Android ImageView,使用Kotlin的ImageButton

In this tutorial, we’ll discuss and implement ImageView and ImageButton in our android application using Kotlin code.


什么是Android ImageView? (What is Android ImageView?)

ImageView is a subclass of the View class in Android. It is used to display images onto the screen.

ImageView是Android中View类的子类。 它用于在屏幕上显示图像。

The images can be a bitmap or a drawable resource file.


ImageView XML代码 (ImageView XML Code)

The basic syntax for an ImageView is:


The primary attributes of an ImageView are as follows:


  • The android:src attribute is used to set a drawable resource file.

  • android:background is used to set the background of the ImageView.

  • The android:scaleType is used to set the cropping/fitting style of the image.


用Kotlin代码创建ImageView (Creating ImageView in Kotlin Code)

We can create an ImageView object in the following Kotlin code.


val imageView = ImageView(this)

this represents the context in which the ImageView is visible. It can be activity/fragment.

this表示ImageView可见的上下文。 它可以是活动/片段。

To set a drawable on an ImageView programmatically we use:



什么是Android ImageButton? (What is Android ImageButton?)

An ImageButton is a subclass of an ImageView. It’s a Button + ImageView. An ImageButton cannot hold text.

ImageButton是ImageView的子类。 这是一个Button + ImageView。 ImageButton不能容纳文本。

All the attributes for the ImageView are applicable to an ImageButton too.


Just like Buttons, on an ImageButton we can set the OnClickListener as well as the OnLongClickListener event.


For an in-depth view of the XML attributes of the ImageView and ImageButton refer to the Android ImageView, ImageButton Tutorial.

要深入了解ImageView和ImageButton的XML属性,请参阅Android ImageView,ImageButton教程 。

多屏密度 (Multiple Screen Densities)

Screen density is different for different types of phones. A drawable file applicable for a screen size of 4.5 inches can get blurred when seen on a screen size of 5.5 or 6 inches. Hence, in order to keep the image intact for all kinds of devices, we can create different drawable folders.

对于不同类型的手机,屏幕密度是不同的。 当屏幕尺寸为5.5或6英寸时,适用于4.5英寸屏幕的可绘制文件可能会变得模糊。 因此,为了使各种设备的图像保持完整,我们可以创建不同的可绘制文件夹。

The drawable-ldpi, drawable-mdpi, drawable-hdpi, drawable-xhdpi, and drawable-xxhdpi are created for low, medium, high, extra high, and extra-extra high densities.


Running an application on the device, the Android SDK automatically detects the screen size and density and uses the appropriate image resource files from the drawable folder.

Android SDK在设备上运行应用程序后,会自动检测屏幕尺寸和密度,并使用可绘制文件夹中的相应图像资源文件。

如何生成不同屏幕密度的图像文件? (How to Generate Image Files for Different Screen Densities?)

We can use Android Asset Studio to create image resources for different densities.

我们可以使用Android Asset Studio创建不同密度的图像资源。

Alternatively, install the Android Drawable Importer plugin in Android Studio from the Preferences -> Plugins.

或者,从首选项->插件在Android Studio中安装Android Drawable Importer插件。

Go to “drawable | Batch Drawable” and import the images to have the proper image for every screen density.

转到“可绘制| 批处理可绘制”并导入图像,以适合每个屏幕密度的图像。

Set the density type for the current image and drawables for all the densities would be generated for the file.


Android ImageView ImageButton Kotlin项目 (Android ImageView ImageButton Kotlin Project)

We’ve added three sample images and used Drawable Importer to create files for each drawable density.

我们添加了三个示例图像,并使用Drawable Importer为每个可绘制密度创建文件。

XML布局代码 (XML Layout Code)

The code for the activity_main.xml class is given below.




We’ve used a FrameLayout. The ImageView occupies the complete screen and the ImageButton is set at the bottom of the layout.

我们使用了FrameLayout 。 ImageView占据整个屏幕,并且ImageButton设置在布局的底部。

Kotlin密码 (Kotlin Code)

The code for the MainActivity.kt Kotlin’s class is given below.

下面给出了MainActivity.kt Kotlin类的代码。

package net.androidly.androidiyimageviewsbuttons

import android.os.Bundle
import android.view.View
import android.widget.ImageButton
import android.widget.ImageView
import android.widget.Toast

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), View.OnClickListener {

    val sampleDrawables = intArrayOf(R.drawable.sample_1, R.drawable.sample_2, R.drawable.sample_3)

    var i = 0

    val scaleType = arrayListOf(ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_CROP, ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_CENTER, ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_CROP, ImageView.ScaleType.FIT_XY)

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {


    override fun onClick(p0: View?) {
        when (p0) {
            is ImageButton -> if (i == sampleDrawables.size) {
                i = 0
                imageView.colorFilter = null
            } else {
                imageView.colorFilter = null

            is ImageView -> {
                imageView.setColorFilter(ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.myColor))
                imageView.scaleType = scaleType.shuffled().take(1)[0]

            else -> Toast.makeText(applicationContext, "Neither ImageView nor ImageButton", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()

  • In the above code, we’ve created an array of Drawables and an ArrayList of ScaleType.

  • We’ve implemented the View.OnClickListener on the Activity class and set the OnClickListener on both ImageView and ImageButton.

  • Thanks to Kotlin Android Extensions, we don’t need to use findViewById to hook the XML ids in our Kotlin Activity.

    多亏了Kotlin Android扩展,我们不需要使用findViewById即可在我们的Kotlin活动中挂钩XML ID。
  • We’ve used a when statement to check the type of the View that’s clicked to trigger the action.

  • The ImageButton case must be kept above ImageView since every ImageButton is an ImageView. If it was kept below, the ImageButton click listener would have triggered the ImageView block in the when statement.

    由于每个ImageButton都是一个ImageView,因此必须将ImageButton的情况保留在ImageView上方。 如果将其保留在下面,则ImageButton单击侦听器将在when语句中触发ImageView块。
  • On ImageButton click, we set the next drawable on the ImageView from the array.

  • On ImageView click, we set the color filter over the ImageView using the colorFilter setter property. Also, we set a random scaleType on the ImageView from the arrayList by shuffling the array and taking the first element.

    单击ImageView时,我们使用colorFilter setter属性在ImageView上设置滤色器。 同样,我们通过改组数组并获取第一个元素,在arrayList的ImageView上设置一个随机的scaleType。

应用输出 (App Output)

The output of the above application in action is given below.


The scale type changes when the ImageView is clicked.


AndroidIyImageViewsButtons AndroidIyImageViewsButtons

To reduce the download size, we’ve removed the xxhdpi and xhdpi image resource files. Try building them using the Drawable Importer Plugin!

为了减小下载大小,我们删除了xxhdpi和xhdpi图像资源文件。 尝试使用Drawable Importer插件构建它们!

