
Real AI Technology vs. Fake AI Technology

AI, ML, DL, automation and robotics are transforming our world. Understanding the nature of AI/ML/DL is the critical step in building real/genuine/true AI systems.

The domineering assumption of AI as emulating, mimicking, simulating, or replicating the human body/intelligence/brains/mind/behavior/business is scientifically unjustified and ethically harmful and existentially risky and should be discarded in the favor of non-human machine intelligence and learning as an alternative and augmenting intelligence (AAI).

AI must be upgraded as the transdisciplinary science and engineering of making intelligent machines, as complementing and augmenting human intelligence, individual and collective.

Today’s AI as machine learning techniques, deep learning algorithms and deep neural networks, foundation transformer models, large language models can’t make sense of, understand or interact with the world, namely, to identify its entities and interactions, causality and causation, its elements and structures, processes and mechanisms, rules and relationships, data and models, all what makes our world.

Relying on statistical regularities instead of causality leads to all sorts of decision and prediction errors, data and algorithmic biases, the lack of quality data, and implementation failings, or the absence of real machine intelligence and learning.
