
3. Charles, an atheist, is writing a paper on the issue of prayer in public

schools. He is well acquainted with the arguments advanced by those who oppose such prayer but unfamiliar with the other side of the issue. Charles reasons that because the paper he produces will be his own, it would be not only distasteful but foolish for him to read material that he knows he disagrees with and will ultimately argue against. So he confines his research to articles and books that oppose all prayer in the schools. Do you agree or disagree with his reasoning? Explain.

4. Describe one or more situations in which you or someone you know

committed the error of the double standard. Explain the error in terms that someone who did not read this chapter would understand.

5. Describe one or more situations in which you or someone you know

committed the post hoc fallacy. Explain the error in terms that someone who did not read this chapter would understand.



