实验四 SVM实验(模式识别与机器学习)









        要求:实现linearKernel.m;实现visualizeBoundaryLinear.m 函数中的部分代码


function sim = linearKernel(x1, x2)
%LINEARKERNEL returns a linear kernel between x1 and x2
%   sim = linearKernel(x1, x2) returns a linear kernel between x1 and x2
%   and returns the value in sim

% Ensure that x1 and x2 are column vectors
x1 = x1(:); x2 = x2(:);

% Compute the kernel

%%-----------填空: 计算线性核----------------------------------------------
sim = x1' * x2;  %点乘



function visualizeBoundaryLinear(X, y, model)
%VISUALIZEBOUNDARYLINEAR plots a linear decision boundary learned by the
%   VISUALIZEBOUNDARYLINEAR(X, y, model) plots a linear decision boundary 
%   learned by the SVM and overlays the data on it

% 可视化边界线性(X, y, 模型) 绘制线性决策边界
% 由 SVM 学习并在其上叠加数据
w = model.w;
b = model.b;
xp = linspace(min(X(:,1)), max(X(:,1)), 100); %创建一个由区间 [min,max] 中的 100 个等距点组成的向量。
yp =  -(w(1)*xp + b)/w(2);  % w(1)xp+w(2)x+b=0
plotData(X, y);
hold on;
plot(xp, yp, '-b'); 
hold off



%% Initialization
clear ; close all; clc

%% =============== Part 1: Loading and Visualizing Data ================
%  We start the exercise by first loading and visualizing the dataset. 
%  The following code will load the dataset into your environment and plot
%  the data.

fprintf('Loading and Visualizing Data ...\n')

% Load from ex6data1: 
% You will have X, y in your environment

% Plot training data
plotData(X, y);

fprintf('Program paused. Press enter to continue.\n');

% ==================== Part 2: Training Linear SVM ====================
% The following code will train a linear SVM on the dataset and plot the
% decision boundary learned.

% Load from ex6data1: 
% You will have X, y in your environment


fprintf('\nTraining Linear SVM ...\n')

% You should try to change the C value below and see how the decision
% boundary varies (e.sg., try C = 1000)
C = 1;
model = svmTrain(X, y, C, @linearKernel, 1e-3, 20);
visualizeBoundaryLinear(X, y, model);

fprintf('Program paused. Press enter to continue.\n');



        要求:实现gaussianKernel.m 函数



function sim = gaussianKernel(x1, x2, sigma)
%RBFKERNEL returns a radial basis function kernel between x1 and x2
%   sim = gaussianKernel(x1, x2) returns a gaussian kernel between x1 and x2
%   and returns the value in sim

% Ensure that x1 and x2 are column vectors
x1 = x1(:); x2 = x2(:);

% You need to return the following variables correctly.
sim = 0;

% ====================== YOUR CODE HERE ======================
% Instructions: Fill in this function to return the similarity between x1
%               and x2 computed using a Gaussian kernel with bandwidth
%               sigma
%%-----------填空: 计算高斯核----------------------------------------------
sim = exp(sum((x1 - x2) .^ 2) / 2 / sigma / sigma * (-1));

% =============================================================


%% =============== Part 1: Implementing Gaussian Kernel ===============
%  You will now implement the Gaussian kernel to use
%  with the SVM. You should complete the code in gaussianKernel.m
fprintf('\nEvaluating the Gaussian Kernel ...\n')

x1 = [1 2 1]; x2 = [0 4 -1]; sigma = 2;
sim = gaussianKernel(x1, x2, sigma);

fprintf(['Gaussian Kernel between x1 = [1; 2; 1], x2 = [0; 4; -1], sigma = 0.5 :' ...
         '\n\t%f\n(this value should be about 0.324652)\n'], sim);

fprintf('Program paused. Press enter to continue.\n');

%% =============== Part 2: Visualizing Dataset 2 ================
%  The following code will load the next dataset into your environment and 
%  plot the data. 

fprintf('Loading and Visualizing Data ...\n')

% Load from ex6data2: 
% You will have X, y in your environment

% Plot training data
plotData(X, y);

fprintf('Program paused. Press enter to continue.\n');

%% ========== Part 3: Training SVM with RBF Kernel (Dataset 2) ==========
%  After you have implemented the kernel, we can now use it to train the 
%  SVM classifier.
fprintf('\nTraining SVM with RBF Kernel (this may take 1 to 2 minutes) ...\n');

% Load from ex6data2: 
% You will have X, y in your environment

% SVM Parameters
C = 1000; sigma = 0.1;

% We set the tolerance and max_passes lower here so that the code will run
% faster. However, in practice, you will want to run the training to
% convergence.
model= svmTrain(X, y, C, @(x1, x2) gaussianKernel(x1, x2, sigma)); 
visualizeBoundary(X, y, model);

fprintf('Program paused. Press enter to continue.\n');


        实验步骤:使用交叉验证寻找最优的学习参数 C sigma,完成SVM的训练,


        要求:实现 cross_validation.m 函数部分代码


function [C, sigma] = cross_validation(X, y, Xval, yval, param)
%cross_validation returns your choice of C and sigma for Part 3 of the exercise
%where you select the optimal (C, sigma) learning parameters to use for SVM
%with RBF kernel
%   [C, sigma] = cross_validation(X, y, Xval, yval) returns your choice of C and 
%   sigma. You should complete this function to return the optimal C and 
%   sigma based on a cross-validation set.

% ====================== YOUR CODE HERE ======================
% Instructions: Fill in this function to return the optimal C and sigma
%               learning parameters found using the cross validation set.
%               You can use svmPredict to predict the labels on the cross
%               validation set. For example, 
%                   predictions = ...;
%               will return the predictions on the cross validation set.
%  Note: You can compute the prediction error using 

minError = 10000.0;

for CVal = param,
	for sigmaVal = param,
        model = svmTrain(X, y, CVal, @(x1, x2) gaussianKernel(x1, x2,sigmaVal));
		predictions = svmPredict(model, Xval);
        %sum(double(predictions ~= yval))
		error =mean(double(predictions ~= yval));
		if minError > error,
			minError = error;
			C = CVal;
			sigma = sigmaVal;

% =========================================================================



%% =============== Part 1: Visualizing Dataset 3 ================
%  The following code will load the next dataset into your environment and 
%  plot the data. 

fprintf('Loading and Visualizing Data ...\n')

% Load from ex6data3: 
% You will have X, y in your environment

% Plot training data
plotData(X, y);

fprintf('Program paused. Press enter to continue.\n');

%% ========== Part 2: Training SVM with RBF Kernel (Dataset 3) ==========

%  This is a different dataset that you can use to experiment with. Try
%  different values of C and sigma here.

% Load from ex6data3: 
% You will have X, y in your environment

% Try different SVM Parameters here
% Exercise cross-validation 
% Parameter set for C and sigma

param = [0.01 , 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, 10, 30];
[C, sigma] = cross_validation(X, y, Xval, yval, param); %X, y:training set; Xval,yval: Validation set
C , sigma

% Train the SVM
model= svmTrain(X, y, C, @(x1, x2) gaussianKernel(x1, x2, sigma));
visualizeBoundary(X, y, model);

fprintf('Program paused. Press enter to continue.\n');
