


2. 模块位于以及引用为

from carla.agents.navigation.behavior_agent import BehaviorAgent

agent = BehaviorAgent(ego_vehicle, behavior="cautious")

goal_spawn_points = world.get_map().get_spawn_points()[27]


if goal_spawn_points.location != agent.vehicle.get_location():

    destination = goal_spawn_points.location


    destination = goal_spawn_points.location

agent.set_destination(agent.vehicle.get_location(), destination, clean=True)

while True:


    if len(agent._local_planner.waypoints_queue)<1:

        print('======== Success, Arrivied at Target Point!')


    spectator = world.get_spectator()

    transform = ego_vehicle.get_transform()

    spectator.set_transform(carla.Transform(transform.location ++carla.Location(z=40),carla.Rotation(pitch=-90)))

    speed_limit = ego_vehicle.get_speed_limit()


    control = agent.run_step(debug=True)




def __init__(self, vehicle, ignore_traffic_light=False, behavior='normal'):



self._local_planner = LocalPlanner(self)

(3) BehaviorAgent中共有如下几个函数

a:   update_information(self):


 def update_information(self):
        This method updates the information regarding the ego
        vehicle based on the surrounding world.

b:    set_destination(self, start_location, end_location, clean=False):


 def set_destination(self, start_location, end_location, clean=False):
        This method creates a list of waypoints from agent's position to destination location
        based on the route returned by the global router.

            :param start_location: initial position
            :param end_location: final position
            :param clean: boolean to clean the waypoint queue

c:   reroute(self, spawn_points):


 def reroute(self, spawn_points):
        This method implements re-routing for vehicles approaching its destination.
        It finds a new target and computes another path to reach it.

            :param spawn_points: list of possible destinations for the agent

d:  _trace_route(self, start_waypoint, end_waypoint):

        依据起点和终点生成一个全局路径,利用GlobalRoutePlannerDAO,它的主要作用就是提取carla 地图的拓朴结构,并且在set_destination函数中,把这个全局路径赋LocalBehavior

def _trace_route(self, start_waypoint, end_waypoint):
        This method sets up a global router and returns the
        optimal route from start_waypoint to end_waypoint.

            :param start_waypoint: initial position
            :param end_waypoint: final position

e:traffic_light_manager(self, waypoint):


def traffic_light_manager(self, waypoint):
        This method is in charge of behaviors for red lights and stops.

        WARNING: What follows is a proxy to avoid having a car brake after running a yellow light.
        This happens because the car is still under the influence of the semaphore,
        even after passing it. So, the semaphore id is temporarely saved to
        ignore it and go around this issue, until the car is near a new one.

            :param waypoint: current waypoint of the agent

f: _overtake(self, location, waypoint, vehicle_list):


  def _overtake(self, location, waypoint, vehicle_list):
        This method is in charge of overtaking behaviors.

            :param location: current location of the agent
            :param waypoint: current waypoint of the agent
            :param vehicle_list: list of all the nearby vehicles

g: _tailgating(self, location, waypoint, vehicle_list):


def _tailgating(self, location, waypoint, vehicle_list):
        This method is in charge of tailgating behaviors.

            :param location: current location of the agent
            :param waypoint: current waypoint of the agent
            :param vehicle_list: list of all the nearby vehicles

h:collision_and_car_avoid_manager(self, location, waypoint):


def collision_and_car_avoid_manager(self, location, waypoint):
        This module is in charge of warning in case of a collision
        and managing possible overtaking or tailgating chances.

            :param location: current location of the agent
            :param waypoint: current waypoint of the agent
            :return vehicle_state: True if there is a vehicle nearby, False if not
            :return vehicle: nearby vehicle
            :return distance: distance to nearby vehicle

i:  pedestrian_avoid_manager(self, location, waypoint):


def pedestrian_avoid_manager(self, location, waypoint):
        This module is in charge of warning in case of a collision
        with any pedestrian.

            :param location: current location of the agent
            :param waypoint: current waypoint of the agent
            :return vehicle_state: True if there is a walker nearby, False if not
            :return vehicle: nearby walker
            :return distance: distance to nearby walker

j:car_following_manager(self, vehicle, distance, debug=False):


    def car_following_manager(self, vehicle, distance, debug=False):
        Module in charge of car-following behaviors when there's
        someone in front of us.

            :param vehicle: car to follow
            :param distance: distance from vehicle
            :param debug: boolean for debugging
            :return control: carla.VehicleControl

k:run_step(self, debug=False):


 def run_step(self, debug=False):
        Execute one step of navigation.

            :param debug: boolean for debugging
            :return control: carla.VehicleControl


