Optional Lab: Multiple Variable Linear Regression



  • 扩展数据结构以支持多维特征
  • 重写prediction、cost和gradient例程以支持多维特征
  • 利用NumPy的np.dot对其实现进行矢量化以提高速度和简洁性


In this lab, we will make use of:

  • NumPy, a popular library for scientific computing
  • Matplotlib, a popular library for plotting data
import copy, math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
np.set_printoptions(precision=2)  # reduced display precision on numpy arrays

Problem Statement

Optional Lab: Multiple Variable Linear Regression_第1张图片


X_train = np.array([[2104, 5, 1, 45], [1416, 3, 2, 40], [852, 2, 1, 35]])
y_train = np.array([460, 232, 178])

Matrix X Contain Our Examples

当有 m m m 个示例(在lab中m是3)和 n n n 个特征(在lab中n是4)时, X \mathbf{X} X 是一个具有维度( m m m, n n n)的矩阵(m rows, n columns)
X = ( x 0 ( 0 ) x 1 ( 0 ) ⋯ x n − 1 ( 0 ) x 0 ( 1 ) x 1 ( 1 ) ⋯ x n − 1 ( 1 ) ⋯ x 0 ( m − 1 ) x 1 ( m − 1 ) ⋯ x n − 1 ( m − 1 ) ) \mathbf{X} = \begin{pmatrix} x^{(0)}_0 & x^{(0)}_1 & \cdots & x^{(0)}_{n-1} \\ x^{(1)}_0 & x^{(1)}_1 & \cdots & x^{(1)}_{n-1} \\ \cdots \\ x^{(m-1)}_0 & x^{(m-1)}_1 & \cdots & x^{(m-1)}_{n-1} \end{pmatrix} X= x0(0)x0(1)x0(m1)x1(0)x1(1)x1(m1)xn1(0)xn1(1)xn1(m1)

  • x ( i ) \mathbf{x}^{(i)} x(i) is vector containing example i. x ( i ) \mathbf{x}^{(i)} x(i) = ( x 0 ( i ) , x 1 ( i ) , ⋯   , x n − 1 ( i ) ) = (x^{(i)}_0, x^{(i)}_1, \cdots,x^{(i)}_{n-1}) =(x0(i),x1(i),,xn1(i))
  • x j ( i ) x^{(i)}_j xj(i) 是示例 i 中的元素 j ,括号中的上标表示示例编号,下标表示元素
    Display the input data.
# data is stored in numpy array/matrix
print(f"X Shape: {X_train.shape}, X Type:{type(X_train)})")
print(f"y Shape: {y_train.shape}, y Type:{type(y_train)})")


X Shape: (3, 4), X Type:<class 'numpy.ndarray'>)
[[2104    5    1   45]
 [1416    3    2   40]
 [ 852    2    1   35]]
y Shape: (3,), y Type:<class 'numpy.ndarray'>)
[460 232 178]

Parameter Vector w, b

w \mathbf{w} w 是一个具有 n n n 个元素的向量
w = ( w 0 w 1 ⋯ w n − 1 ) \mathbf{w} = \begin{pmatrix} w_0 \\ w_1 \\ \cdots\\ w_{n-1} \end{pmatrix} w= w0w1wn1
b b b 是标量参数

为了示范, w \mathbf{w} w b b b 将加载一些接近最优的初始选择值, w \mathbf{w} w is a 1-D NumPy vector.

b_init = 785.1811367994083
w_init = np.array([ 0.39133535, 18.75376741, -53.36032453, -26.42131618])
print(f"w_init shape: {w_init.shape}, b_init type: {type(b_init)}")


w_init shape: (4,), b_init type: <class 'float'>

Model Prediction with Multiple Variables

linear model给出了具有多个特征的模型预测
f w , b ( x ) = w 0 x 0 + w 1 x 1 + . . . + w n − 1 x n − 1 + b (1) f_{\mathbf{w},b}(\mathbf{x}) = w_0x_0 + w_1x_1 +... + w_{n-1}x_{n-1} + b \tag{1} fw,b(x)=w0x0+w1x1+...+wn1xn1+b(1)
f w , b ( x ) = w ⋅ x + b (2) f_{\mathbf{w},b}(\mathbf{x}) = \mathbf{w} \cdot \mathbf{x} + b \tag{2} fw,b(x)=wx+b(2)
where ⋅ \cdot is a vector dot product


