

  1. , which encompasses two key areas – 包括两个方面
  2. a summary/recap of yesterday’s work and the overview/plan / my agenda for today. – 昨天的总结和今天的计划
  3. let’s move on to today’s report – 下面开始汇报
  4. First, I’ll touch on my activities from yesterday – 首先说昨天干了什么


  1. please bear with me if
  2. I appologize for any inconvenence this may arise
  3. sorry for being late
  4. some trouble on my way to work


  1. meticulously compared A wth B – 比较差异
  2. the latest desiner prototypes – 最新的原型图
  3. consueted with Mr. Yao to clarify any uncertainties, ensuring my understanding was accurate – 熟悉新需求
  4. to maintain high consistency with the design – 还原设计
  5. the backend data interface continues to be blocked – 接口依然阻塞
  6. conduct a self-testing (using…) – 自测
  7. part of the day / the rest/reminder of the day was (dedicated to)/(spent) doing sth – 剩下的时间做什么事
  8. proved to be quiet challenging – 相当的有挑战性
  9. Thanks to our effective communications, this process is currently going quiet smoothly – 高效沟通
  10. I participated in a user acceptance meeting led by Mr. Yao – 参加客户验收会议
  11. As I’m relatively new to this mobile project, the process has been somewhat slower compared to (my experience in the web development enviroments)
  12. Since the Figma prototypes were not yet complete, my initial step was to establish the framework of … This lays the groundwork fot efficient progress once the latest prototypes become available. – 被阻塞时候的策略


  1. once …, I plan to shift my attention/focus to… / Following that, – 接下来我要
  2. I remain vigilant and prepared to tackle any unforeseen complications that may arise during the debugging phases – 努力的修改bug
  3. integrate the data interface provided by … – 和…对接接口
  4. I’ll be working on doing sth. – 主要做某事
  5. submit ** for testing and promptly address any bugs that arises during this process – 提交之后动态修改bug
  6. I meticulously reviewed each feature to ensure functionality before submission – 提交测试之前检查
  7. My agenda is shaped by whether Mr. Yao has a presentation scheduled – 开发计划随宣讲
  8. My agenda is cotigent to receiving the updated prototypes – 开发计划随UI
  9. divide the tasks allocated/assigned to me for this (current) iteration. – 拆分任务
  10. In the absense of his presentation, … – 没有宣讲的话
  11. Thanks to Mz. Zhou’s guidance, I initialed work on the H5 end (within the H5 environment), be ready to make significant progress. – 在帮助下开展工作
  12. As for today / looking ahead to today / today’s agenda is dedicated to / For today / my objective is / my primary goal is – 今天要干嘛
  13. design the pages for / associated to / related to – 画页面
  14. As a result, I… – 因此导致了


  1. please feel free to share your thoughts – 征求反馈


  1. minor flaws – 小问题
  2. data interface / backend data interface – 后端接口
  3. a tech stack comprising A, B and C – 采用…技术栈
  4. better performance and user experience – 更好的性能和用户体验
  5. debug / troubleshooting – 改bug
  6. a seamless development process – 高效工作
  7. the modules I’ve been developing – 之前开发过的模块
  8. in the absense of … – 缺少资源
  9. real-world – 真实的
  10. my understanding of – 对…的理解
  11. gain a deeper understanding of – 对…的深入理解
  12. familiarize myself with / delve into / get acquainted with – 熟悉
  13. a quick heads-up – 小提示
  14. a wealth of pre-built components at our disposal – 好用的封装组件
  15. like / akin to – 类似于
  16. my experience in the web development environment – 在web端的开发经验
  17. newly added feature related to – 新增的和…有关的功能
  18. data interface issues – 接口问题
  19. establish the framework of … – 资源被阻塞时做一些框架工作
