

参数 说明 类型 默认值 必传
width 水印的宽度,默认值为 content 自身的宽度 number undefined false
height 水印的高度,默认值为 content 自身的高度 number undefined false
layout 水印的布局方式:平行布局 parallel; 交替布局 alternate ‘parallel’ | ‘alternate’ ‘alternate’ false
rotate 水印绘制时,旋转的角度,单位 ° number -22 false
zIndex 追加的水印元素的 z-index number 9 false
image 图片源,建议使用 2 倍或 3 倍图,优先级高于文字 string undefined false
content 水印文字内容 string | string[] ‘’ false
fullscreen 是否展示全屏 boolean false false
color 字体颜色 string ‘rgba(0,0,0,.15)’ false
fontSize 字体大小,单位px number 16 false
fontWeight 字体粗细 ‘normal’ | ‘light’ | ‘weight’ | number ‘normal’ false
fontFamily 字体类型 string ‘sans-serif’ false
fontStyle 字体样式 ‘none’ | ‘normal’ | ‘italic’ | ‘oblique’ ‘normal’ false
gap 水印之间的间距 [number, number] [100, 100] false
offset 水印距离容器左上角的偏移量,默认为 gap/2 [number, number] [50, 50] false




<script setup lang="ts">
import { unref, shallowRef, computed, watch, onMounted, onBeforeUnmount } from 'vue'
import type { CSSProperties } from 'vue'
interface Props {
  width?: number // 水印的宽度,默认值为 content 自身的宽度
  height?: number // 水印的高度,默认值为 content 自身的高度
  layout?: 'parallel'|'alternate' // 布局方式:平行布局,交替布局
  rotate?: number // 水印绘制时,旋转的角度,单位 °
  zIndex?: number // 追加的水印元素的 z-index
  image?: string // 图片源,建议使用 2 倍或 3 倍图,优先级高于文字
  content?: string|string[] // 水印文字内容
  fullscreen?: boolean // 是否展示全屏
  color?: string // 字体颜色
  fontSize?: number // 字体大小
  fontWeight?: 'normal'|'light'|'weight'|number // 	字体粗细
  fontFamily?: string // 字体类型
  fontStyle?: 'none'|'normal'|'italic'|'oblique' // 字体样式
  gap?: [number, number] // 水印之间的间距
  offset?: [number, number] // 水印距离容器左上角的偏移量,默认为 gap/2
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<Props>(), {
  width: undefined,
  height: undefined,
  layout: 'alternate',
  rotate: -22,
  zIndex: 9,
  image: undefined,
  content: '',
  fullscreen: false,
  color: 'rgba(0,0,0,.15)',
  fontSize: 16,
  fontWeight: 'normal',
  fontFamily: 'sans-serif',
  fontStyle: 'normal',
  gap: () => [100, 100],
  offset: () => [50, 50]
const FontGap = 3
// 和 ref() 不同,浅层 ref 的内部值将会原样存储和暴露,并且不会被深层递归地转为响应式。只有对 .value 的访问是响应式的。
const containerRef = shallowRef() // ref() 的浅层作用形式
const watermarkRef = shallowRef()
const htmlRef = shallowRef(document.documentElement) // 元素
const stopObservation = shallowRef(false)
const gapX = computed(() =>[0] ?? 100)
const gapY = computed(() =>[1] ?? 100)
const gapXCenter = computed(() => gapX.value / 2)
const gapYCenter = computed(() => gapY.value / 2)
const offsetLeft = computed(() => props.offset?.[0] ?? gapXCenter.value)
const offsetTop = computed(() => props.offset?.[1] ?? gapYCenter.value)
const BaseSize = computed(() => { // Base size of the canvas, 1 for parallel layout and 2 for alternate layout
  const layoutMap = {
    parallel: 1,
    alternate: 2
  return layoutMap[props.layout]
const markStyle = computed(() => {
  const markStyle: CSSProperties = {
    zIndex: props.zIndex ?? 9,
    position: 'absolute',
    left: 0,
    top: 0,
    width: '100%',
    height: '100%',
    pointerEvents: 'none',
    backgroundRepeat: 'repeat'
  /** Calculate the style of the offset */
  let positionLeft = offsetLeft.value - gapXCenter.value
  let positionTop = offsetTop.value - gapYCenter.value
  if (positionLeft > 0) {
    markStyle.left = `${positionLeft}px`
    markStyle.width = `calc(100% - ${positionLeft}px)`
    positionLeft = 0
  if (positionTop > 0) { = `${positionTop}px`
    markStyle.height = `calc(100% - ${positionTop}px)`
    positionTop = 0
  markStyle.backgroundPosition = `${positionLeft}px ${positionTop}px`
  return markStyle
function destroyWatermark () {
  if (watermarkRef.value) {
    watermarkRef.value = undefined
