

1、大家首先想到的可能是:Ask for leave.

比如:ask for a leave today;ask for a leave on Sep 5th.具体向某人请假可以说ask somebody for 3-days leave。举几个栗子:

① 他请了事假还是病假?Did he ask for sick leave or business leave?

② 你最好还是去请假,否则你可能有麻烦。You'd better ask for leave, or you may be in trouble.

③ 我妻子需要住院治疗,我能请两周的假吗?Can I ask for two-week leave?My wife needs hospital treatment.

2、另外常用的就是take time off,举几个栗子:

① You should take the day off. 你应该请假。

② I need to take two days off. 我需要请两天假。

③ Would it be possible for me to take next Tuesday off? 下周二我想请假,可以吗?

④ He is under intense pressure at work, so he is unable to take time off. 他工作压力很大,所以没法请假。