Single Prediction Element by Element

我们之前的预测是将一个特征值乘以一个参数,并加上一个偏差参数,对我们之前的预测实现的多维特征的直接扩展是用循环对每一个元素实现 (1) ,对其参数进行加法并在最后添加偏差参数

def predict_single_loop(x, w, b): 
    single predict using linear regression
      x (ndarray): Shape (n,) example with multiple features
      w (ndarray): Shape (n,) model parameters    
      b (scalar):  model parameter     
      p (scalar):  prediction
    n = x.shape[0]
    p = 0
    for i in range(n):
        p_i = x[i] * w[i]  
        p = p + p_i         
    p = p + b                
    return p
# get a row from our training data
x_vec = X_train[0,:]
print(f"x_vec shape {x_vec.shape}, x_vec value: {x_vec}")

# make a prediction
f_wb = predict_single_loop(x_vec, w_init, b_init)
print(f"f_wb shape {f_wb.shape}, prediction: {f_wb}")


x_vec shape (4,), x_vec value: [2104    5    1   45]
f_wb shape (), prediction: 459.9999976194083

Note the shape of x_vec. It is a 1-D NumPy vector with 4 elements, (4,). The result, f_wb is a scalar.

Single Prediction, Vector

注意,可以使用上述 (2) 中的点积来实现上述等式 (1) ,我们可以使用矢量运算来加快预测速度

def predict(x, w, b): 
    single predict using linear regression
      x (ndarray): Shape (n,) example with multiple features
      w (ndarray): Shape (n,) model parameters   
      b (scalar):             model parameter 
      p (scalar):  prediction
    p = np.dot(x, w) + b     
    return p    
# get a row from our training data
x_vec = X_train[0,:]
print(f"x_vec shape {x_vec.shape}, x_vec value: {x_vec}")

# make a prediction
f_wb = predict(x_vec,w_init, b_init)
print(f"f_wb shape {f_wb.shape}, prediction: {f_wb}")


x_vec shape (4,), x_vec value: [2104    5    1   45]
f_wb shape (), prediction: 459.9999976194082


Compute Cost with Multiple Variables

多维特征的cost function J ( w , b ) J(\mathbf{w},b) J(w,b) 如下
J ( w , b ) = 1 2 m ∑ i = 0 m − 1 ( f w , b ( x ( i ) ) − y ( i ) ) 2 (3) J(\mathbf{w},b) = \frac{1}{2m} \sum\limits_{i = 0}^{m-1} (f_{\mathbf{w},b}(\mathbf{x}^{(i)}) - y^{(i)})^2 \tag{3} J(w,b)=2m1i=0m1(fw,b(x(i))y(i))2(3)
f w , b ( x ( i ) ) = w ⋅ x ( i ) + b (4) f_{\mathbf{w},b}(\mathbf{x}^{(i)}) = \mathbf{w} \cdot \mathbf{x}^{(i)} + b \tag{4} fw,b(x(i))=wx(i)+b(4)
与之前的lab相比, w \mathbf{w} w x ( i ) \mathbf{x}^{(i)} x(i) 是支持多个特征的矢量而不是标量
下面是等式 (3) 和 (4) 的实现,请注意,this uses a standard pattern for this course where a for loop over all m examples is used.

def compute_cost(X, y, w, b): 
    compute cost
      X (ndarray (m,n)): Data, m examples with n features
      y (ndarray (m,)) : target values
      w (ndarray (n,)) : model parameters  
      b (scalar)       : model parameter
      cost (scalar): cost
    m = X.shape[0]
    cost = 0.0
    for i in range(m):                                
        f_wb_i = np.dot(X[i], w) + b           #(n,)(n,) = scalar (see np.dot)
        cost = cost + (f_wb_i - y[i])**2       #scalar
    cost = cost / (2 * m)                      #scalar    
    return cost
# Compute and display cost using our pre-chosen optimal parameters. 
cost = compute_cost(X_train, y_train, w_init, b_init)
print(f'Cost at optimal w : {cost}')


