Apache Doris的Rollup和前缀索引


  • 1. Aggregate表(Uniq表同理)添加rollup
  • 2. Duplicate表添加rollup
  • 3. key和前缀索引的关系、查询命中前缀索引的规则
    • 3.1 key和前缀索引的关系
    • 3.2 查询命中前缀索引的规则

1. Aggregate表(Uniq表同理)添加rollup

  1. 添加rollup
mysql> alter table table1 add rollup rollup_city(name, city_code, pv);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

  • 可以根据Base表创建任意个rollup表。也可以删除rollup表
  1. 查看添加rollup进度
mysql> show alter table rollup;
| JobId | TableName | CreateTime          | FinishTime          | BaseIndexName | RollupIndexName | RollupId | TransactionId | State    | Msg  | Progress | Timeout |
| 10741 | table1    | 2021-10-24 14:22:50 | 2021-10-24 14:23:15 | table1        | rollup_city     | 10742    | 15            | FINISHED |      | NULL     | 86400   |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

  • 可以对State为FINISHED的rollup进行撤销:CANCEL ALTER TABLE ROLLUP FROM table1;
  1. 查看表结构
mysql> desc table1 all;
| IndexName   | IndexKeysType | Field     | Type        | Null | Key   | Default | Extra | Visible |
| table1      | AGG_KEYS      | id        | INT         | Yes  | true  | 0       |       | true    |
|             |               | name      | VARCHAR(32) | Yes  | true  |         |       | true    |
|             |               | city_code | INT         | Yes  | true  | NULL    |       | true    |
|             |               | pv        | BIGINT      | Yes  | false | 0       | SUM   | true    |
|             |               |           |             |      |       |         |       |         |
| rollup_city | AGG_KEYS      | name      | VARCHAR(32) | Yes  | true  |         |       | true    |
|             |               | city_code | INT         | Yes  | true  | NULL    |       | true    |
|             |               | pv        | BIGINT      | Yes  | false | 0       | SUM   | true    |
8 rows in set (0.01 sec)

  • rollup其实就是对Aggregate表添加了一种更细粒度的聚合,间接添加了一种命中前缀索引情况,但rollup独立储存,所以增加了磁盘的使用,影响插入而提升查询
  • 命中rollup需满足的条件:
    1. select查询必须使用group by,且聚合方式和value列的一样。 如select name, city_code, sum(pv) from table1 group by name, city_code
    2. 且查询或者子查询中涉及的所有列都存在一张独立的Rollup中。如select city_code, name, sum(pv) from table1 group by city_code, nameselect city_code, sum(pv) from table1 group by city_code
    3. 如果查询或者子查询中有Join,则Join的类型需要是Inner join或left join。所以select a.name, a.city_code, sum(a.pv) from table1 a join table2 b on a.name = b.name group by a.name, a.city_code因为查询涉及到的列位于不同表,不符合条件2。如select a.name, a.city_code, sum(a.pv) from table1 a left join table1 b on a.name = b.name group by a.name, a.city_code,表b因为不符合条件1,不能命中rollup;表a能命中rollup
  • 如果多个rollup都满足命中rollup条件,则使用聚合数据量小的rollup
  • rollup中value列的聚合方式,与Base表一样
  • count(*)在任何条件下,都无法命中rollup
  • 会根据查询的SQL,自动判断是否使用rollup,可以通过explain select_sql进行分析,如下所示:
mysql> explain select name, city_code, sum(pv) from table1 group by name, city_code;
| Explain String                                                              |
| PLAN FRAGMENT 0                                                             |
|  OUTPUT EXPRS: `name` |  `city_code` |  sum(`pv`)   |
|   PARTITION: UNPARTITIONED                                                  |
|                                                                             |
|   RESULT SINK                                                               |
|                                                                             |
|   4:EXCHANGE                                                                |
|                                                                             |
| PLAN FRAGMENT 1                                                             |
|  OUTPUT EXPRS:                                                              |
|   PARTITION: HASH_PARTITIONED:  `name`,  `city_code`        |
|                                                                             |
|   STREAM DATA SINK                                                          |
|     EXCHANGE ID: 04                                                         |
|     UNPARTITIONED                                                           |
|                                                                             |
|   3:AGGREGATE (merge finalize)                                              |
|   |  output: sum( sum(`pv`))                                        |
|   |  group by:  `name`,  `city_code`                        |
|   |                                                                         |
|   2:EXCHANGE                                                                |
|                                                                             |
| PLAN FRAGMENT 2                                                             |
|  OUTPUT EXPRS:                                                              |
|   PARTITION: RANDOM                                                         |
|                                                                             |
|   STREAM DATA SINK                                                          |
|     EXCHANGE ID: 02                                                         |
|     HASH_PARTITIONED:  `name`,  `city_code`                 |
|                                                                             |
|   1:AGGREGATE (update serialize)                                            |
|   |  STREAMING                                                              |
|   |  output: sum(`pv`)                                                      |
|   |  group by: `name`, `city_code`                                          |
|   |                                                                         |
|   0:OlapScanNode                                                            |
|      TABLE: table1                                                          |
|      PREAGGREGATION: ON                                                     |
|      partitions=1/1                                                         |
|      rollup: rollup_city                                                    |
|      tabletRatio=10/10                                                      |
|      tabletList=10743,10747,10751,10755,10759,10763,10767,10771,10775,10779 |
|      cardinality=5                                                          |
|      avgRowSize=518.6                                                       |
|      numNodes=3                                                             |
45 rows in set (0.00 sec)


