Betty CC2

                                  Process or result, which is more important?

Dear toastmasters and guests, I am Betty, so glad to meet you. This is my CC2 speech.

Supposing that I am jealous of Elena. I am about to shoot Elena when Sophie shoots me. Well, she is jealous of me. I am dead and Elena survives. Some of you may think Sophie is guilty because she kills me while others hold the opinion that Sophie is innocent because she saves Elena's life.

This is a classic case in criminal law which makes us to think about the relationship between process and result. There is no doubt that anyone expects a good result when doing something. However, sometimes we have spent much of our money and time but a result doesn't occur. Which is more important,result or process? Some people think that the process of doing something is more important than the result to come. Others consider they are favorable to the converse view.

In January this year, my visa for US traveling was refused. I missed the opportunity to take part in a winter camp in New York State. I have to say it was totally a bad news for me. I spent almost a month preparing for the documents that were needed for the visa, such as bank statement, enrollment certificate and academic report. After I got the refusal letter, I was upset and updated my moments. For some time in my life, I 'd like to share everything with others. Everyone knows that I am working hard and keeping fit. But that may not lead to a good result. One day, I fail. I am afraid of being told that I am stupid. So I learn to be silent. I wouldn't tell anyone what I am doing. Only when I achieve some goals, do I share with others.

Looking back, I find that the result is not the only criterion.when people start to set the goal, they will think about the result immediately. Of course, they want to get the best result. If people can predict the result, most of them will give up by knowing the unsuccessful ending. It seems that if the result is bad, what people work for is meaningless.

Last semester, not only was I preparing for CET6 test, but also for IELTS test. On weekdays, I memorized words, recited articles and did listening practice. I also took video lessons. On weekends, I went to IELTS school, where professional teachers taught me examination skills. My daily life was filled with vocabulary, grammar and essays. Can you believe that I spent 6 hours learning English everyday for over 3 months? Luckily, I got 632 points in CET6 test. I took IELTS test in March 24th and I just got an overall score of 5.5.

Two different results. Does that mean I am not proficient in English? Does that mean I am not fully devoted to learning? In my opinion, the process of fighting for the goal is much more important than the result. When we fight for our goal, we will do our best and try to improve ourselves,even we fail in the end. But when we look back at the beginning, we can find that we are no longer the childish ones, we have grown up and become mature.

I think that good result is a motivation that drives us work hard. Do not 100% percent focus on the result. Once you accomplish the process, stop complaining about the result and embark on another goal.

In the following months, I will take part in National English Contest for College students, Judicial Examination and Postgraduate Entrance Examination. I feel so much pressure. I know I may fail one or two exams. But I still have to spare no efforts to prepare for them.

What I want to tell you is that on the process of fighting, we get close to success, as the saying that failure is the mother of success. So don't treat the result so serious, just enjoy the process.


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