Project Cost Transactions Are Not Being Transferred To Project Costing

Project Cost Transactions Are Not Being Transferred To Project Costing [ID 445049.1]


Project cost are not being transferred to the project.

Costed transactions are being marked as 'not applicable' for the Transfer to Projects column, this prevents cost information from transferring to Project Costing.


Please confirm the following setup

1. Check the Project references box.When you check this box, the organization is Project References enabled. Project number and, optionally, task numbers can be associated with the transactions.

2. Select a Common Project. Selecting a common project enables you to track the cost of manufacturing transactions that have not been associated with a specific project. You can set up a different common project for each inventory organization.

3. Under Project, setup, PJM parameters, Cost Group option set value to "By Project". If the cost group option "Inventory" is chosen, cost collection is only supported for capital project transactions, and transactions will not be cost collected.

3. Cost Collection enabled. The cost collector can run in these organizations and post transactions into Projects interface for transactions belonging to this organization. INV-->Setup-->Organizations-->Parameters-->Costing Information

4. Associate Expenditure Types with Cost elements.A expenditure type for IN and another one for OUT has to be defined.
In expenditure types are used to cost the value of transfers into a project. Out expenditure types are used to cost the value of transfers out of a project. (Cost -> Setup -> Expenditure Types for Cost Elements form) 

IF the value of profile "INV: Project Miscellaneous Transaction Expenditure Type"? if it has been set
to User Entered, then check the Cost Element- Expenditure type association form, need to set the IN and OUT expenditure types for ALL cost elements.
If they have not then once again only Project Miscellaneous transactions will
be cost collected and all other transaction families will only be marked as "not applicable"

5. Define project cost groups and associate WIP accounting classes with each project cost group. For each project cost group, you must define five elemental subinventory valuation accounts, an average cost variance account, and an encumbrance account. You can use different accounts or the same account for all five elemental accounts.  The Cost Collector collects costs by project, task, and expenditure type. Associating expenditure types with cost subelements ensures that project manufacturing costs can be collected and transferred to Oracle Projects.

6. Set profile option: INV: Project Miscellaneous Transaction Expenditure Type to User Entry

Note: If the value of this profile option is set to System Defined, the process is not going to work as the system will be looking for a link between all cost elements and expenditure types, even though there is only material cost element and it is impossible to create other cost elements and link them to expenditure types. This is probably possible if Project Manufacturing is installed.
INV: Project Miscellaneous Transaction Expenditure Type (0:System defined, 1:User entered)

If the profile option 'INV: Project Miscellaneous Transaction Expenditure Type'
is set to : "User entered" , not defining expenditure types for all cost elements could cause
reported issue since only project miscelaneous transaction (transaction types with type_class = 1) will be cost collected, and Project Transfer is NOT a project miscelaneous transaction.

7. Run cost collection manager (SRS)
Path: INV--> Costs-->Accounting close cycle-->Project cost transfers
Parameters: Number of days to leave costs uncollected: 0

Note: You can choose here the number of whole days that you want to use as transfer time fence. For example if you choose 1 then the transactions of today will not be interfaced; if you choose 2 the transactions of yesterday and today will not be interfaced and so on.

The request will start the Cost Collection Manager and if it finds any costed material transactions with correct project information, it will start the Material Cost Collection Worker processes to insert records into the PA_TRANSACTION_INTERFACE_ALL.
The Cost collection manager will spawn the material cost collection worker if it finds any elegible material
transaction to be cost collected

8. Run Transaction Import in Project Accounting
Path: Projects-->Control-->Transaction Import-->Project Transaction Import -->Import Transactions
Parameters: Transaction Source: Inventory Misc, Batch: empty

9. Review imported or failed records
Path: Projects ->Control ->Transaction Import ->Project Transaction Import -> Review Transactions (form), if the records have been rejected, correct and re-import on line.

10. Check mtl_material_transactions table for PM_COST_COLLECTED FIELD and PM_COST_COLLECTOR_GROUP_ID fields to not null .

11. Is the item an Asset Item. Is the Subinventory an asset subinventory.
      Except for some transactions in PO family, only asset subinventories and asset items are transferred other
      scenarios are not supported, check the user's guide for eligibility, there is a section on that.

13. Oracle Project Manufacturing's Cost Collector allows you to transfer manufacturing costs to Oracle 
      Project. However, the manufacturing cost here means the cost of Work Order, inventory transactions and
      labor cost related to the WO.
     Sales Order is not considering as manufacturing cost, it goes to GL directly through Oracle Project.
     Please review Note 434704.1- Unable to Create Project Material Cost Transactions From Sales Order    
     Shipment and Note 238695.1- Internal Sales Order Not Interfacing To Projects

14. If the transaction has not crossed projects or at least cross tasks it is not eligible for cost collection, this is 
      in the User's Guide, chapter 8.
     Check fields source_project_id, source_task_id, and project_id and task_id in MMT, if they are the same 
      then it is not eligible to be transferred since there is no net change in the project.

15. Sales order issue and Internal Order issue transactions are not cost collected
      Sales Order Pick transaction is cost collected

     This is documented in Cost Management User's Guide section 7-21/8-21:
     "Transactions that are not cost collected include:
      • Sales order issues
      • Work in Process component issues from the same project/task as the project/task on the WIP job
      • Assembly completions
      • Average and standard cost updates
      • Job close and average cost variances
      • Scrap transactions

16 . For "Project transfer" transaction
       NAV:Inventory, Transactions, Borrow Payback transactions, Project Transfer

       The transaction that should be cost collect is the one with the negative quantity, it will create entries for 
        both Project and TO Project, or a single entry if this is from non project to project or vice versa.

        There are two transactions created for project transfer transaction. The distributions are all done against 
         the issue transaction and the cost collector collects the issue transaction. Hence the issue transaction 
         shows "Yes" in the "Transfer to Projects" field and the receipt shows "Not applicable" in the receipt  

         Set profile option: INV: Project Miscellaneous transaction to System Defined

Also review

Note 412562.1 How Cost Collector Transfers Cost To Projects


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