameters
        delta[j] = lambda*delta[j] + ebOld[j]*ef/gammaOld[j];
        gamma[j+1] = gamma[j] - eb[j]*eb[j]/xiBmin[j];

        // reflection coefficients
        kb[j] = delta[j] / xiFmin[j];
        kf[j] = delta[j] / xiBminOld[j];

        // prediction errors
        eb[j+1] = ebOld[j] - kb[j]*ef;
        ef -= kf[j]*ebOld[j];

        // minimum least-squares
        xiBmin[j+1] = xiBminOld[j] - delta[j]*kb[j];
        xiFmin[j+1] = xiFmin[j] - delta[j]*kf[j];

        // feedforward filtering
        if( training == "on" )
            deltaD[j] = lambda*deltaD[j] + e*eb[j]/gamma[j];
            vn[j] = deltaD[j] / xiBmin[j];
        e -= vn[j]*eb[j];

    // last order feedforward filtering
    if( training == "on" )
        deltaD[L] = lambda*deltaD[L] + e*eb[L]/gamma[L];
        vn[L] = deltaD[L] / xiBmin[L];
    e -= vn[L]*eb[L];

    // updated parameters
    gammaOld = gamma;
    ebOld = eb;
    xiFminOld = xiFmin;
    xiBminOld = xiBmin;

    return dk-e;

 * Error Feedback Lattice RLS
template <typename Type>
Type eflrls( const Type &xk, const Type &dk, Vector<Type> &vn,
             const Type &lambda, const Type &epsilon,
             const string &training )
    assert( Type(0.8) <= lambda );
    assert( lambda <= Type(1.0) );

    int filterLen = vn.size(),
        L = filterLen-1;

    // initializing for begin
    Vector<Type>    gamma(filterLen),
                    xiBmin(filterLen), xiFmin(filterLen);

    static Vector<Type> delta(L), deltaD(filterLen),
                        kb(L), kf(L),

    // initializing for Zeor Order
    gamma[0] = 1;
    xiBmin[0]= xk*xk + lambda*xiFminOld[0];
    xiFmin[0] = xiBmin[0];

    Type tmp = 0;
    Type e = dk;
    Type ef = xk;
    eb[0] = xk;

    for( int j=0; j<L; ++j )
        // auxiliary parameters
        delta[j] = lambda*delta[j] + ebOld[j]*ef/gammaOld[j];
        gamma[j+1] = gamma[j] - eb[j]*eb[j]/xiBmin[j];

        // reflection coefficients
        tmp = ebOld[j]*ef / gammaOld[j]/lambda;

        kb[j] = gamma[j+1]/gammaOld[j] * ( kb[j] + tmp/xiFminOld[j] );
	    kf[j] = gammaOld[j+1]/gammaOld[j] * ( kf[j] + tmp/xiBminOld2[j] ) ;

        // prediction errors
        eb[j+1] = ebOld[j] - kb[j]*ef;
        ef -= kf[j]*ebOld[j];

        // minimum least-squares
        xiBmin[j+1] = xiBminOld[j] - delta[j]*delta[j]/xiFmin[j];
        xiFmin[j+1] = xiFmin[j] - delta[j]*delta[j]/xiBminOld[j];

        // feedforward filtering
        if( training == "on" )
           vn[j] = gamma[j+1]/gamma[j] *
                   ( vn[j] + e*eb[j]/(lambda*gamma[j]*xiBminOld[j]) );

        e -= vn[j]*eb[j];

    // last order feedforward filtering
    if( training == "on" )
        vn[L] = (gamma[L]-eb[L]*eb[L]/xiBmin[L])/gamma[L] *
    e -= vn[L]*eb[L];

    // updated parameters
    gammaOld = gamma;
    ebOld = eb;
    xiBminOld2 = xiBminOld;
    xiBminOld = xiBmin;
    xiFminOld = xiFmin;

    return dk-e;

template <typename Type>
Type qrrls( const Type &xk, const Type &dk, Vector<Type> &wn,
            const Type &lambdaSqrt, const string &training )
    int filterLen = wn.size(),
		fL1 = filterLen+1;