通过PREAGGREGATION来查看是否有聚合, 查看rollup看命中哪个rollup

2. Duplicate表添加rollup

对于Duplicate表添加rollup没有聚合的效果,只是添加了几个key, 间接添加了一种命中前缀索引情况

3. key和前缀索引的关系、查询命中前缀索引的规则


3.1 key和前缀索引的关系

  • key的形成:我们在建立Base表和rollup表都会形成key
  • 前缀索引的形成:在key的基础上形成前缀索引


Field Type Key Bytes
id bigint true 8
age bigint true 8
weight int true 4
name varchar(32) true 32
msg varchar(128) false 128

所以前缀索引的构成为: id + age + weight + name的前12个Byte


Field Type Key Bytes
name varchar(32) true 32
id bigint true 8
age bigint true 8
weight int true 4
msg varchar(128) false 128

所以前缀索引的构成为: name的前20个Byte

3.2 查询命中前缀索引的规则

在join中on的条件和where的条件的区别: 先对on的条件进行条件过滤,再生成join中间临时表,最后再进行where条件过滤

Apache Doris的前缀索引应用于on和where,且条件表达式需要是=、<、>、<=、>=、in、between,逻辑表达式需要是and



Base(k1 ,k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7)

rollup_index(k1 ,k2, k5)
  1. select * from tb1 where k2 = xxx,未匹配上
  2. select * from tb1 where k1 = xxx and k2 < xxx and k4 = xxx,匹配Base的k1、k2
  3. select * from tb1 where k1 = xxx and k2 > xxx and k3 in(xxx),匹配Base的k1、k2、k3
  4. select * from tb1 where k1 = xxx and k2 <= xxx and k5 between xxx and k6 = xxx,匹配rollup_index的k1、k2、k5
  5. select * from tb1 where k1 = xxx and k2 >= xxx and k5 = xxx,完全匹配rollup_index
  6. select * from tb1 where k1 = xxx and k2 = xxx,匹配Base的k1、k2,谁先创建优先匹配谁
  7. select * from tb1 where k1 = xxx and k2 = xxx and k3 = xxx and k4 not in xxx,匹配Base的k1、k2、k3
  8. select * from tb1 where (k1 = xxx and k2 = xxx) or k3 = xxx,未匹配上