function appendWatermark (base64Url: string, markWidth: number) {
  if (containerRef.value && watermarkRef.value) {
    stopObservation.value = true
        backgroundImage: `url('${base64Url}')`,
        backgroundSize: `${(gapX.value + markWidth) * BaseSize.value}px`
    if (props.fullscreen) {
      htmlRef.value.setAttribute('style', 'position: relative')
    } else {
    // Delayed execution
    setTimeout(() => {
      stopObservation.value = false
// converting camel-cased strings to be lowercase and link it with Separator
function toLowercaseSeparator (key: string) {
  return key.replace(/([A-Z])/g, '-$1').toLowerCase()
function getStyleStr (style: CSSProperties): string {
  return Object.keys(style)
    .map((key: any) => `${toLowercaseSeparator(key)}: ${style[key]};`)
    .join(' ')
  Get the width and height of the watermark. The default values are as follows
  Image: [120, 64]; Content: It's calculated by content
function getMarkSize (ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) {
  let defaultWidth = 120
  let defaultHeight = 64
  const content = props.content
  const image = props.image
  const width = props.width
  const height = props.height
  const fontSize = props.fontSize
  const fontFamily = props.fontFamily
  if (!image && ctx.measureText) {
    ctx.font = `${Number(fontSize)}px ${fontFamily}`
    const contents = Array.isArray(content) ? content : [content]
    const widths = => ctx.measureText(item!).width)
    defaultWidth = Math.ceil(Math.max(...widths))
    defaultHeight = Number(fontSize) * contents.length + (contents.length - 1) * FontGap
  return [width ?? defaultWidth, height ?? defaultHeight] as const
// Returns the ratio of the device's physical pixel resolution to the css pixel resolution
function getPixelRatio () {
  return window.devicePixelRatio || 1
function fillTexts (
  ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D,
  drawX: number,
  drawY: number,
  drawWidth: number,
  drawHeight: number,
) {
  const ratio = getPixelRatio()
  const content = props.content
  const fontSize = props.fontSize
  const fontWeight = props.fontWeight
  const fontFamily = props.fontFamily
  const fontStyle = props.fontStyle
  const color = props.color
  const mergedFontSize = Number(fontSize) * ratio
  ctx.font = `${fontStyle} normal ${fontWeight} ${mergedFontSize}px/${drawHeight}px ${fontFamily}`
  ctx.fillStyle = color
  ctx.textAlign = 'center'
  ctx.textBaseline = 'top'
  ctx.translate(drawWidth / 2, 0)
  const contents = Array.isArray(content) ? content : [content]
  contents?.forEach((item, index) => {
    ctx.fillText(item ?? '', drawX, drawY + index * (mergedFontSize + FontGap * ratio))
function renderWatermark () {
  const canvas = document.createElement('canvas')
  const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')
  const image = props.image
  const rotate = props.rotate ?? -22
  if (ctx) {
    if (!watermarkRef.value) {
      watermarkRef.value = document.createElement('div')
    const ratio = getPixelRatio()
    const [markWidth, markHeight] = getMarkSize(ctx)
    const canvasWidth = (gapX.value + markWidth) * ratio
    const canvasHeight = (gapY.value + markHeight) * ratio
    canvas.setAttribute('width', `${canvasWidth * BaseSize.value}px`)
    canvas.setAttribute('height', `${canvasHeight * BaseSize.value}px`)

    const drawX = (gapX.value * ratio) / 2
    const drawY = (gapY.value * ratio) / 2
    const drawWidth = markWidth * ratio
    const drawHeight = markHeight * ratio
    const rotateX = (drawWidth + gapX.value * ratio) / 2
    const rotateY = (drawHeight + gapY.value * ratio) / 2
