成为 iOS 开发的核心技能

1. 成为 iOS 开发的核心技能

  1. Swift:语言

  2. SwiftUI:开发工具(旧的叫 UIKit)

  3. Working with data

  4. Networking

  5. Version control

2. 扩展技能

  1. UIKit

  2. Core Data:苹果的应用数据处理框架

  3. Testing

  4. Software architecture

  5. Multithreading

3. 学习资源


  1. Apple, Teaching Code site

Education - Schools - Teaching Code

  1. Apple, SwiftUI tutorials

Apple Developer Documentation

  1. The 100 Days of SwiftUI

The 100 Days of SwiftUI

  1. 100 Days of Swift (UIKit)

The 100 Days of Swift

YouTube and more

  1. Chris Ching


  1. Mark Moeykens


  1. Paul Hudson


  1. 其他


raywenderlich.com | High quality programming tutorials: iOS, Android, Swift, Kotlin, Flutter, Server Side Swift, Unity, and more!

Donny Wals – iOS developer, Speaker and Author

A weekly Swift Blog on Xcode and iOS Development

使用 App 学习

  1. Apple's Swift Playgrounds

  2. Unwrap


  1. Hacking with Swift Forums


  1. iOS Dev Happy Hour

iOS Dev Happy Hour


  1. Sean Allen

  2. Antoine van der Lee

  3. Novall Khan

  4. Steve Troughton-Smith

  5. Kaya Thomas

  6. Majid Jabrayilov

  7. Donny Wals

  8. Sommer Panage

  9. Natascha Fadeeva

  10. Paul Hudson


  1. iOS Dev Weekly

  2. https://www.hackingwithswift.com/forums

  3. iOS Dev Happy Hour

  4. WWDC - GitHub repository

  5. Slack - Hacking with Swift Slack group


  1. https://www.hackingwithswift.com/career-guide

  2. Sean Allen’s series of videos for Swift interview tips

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