    // initializing for begin
	static int k = 1;

	Type	dp, ep,
			c, cosTheta, sinTheta,

    static Type  sx1;

    Vector<Type> xp(filterLen);

    static Vector<Type> xn(filterLen), dn(filterLen), dq2p(filterLen);

	static Matrix<Type> Up(filterLen,filterLen);

	// updata input signal
	for( int i=filterLen; i>1; --i )
            xn(i) = xn(i-1);
        xn(1) = xk;

    if( training == "on" )
        // initializing for 0 to L iterations
        if( k <= filterLen )
            // updata Up
            for( int i=filterLen; i>1; --i )
                for( int j=1; j<=filterLen; ++j )
                    Up(i,j) = lambdaSqrt * Up(i-1,j);
            for( int j=1; j<=filterLen; ++j )
                    Up(1,j) = lambdaSqrt * xn(j);

            dn(k) = dk;
            for( int i=filterLen; i>1; --i )
                dq2p(i) = lambdaSqrt * dq2p(i-1);
            dq2p(1) = lambdaSqrt * dn(k);

            if( k == 1 )
                sx1 = xk;
                if( abs(sx1) > Type(1.0-6) )
                    sx1 = Type(1.0);

            // new Weight Vector
            wn(1) = dn(1) / sx1;
            if( k > 1 )
                for( int i=2; i<=k; ++i )
                    tmp = 0;
                    for( int j=2; j<=i; ++j )
                        tmp += xn(k-j+1)*wn(i-j+1);

                    wn(i) = (-tmp+dn(i)) / sx1;

            ep = dk - dotProd(wn,xn);

            xp = xn;
            gammap = 1;
            dp = dk;

            // Givens rotation
            for( int i=1; i<=filterLen; ++i )
                c = sqrt( Up(i,fL1-i)*Up(i,fL1-i) + xp(fL1-i)*xp(fL1-i) );
                cosTheta = Up(i,fL1-i) / c;
                sinTheta = xp(fL1-i) / c;
                gammap *= cosTheta;

                for( int j=1; j<=filterLen; ++j )
                    tmp = xp(j);
                    xp(j) = cosTheta*tmp - sinTheta*Up(i,j);
                    Up(i,j) = sinTheta*tmp + cosTheta*Up(i,j);

                tmp = dp;
                dp = cosTheta*tmp - sinTheta*dq2p(i);
                dq2p(i) = sinTheta*tmp + cosTheta*dq2p(i);

            ep = dp / gammap;

            // new Weight Vector
            wn(1) = dq2p(filterLen) / Up(filterLen,1);
            for( int i=2; i<=filterLen; ++i )
                tmp = 0;
                for( int j=2; j<=i; ++j )
                    tmp += Up(fL1-i,i-j+1) * wn(i-j+1);
                wn(i) = (-tmp+dq2p(fL1-i)) / Up(fL1-i,i);

            // updating internal variables
            Up *= lambdaSqrt;
            dq2p *= lambdaSqrt;

        return dk-ep;
        return dotProd(wn,xn);


 *                                   rls_test.cpp
 * RLS adaptive filter testing.
 * Zhang Ming, 2010-10, Xi'an Jiaotong University.


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <convolution.h>
#include <vectormath.h>
#include <random.h>
#include <rls.h>

using namespace std;
using namespace splab;

typedef float   Type;
const   int     N = 1000;
const   int     orderRls = 1;
const   int     orderLrls = 16;
const   int     orderTrls = 12;
const   int     orderQrrls = 8;
const   int     sysLen = 8;
const   int     dispNumber = 10;

int main()
    int start = max(0,N-dispNumber);
    Vector<Type>    dn(N), xn(N), yn(N), sn(N), rn(N), en(N),
                    hn(sysLen+1), gn(orderLrls+1), wn(orderRls+1);
    Type lambda, delta, eps;

