BetaFlight Current Calibration Guide

BetaFlight Current Calibration Guide

Download link: BetaFlight_Current_Calibration_v2.xlsx

This is a guide for how to use this xlsx file.
If you want to know more about this file, please check BetaFlight开源代码之电流校准.

Step 1 Filling Pre-Set-Scale, and make sure Pre-Set-Offset is zero.
Step 2 5 points current test, filling [GroundStation] and [Y-PowerMeter] in green.
Step 3 Check the fitting curve y=Ax+B, which is close to real data set.
Step 4 Filling A and B to the corresponding row in gree.
Step 5 Check [GroundStation_Fit] and Deviation, which should be close to real value.

BetaFlight Current Calibration Guide_第1张图片

Note: Deviation should be quite large when current is below 1A.
