
Chapter 3 Cohesion


1. Generally, use the beginning of your sentences to refer to what you have already mentioned or knowledge that you can assume you and your reader readily share. (用前文提及的内容或读者熟悉的内容作为句子的起始)

2. Choose topics that will control your reader's point of view. (选择合适的主题以引导读者的认知)


1. Organize your sentences so that you open them with old information in the topic position, usually with a character as a subject. (以旧的信息起始每一句话,使故事的主要角色作为主语)

2. Then follow the subject with a verb that expresses a crucial action. (用紧跟主语的动词表述角色的主要行动)

3. Move complex information to the end of your sentence. (将复杂的信息移至句子的末尾)

4. Then be certain that your string of topics is consistent and appropriate. (确保句与句之间的主题前后连贯,合适)

5. At this point, your good judgment has to take control. (最后,根据自己的直觉判断进行修订以实现上述原则)


All local principles must yield to higher principles. (所有针对局部字句的写作原则都必须服从更高的流畅性和整体性的写作原则)

The real problem is to recognize those occasions when we should subordinate one principle to another. (真正的难点在于需要识别在什么条件下一个原则应当服从于另一个原则)

That's not something I can help you with. That knowledge comes only with expenence. (这种知识只能依靠经验了)