    cout << "/**************  Conventional RLS  <--->  Waveform Tracking \
*************/" << endl << endl;
    for( int k=0; k<N; ++k )
        dn[k] = Type(sin(TWOPI*k/7));
        xn[k] = Type(cos(TWOPI*k/7));
    lambda = Type(0.99);
    delta = dotProd(xn,xn)/N;

    cout << "The last " << dispNumber << " iterations result:" << endl << endl;
    cout << "observed" << "\t" << "desired" << "\t\t" << "output" << "\t\t"
         << "adaptive filter" << endl << endl;
    for( int k=0; k<start; ++k )
        yn[k] = rls( xn[k], dn[k], wn, lambda, delta );
    for( int k=start; k<N; ++k )
        yn[k] = rls( xn[k], dn[k], wn, lambda, delta );
        cout << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setprecision(4)
             << xn[k] << "\t\t" << dn[k] << "\t\t" << yn[k] << "\t\t";
        for( int i=0; i<=orderRls; ++i )
            cout << wn[i] << "\t";
        cout << endl;
    cout << endl << "The theoretical optimal filter is:\t\t" << "-0.7972\t1.2788"
         << endl << endl << endl;

    cout << "/**************  Lattice RLS  <--->  Channel Equalization \
***************/" << endl << endl;
    for( int k=0; k<=sysLen; ++k )
        hn[k] = Type( 0.1 * pow(0.5,k) );
    dn = randn( 37, Type(0.0), Type(1.0), N );
    xn = wkeep( conv(dn,hn), N, "left" );
    lambda = Type(0.99), eps = Type(0.1);

    wn = Type(0.0);
    for( int k=0; k<N; ++k )
//        yn[k] = lrls( xn[k], dn[k], wn, lambda, eps, "on" );
        yn[k] = eflrls( xn[k], dn[k], wn, lambda, eps, "on" );
    Vector<Type> Delta(orderLrls+1);
    Delta[(orderLrls+1)/2] = Type(1.0);
    for( int k=0; k<=orderLrls; ++k )
//        gn[k] = lrls( Delta[k], Type(0.0), wn, lambda, eps, "off" );
        gn[k] = eflrls( Delta[k], Type(0.0), wn, lambda, eps, "off" );
    cout << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setprecision(4);
    cout << "The original system:   " << hn << endl;
    cout << "The inverse system:   " << gn << endl;
    cout << "The cascade system:   " << conv( gn, hn ) << endl << endl;

    cout << "/************  Transversal RLS  <--->  System Identification \
************/" << endl << endl;
    Vector<Type> sys(8);
    sys[0] = Type(0.1);   sys[1] = Type(0.3);   sys[2] = Type(0.0);   sys[3] = Type(-0.2);
    sys[4] = Type(-0.4);  sys[5] = Type(-0.7);  sys[6] = Type(-0.4);  sys[7] = Type(-0.2);
    xn = randn( 37, Type(0.0), Type(1.0), N );
    dn = wkeep( conv(xn,sys), N, "left" );
    lambda = Type(0.99), eps = Type(1.0);
    wn = Type(0.0);

    for( int k=0; k<start; ++k )
        yn[k] = sftrls( xn[k], dn[k], wn, lambda, eps, "on" );
    cout << "The last " << dispNumber << " iterations result:" << endl << endl;
    cout << "input signal" << "    " << "original system output" << "    "
         << "identified system output" << endl << endl;
    for( int k=start; k<N; ++k )
        yn[k] = sftrls( xn[k], Type(0.0), wn, lambda, eps, "off" );
        cout << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setprecision(4)
             << xn[k] << "\t\t\t" << dn[k] << "\t\t\t" << yn[k] << endl;
    cout << endl << "The unit impulse response of original system:   " << sys << endl;
    cout << "The unit impulse response of identified system:   " << wn << endl << endl;