    /** Alternate drawing parameters */
    const alternateDrawX = drawX + canvasWidth
    const alternateDrawY = drawY + canvasHeight
    const alternateRotateX = rotateX + canvasWidth
    const alternateRotateY = rotateY + canvasHeight
    rotateWatermark(ctx, rotateX, rotateY, rotate)
    if (image) {
      const img = new Image()
      img.onload = () => {
        ctx.drawImage(img, drawX, drawY, drawWidth, drawHeight)
        /** Draw interleaved pictures after rotation */
        rotateWatermark(ctx, alternateRotateX, alternateRotateY, rotate)
        ctx.drawImage(img, alternateDrawX, alternateDrawY, drawWidth, drawHeight)
        appendWatermark(canvas.toDataURL(), markWidth)
      img.crossOrigin = 'anonymous'
      img.referrerPolicy = 'no-referrer'
      img.src = image
    } else {
      fillTexts(ctx, drawX, drawY, drawWidth, drawHeight)
      /** Fill the interleaved text after rotation */
      rotateWatermark(ctx, alternateRotateX, alternateRotateY, rotate)
      fillTexts(ctx, alternateDrawX, alternateDrawY, drawWidth, drawHeight)
      appendWatermark(canvas.toDataURL(), markWidth)
// Rotate with the watermark as the center point
function rotateWatermark(
  ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D,
  rotateX: number,
  rotateY: number,
  rotate: number
) {
  ctx.translate(rotateX, rotateY)
  ctx.rotate((Math.PI / 180) * Number(rotate))
  ctx.translate(-rotateX, -rotateY)
onMounted(() => {
  () => [props],
  () => {
    deep: true, // 强制转成深层侦听器
    flush: 'post' // 在侦听器回调中访问被 Vue 更新之后的 DOM
// Whether to re-render the watermark
function reRendering (mutation: MutationRecord, watermarkElement?: HTMLElement) {
  let flag = false
  // Whether to delete the watermark node
  if (mutation.removedNodes.length) {
    flag = Array.from(mutation.removedNodes).some(node => node === watermarkElement)
  // Whether the watermark dom property value has been modified
  if (mutation.type === 'attributes' && === watermarkElement) {
    flag = true
  return flag
function useMutationObserver (target: any, callback: MutationCallback, options: any) {
  let observer: MutationObserver | undefined
  const cleanup = () => {
    if (observer) {
      observer = undefined
  const stopWatch = watch(
    () => unref(target),
    el => {

      if (window && el) {
        observer = new MutationObserver(callback)
        observer!.observe(el, options)
    { immediate: true }
  const stop = () => {
  return {
onBeforeUnmount(() => {
function onMutate (mutations: MutationRecord[]) {
  if (stopObservation.value) {
  mutations.forEach(mutation => {
    if (reRendering(mutation, watermarkRef.value)) {
// 防止用户使用控制台隐藏、修改水印
useMutationObserver (props.fullscreen ? htmlRef : containerRef, onMutate, {
  subtree: true, // 监听以 target 为根节点的整个子树
  childList: true, // 监听 target 节点中发生的节点的新增与删除
  attributes: true, // 观察所有监听的节点属性值的变化
  attributeFilter: ['style', 'class'] // 声明哪些属性名会被监听的数组。如果不声明该属性,所有属性的变化都将触发通知。
  <div ref="containerRef" style="position: relative;">


<script setup lang="ts">
import Watermark from './Watermark.vue'
import { reactive, ref } from 'vue'
const model = reactive({
  content: 'Vue Amazing UI',
  layout: 'alternate',
  color: 'rgba(0,0,0,.15)',
  fontSize: 16,
  fontWeight: 400,
  zIndex: 9,
  rotate: -22,
  gap: [100, 100],
  offset: [50, 50]
const layoutOptions = [
    label: 'alternate',
    value: 'alternate'
    label: 'parallel',
    value: 'parallel'
const show = ref(false)
    <h1>Watermark 水印</h1>
    <h2 class="mt30 mb10">基本使用</h2>
    <Watermark content="Vue Amazing UI">
      <div style="height: 360px" />
    <h2 class="mt30 mb10">平行布局水印</h2>