Cost at optimal w : 1.5578904330213735e-12

预期结果:最佳成本 w : 1.5578904045996674e-12

Gradient Descent with Multiple Variables

多维特征的gradient descent
repeat  until convergence:    {    w j = w j − α ∂ J ( w , b ) ∂ w j    for j = 0..n-1 b    = b − α ∂ J ( w , b ) ∂ b } \begin{align*} \text{repeat}&\text{ until convergence:} \; \lbrace \newline\; & w_j = w_j - \alpha \frac{\partial J(\mathbf{w},b)}{\partial w_j} \tag{5} \; & \text{for j = 0..n-1}\newline &b\ \ = b - \alpha \frac{\partial J(\mathbf{w},b)}{\partial b} \newline \rbrace \end{align*} repeat} until convergence:{wj=wjαwjJ(w,b)b  =bαbJ(w,b)for j = 0..n-1(5)

where, n is the number of features, parameters w j w_j wj, b b b, are updated simultaneously and where

∂ J ( w , b ) ∂ w j = 1 m ∑ i = 0 m − 1 ( f w , b ( x ( i ) ) − y ( i ) ) x j ( i ) ∂ J ( w , b ) ∂ b = 1 m ∑ i = 0 m − 1 ( f w , b ( x ( i ) ) − y ( i ) ) \begin{align} \frac{\partial J(\mathbf{w},b)}{\partial w_j} &= \frac{1}{m} \sum\limits_{i = 0}^{m-1} (f_{\mathbf{w},b}(\mathbf{x}^{(i)}) - y^{(i)})x_{j}^{(i)} \tag{6} \\ \frac{\partial J(\mathbf{w},b)}{\partial b} &= \frac{1}{m} \sum\limits_{i = 0}^{m-1} (f_{\mathbf{w},b}(\mathbf{x}^{(i)}) - y^{(i)}) \tag{7} \end{align} wjJ(w,b)bJ(w,b)=m1i=0m1(fw,b(x(i))y(i))xj(i)=m1i=0m1(fw,b(x(i))y(i))(6)(7)

  • m 四训练集中训练示例的数量

  • f w , b ( x ( i ) ) f_{\mathbf{w},b}(\mathbf{x}^{(i)}) fw,b(x(i)) is the model’s prediction, while y ( i ) y^{(i)} y(i) 是目标值

Compute Gradient with Multiple Variables

下面是用于计算等式 (6) 和 (7) 的实现方式,有很多方式可以实现这一点

  • ∂ J ( w , b ) ∂ b \frac{\partial J(\mathbf{w},b)}{\partial b} bJ(w,b) for the example can be computed directly and accumulated
  • in a second loop over all n features:
    - ∂ J ( w , b ) ∂ w j \frac{\partial J(\mathbf{w},b)}{\partial w_j} wjJ(w,b) is computed for each w j w_j wj.
def compute_gradient(X, y, w, b): 
    Computes the gradient for linear regression 
      X (ndarray (m,n)): Data, m examples with n features
      y (ndarray (m,)) : target values
      w (ndarray (n,)) : model parameters  
      b (scalar)       : model parameter
      dj_dw (ndarray (n,)): The gradient of the cost w.r.t. the parameters w. 
      dj_db (scalar):       The gradient of the cost w.r.t. the parameter b. 
    m,n = X.shape           #(number of examples, number of features)
    dj_dw = np.zeros((n,))
    dj_db = 0.

    for i in range(m):                             
        err = (np.dot(X[i], w) + b) - y[i]   
        for j in range(n):                         
            dj_dw[j] = dj_dw[j] + err * X[i, j]    
        dj_db = dj_db + err                        
    dj_dw = dj_dw / m                                
    dj_db = dj_db / m                                
    return dj_db, dj_dw
#Compute and display gradient 
tmp_dj_db, tmp_dj_dw = compute_gradient(X_train, y_train, w_init, b_init)
print(f'dj_db at initial w,b: {tmp_dj_db}')
print(f'dj_dw at initial w,b: \n {tmp_dj_dw}')


dj_db at initial w,b: -1.6739251122999121e-06
dj_dw at initial w,b: 
 [-2.73e-03 -6.27e-06 -2.22e-06 -6.92e-05]

dj_db at initial w,b: -1.6739251122999121e-06
dj_dw at initial w,b:
[-2.73e-03 -6.27e-06 -2.22e-06 -6.92e-05]

