2018.7.6【Day322】今日所读:《Harry Potter1》P168-198


        Recalling my old days of pre-school, I'm wearing a smiling face. No worry, no homework, no blame from parents. But in the evening before school began, my parents got fight. The second day, I was almost late for school. And then the smell of the new books,all the new classmates and new teachers…That's exciting! Sometimes I wanna change. Change that can't do bad in my life. Believe it or not, everyone wants to change. Yes, the turning point is here.

        Harry and Ron had the similar experience and feelings of being neglected. When they met, something big would happen not long after.

        The new journey was out there. Be brave!

你可能感兴趣的:(2018.7.6【Day322】今日所读:《Harry Potter1》P168-198)