    <Watermark layout="parallel" content="Vue Amazing UI">
      <div style="height: 360px" />
    <h2 class="mt30 mb10">多行水印</h2>
    <h3 class="mb10">通过 content 设置 字符串数组 指定多行文字水印内容。</h3>
    <Watermark :content="['Vue Amazing UI', 'Hello World']">
      <div style="height: 400px" />
    <h2 class="mt30 mb10">图片水印</h2>
    <h3 class="mb10">通过 image 指定图片地址。为保证图片高清且不被拉伸,请设置 width 和 height, 并上传至少两倍的宽高的 logo 图片地址。</h3>
      <div style="height: 360px" />
    <h2 class="mt30 mb10">全屏幕水印</h2>
    <Watermark v-if="show" fullscreen content="Vue Amazing UI"></Watermark>
    <Switch v-model:checked="show" />
    <h2 class="mt30 mb10">自定义配置</h2>
    <h3 class="mb10">通过自定义参数配置预览水印效果。</h3>
      <Watermark v-bind="model">
        <p class="u-paragraph">
          The light-speed iteration of the digital world makes products more complex. However, human
          consciousness and attention resources are limited. Facing this design contradiction, the
          pursuit of natural interaction will be the consistent direction of Ant Design.
        <p class="u-paragraph">
          Natural user cognition: According to cognitive psychology, about 80% of external
          information is obtained through visual channels. The most important visual elements in the
          interface design, including layout, colors, illustrations, icons, etc., should fully
          absorb the laws of nature, thereby reducing the user&apos;s cognitive cost and bringing
          authentic and smooth feelings. In some scenarios, opportunely adding other sensory
          channels such as hearing, touch can create a richer and more natural product experience.
        <p class="u-paragraph">
          Natural user behavior: In the interaction with the system, the designer should fully
          understand the relationship between users, system roles, and task objectives, and also
          contextually organize system functions and services. At the same time, a series of methods
          such as behavior analysis, artificial intelligence and sensors could be applied to assist
          users to make effective decisions and reduce extra operations of users, to save
          users&apos; mental and physical resources and make human-computer interaction more
          style=" position: relative; z-index: 1; width: 100%; max-width: 800px;"
          src="[email protected]/6.jpg"
          width: 25%;
          flex-shrink: 0;
          border-left: 1px solid #eee;
          padding-left: 20px;
          margin-left: 20px;
        <Input v-model:value="model.content" />
        <Radio :options="layoutOptions" v-model:value="model.layout" />
        <Input v-model:value="model.color" />
        <Slider v-model:value="model.fontSize" :step="1" :min="0" :max="100" />
        <InputNumber v-model:value="model.fontWeight" :step="100" :min="100" :max="1000" />
        <Slider v-model:value="model.zIndex" :step="1" :min="0" :max="100" />
        <Slider v-model:value="model.rotate" :step="1" :min="-180" :max="180" />
        <Space style="display: flex" align="baseline">
          <InputNumber v-model:value="[0]" :min="0" placeholder="gapX" />
          <InputNumber v-model:value="[1]" :min="0" placeholder="gapY" />
        <Space style="display: flex" align="baseline">
          <InputNumber v-model:value="model.offset[0]" :min="0" placeholder="offsetLeft" />
          <InputNumber v-model:value="model.offset[1]" :min="0" placeholder="offsetTop" />
.u-paragraph {
  margin-bottom: 1em;
  color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .88);
  word-break: break-word;
  line-height: 1.5714285714285714;