Gradient Descent with Multiple Variables

下面的例程实现上面的等式 (5)

def gradient_descent(X, y, w_in, b_in, cost_function, gradient_function, alpha, num_iters): 
    Performs batch gradient descent to learn theta. Updates theta by taking 
    num_iters gradient steps with learning rate alpha
      X (ndarray (m,n))   : Data, m examples with n features
      y (ndarray (m,))    : target values
      w_in (ndarray (n,)) : initial model parameters  
      b_in (scalar)       : initial model parameter
      cost_function       : function to compute cost
      gradient_function   : function to compute the gradient
      alpha (float)       : Learning rate
      num_iters (int)     : number of iterations to run gradient descent
      w (ndarray (n,)) : Updated values of parameters 
      b (scalar)       : Updated value of parameter 
    # An array to store cost J and w's at each iteration primarily for graphing later
    J_history = []
    w = copy.deepcopy(w_in)  #avoid modifying global w within function
    b = b_in
    for i in range(num_iters):

        # Calculate the gradient and update the parameters
        dj_db,dj_dw = gradient_function(X, y, w, b)   ##None

        # Update Parameters using w, b, alpha and gradient
        w = w - alpha * dj_dw               ##None
        b = b - alpha * dj_db               ##None
        # Save cost J at each iteration
        if i<100000:      # prevent resource exhaustion 
            J_history.append( cost_function(X, y, w, b))

        # Print cost every at intervals 10 times or as many iterations if < 10
        if i% math.ceil(num_iters / 10) == 0:
            print(f"Iteration {i:4d}: Cost {J_history[-1]:8.2f}   ")
    return w, b, J_history #return final w,b and J history for graphing

In the next cell you will test the implementation.

# initialize parameters
initial_w = np.zeros_like(w_init)
initial_b = 0.
# some gradient descent settings
iterations = 1000
alpha = 5.0e-7
# run gradient descent 
w_final, b_final, J_hist = gradient_descent(X_train, y_train, initial_w, initial_b,
                                                    compute_cost, compute_gradient, 
                                                    alpha, iterations)
print(f"b,w found by gradient descent: {b_final:0.2f},{w_final} ")
m,_ = X_train.shape
for i in range(m):
    print(f"prediction: {np.dot(X_train[i], w_final) + b_final:0.2f}, target value: {y_train[i]}")


Iteration    0: Cost  2529.46   
Iteration  100: Cost   695.99   
Iteration  200: Cost   694.92   
Iteration  300: Cost   693.86   
Iteration  400: Cost   692.81   
Iteration  500: Cost   691.77   
Iteration  600: Cost   690.73   
Iteration  700: Cost   689.71   
Iteration  800: Cost   688.70   
Iteration  900: Cost   687.69   
b,w found by gradient descent: -0.00,[ 0.2   0.   -0.01 -0.07] 
prediction: 426.19, target value: 460
prediction: 286.17, target value: 232
prediction: 171.47, target value: 178

b,w found by gradient descent: -0.00,[ 0.2 0. -0.01 -0.07]
prediction: 426.19, target value: 460
prediction: 286.17, target value: 232
prediction: 171.47, target value: 178

# plot cost versus iteration  
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, constrained_layout=True, figsize=(12, 4))
ax2.plot(100 + np.arange(len(J_hist[100:])), J_hist[100:])
ax1.set_title("Cost vs. iteration");  ax2.set_title("Cost vs. iteration (tail)")
ax1.set_ylabel('Cost')             ;  ax2.set_ylabel('Cost') 
ax1.set_xlabel('iteration step')   ;  ax2.set_xlabel('iteration step') 

Optional Lab: Multiple Variable Linear Regression_第2张图片



In this lab you:

  • Redeveloped the routines for linear regression, now with multiple variables.
  • Utilized NumPy np.dot to vectorize the implementations
