【计算机科学引论 Computing Essentials 2021】【名词术语】【第2章】

【计算机科学引论 Computing Essentials 2021】【名词术语】【第2章】_第1张图片


Match each numbered item with the most closely related lettered item. Write your answers in the spaces provided.


a. chat

b. C2C

c. communicating

d. e-mail

e. Internet

f. ISP

g. LinkedIn

h. microblog

i. search services

j. blog


1. The most popular Internet activity.
(Answer: c. communicating)

2. The most common way to access the Internet is through a(n) ___.
(Answer: f. ISP)

3. Transmission of electronic messages over the Internet.
(Answer: d. e-mail)

4. Two popular instant messaging services are Google Talk and Facebook ___.
(Answer: a. chat)

5. A business-oriented social networking site.
(Answer: g. LinkedIn)

6. Individual website to keep in touch with friends and family.
(Answer: c. communicating)

7. Publishes short sentences.
(Answer: h. microblog)

8. Maintain huge databases relating to information provided on the web and the Internet.
(Answer: i. search services)

9. Electronic commerce involving individuals selling to individuals.
(Answer: b. C2C)

10. The basic components of cloud computing are clients, service providers, and the ___.
(Answer: e. Internet)


《计算机科学引论(2021英文精编版)》,Timothy J. O’Leary, Linda I. O’Leary, Daniel A. O’Leary 著,北京,机械工业出版社,2020年9月。
