2018-12-16 清朝

Under the following Ch'ing dynasty (1644-1911), all of China again fell under non-Chinese rule, this time that of the Machus. Yet until the beginning of the nineteenth century it was one of the most prosperous period of Chinese hisory, and also one which saw definite advances in certain cultural fields, though declines in others. Politically, the empire was extented even beyond the frontiers which it has achieed under the Han and T'ang. Beginning in the early nineteenth century, however, Manchu power steadily decayed, and China's resulting internal weakness unfortunately coincided with the growing political and economic pressure of the industrialized West. These various developments influenced the field of thought also.
在清朝统治下,中国再度由非汉民族的满族统治.直到十九世纪之前,清朝统治的中国繁荣昌盛,版图甚至超过了汉唐; 在文化方面,有的领域有所前进,有的领域则出现衰退.十九世纪以后,清朝统治走下坡路,内部衰弱和西方工业国家的政治、经济压力接踵而来。这些发展对思想领域产生了相应的影响。

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