    cout << "/***************  QR Based RLS  <--->  Signal Enhancement \
 ***************/" << endl << endl;
    sn = sin( linspace( Type(0.0), Type(4*TWOPI), N ) );
    rn = randn( 37, Type(0.0), Type(1.0), N );
    dn = sn + rn;
    int delay = orderQrrls/2;
    for( int i=0; i<N-delay; ++i )
        xn[i] = rn[i+delay];
    for( int i=N-delay; i<N; ++i )
        xn[i] = 0;
    Type lambdaSqrt = Type(1.0);
    wn = Type(0.0);

    for( int k=0; k<N; ++k )
        yn[k] = qrrls( xn[k], dn[k], wn, lambdaSqrt, "on" );
    en = dn - yn;
    for( int i=0; i<N/2; ++i )
        sn[i] = 0;
        rn[i] = 0;
        en[i] = 0;
    cout << "The last " << dispNumber << " iterations result:" << endl << endl;
    cout << "noised signal\t\t" << "enhanced signal\t\t" << "original signal"
         << endl << endl;
    for( int k=start; k<N; ++k )
        cout << setiosflags(ios::fixed) << setprecision(4)
             << dn[k] << "\t\t\t" << en[k] << "\t\t\t" << sn[k] << endl;
    cout << endl << "The SNR before denoising is:   "
         << 20*(log10(norm(sn))/log10(norm(rn))) << " dB" << endl;
    cout << "The SNR after denoising is:    "
         << 20*(log10(norm(en))/log10(norm(sn-en))) << " dB" << endl << endl;

    return 0;


/**************  Conventional RLS  <--->  Waveform Tracking *************/

The last 10 iterations result:

observed        desired         output          adaptive filter

-0.9010         0.4339          0.4339          -0.7975 1.2790
-0.9010         -0.4339         -0.4339         -0.7975 1.2790
-0.2225         -0.9749         -0.9749         -0.7975 1.2790
0.6235          -0.7818         -0.7818         -0.7975 1.2790
1.0000          0.0000          0.0000          -0.7975 1.2790
0.6235          0.7818          0.7818          -0.7975 1.2790
-0.2225         0.9749          0.9749          -0.7975 1.2790
-0.9010         0.4339          0.4339          -0.7975 1.2790
-0.9010         -0.4339         -0.4339         -0.7975 1.2790
-0.2225         -0.9749         -0.9749         -0.7975 1.2790

The theoretical optimal filter is:              -0.7972 1.2788

/**************  Lattice RLS  <--->  Channel Equalization ***************/

The original system:   size: 9 by 1

The inverse system:   size: 17 by 1

The cascade system:   size: 25 by 1

/************  Transversal RLS  <--->  System Identification ************/

The last 10 iterations result:

input signal    original system output    identified system output

1.5173                  -1.7206                 -1.7206
-0.9741                 -1.3146                 -1.3146
-1.4056                 -2.1204                 -2.1204
-0.9319                 -2.3165                 -2.3165
-0.5763                 -2.1748                 -2.1748
0.4665                  -1.2228                 -1.2228
0.5959                  0.7623                  0.7623
0.5354                  1.7904                  1.7904
-0.4990                 1.6573                  1.6573
-1.1519                 0.4866                  0.4866

The unit impulse response of original system:   size: 8 by 1

The unit impulse response of identified system:   size: 12 by 1

/***************  QR Based RLS  <--->  Signal Enhancement  ***************/

The last 10 iterations result:

noised signal           enhanced signal         original signal

1.2928                  -0.2263                 -0.2245
-1.1740                 -0.1998                 -0.1999
-1.5808                 -0.1748                 -0.1752
-1.0823                 -0.1469                 -0.1504
-0.7017                 -0.1039                 -0.1255
0.3660                  -0.0745                 -0.1005
0.5205                  -0.0628                 -0.0754
0.4851                  -0.0439                 -0.0503
-0.5242                 -0.0220                 -0.0252
-1.1519                 0.0058                  0.0000

The SNR before denoising is:   17.5084 dB
The SNR after denoising is:    121.1680 dB

Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.187 s
Press any key to continue.
