Concurrency in CSharp Cookbook中文翻译 第七章Testing测试

Testing is an essential part of software quality. Unit testing advocates have become common in recent years; it seems that you read or hear about it everywhere. Some promote test-driven development, a style of coding that ensures you have comprehensive tests when the application is complete. The benefits of unit testing on code quality and overall time to completion are well known, and yet many developers still don’t write unit tests.


I encourage you to write at least some unit tests. Start with the code in which you feel the least confidence. In my experience, unit tests have given me two main advantages:


Better understanding of the code. You know that part of the application that works but you have no idea how? It’s always kind of in the back of your mind when the really weird bug reports come in. Writing unit tests for code you find difficult is a great way to get a clear understanding of how it works. After writing unit tests describing its behavior, the code is no longer mysterious; you end up with a set of unit tests that describe its behavior and the dependencies that code has on the rest of the code.

更好地理解代码. 你知道应用程序运行的那部分,但你不知道如何运行?当真正奇怪的bug报告出现时,它总是在你的脑海里。为您觉得困难的代码编写单元测试是清晰理解其工作原理的好方法。在编写了描述其行为的单元测试后,代码不再神秘;你最终会得到一组单元测试,这些单元测试描述了它的行为以及代码对其他代码的依赖关系。

Greater confidence to make changes. Sooner or later, you’ll get that feature request that requires you to change the code that scares you, and you’ll no longer be able to pretend it isn’t there (I know how that feels; I’ve been there!). It’s best to be proactive: write the unit tests for the scary code before the feature request comes in. Once your unit tests are complete, you’ll have an early warning system that will alert you immediately if your changes break existing behavior. When you have a pull request, unit tests also give you greater confidence that the code changes don’t break existing behavior.

更有信心做出改变. 迟早,你会收到功能请求,要求你修改令你害怕的代码,而你将不再能够假装它不存在(我知道那是什么感觉;我也经历过!)最好是积极主动:在特性请求到来之前为可怕的代码编写单元测试。一旦您的单元测试完成,您将拥有一个早期预警系统,如果您的更改破坏了现有的行为,它将立即提醒您。当您有拉取请求时,单元测试还可以让您更加确信代码更改不会破坏现有的行为。

Both of these advantages apply to your own code just as much as others’ code. I’m sure there are other advantages, too. Does unit testing decrease the frequency of bugs? Most likely. Does unit testing reduce the overall time on a project? Possibly. But the advantages I’ve described are definite; I experience them every time I write unit tests. So, that’s my sales pitch for unit testing.


This chapter contains recipes that are all about testing. A lot of developers (even ones who normally write unit tests) shy away from testing concurrent code because they assume it’s hard. However, as these recipes will show, unit testing concurrent code isn’t as difficult as they think. Modern features and libraries, such as async and System.Reactive, have put a lot of thought into testing, and it shows. I encourage you to use these recipes to write unit tests, especially if you’re new to concurrency (i.e., the new concurrent code appears hard or scary).


7.1. Unit Testing async Methods 单元测试异步方法

Problem 问题

You have an async method that you need to unit test.


Solution 解决方案

Most modern unit test frameworks support async Task unit test methods, including MSTest, NUnit, and xUnit. MSTest began support for these tests with Visual Studio 2012. If you use another unit test framework, you may have to upgrade to the latest version.

大多数现代单元测试框架都支持异步任务单元测试方法,包括MSTest、NUnit和xUnit.MSTest从Visual Studio 2012开始支持这些测试。如果您使用另一个单元测试框架,您可能必须升级到最新版本。

Here is an example of an async MSTest unit test:


[TestMethod] public async Task MyMethodAsync_ReturnsFalse() 
	var objectUnderTest = ...; 
	bool result = await objectUnderTest.MyMethodAsync(); 

The unit test framework will notice that the return type of the method is Task and will intelligently wait for the task to complete before marking the test “successful” or “failed.”


If your unit test framework doesn’t support async Task unit tests, then it’ll need some help to wait for the asynchronous operation under test. One option is that you can use GetAwaiter().GetResult() to synchronously block on the task; if you then use GetAwaiter().GetResult() instead of Wait(), it avoids the AggregateException wrapper if the task has an exception. However, I prefer to use the AsyncContext type from the Nito.AsyncEx NuGet package:

如果单元测试框架不支持异步任务单元测试,那么它将需要一些帮助来等待被测的异步操作。一种选择是,您可以使用GetAwaiter().GetResult()来同步阻塞任务;如果您随后使用GetAwaiter(). getresult()而不是Wait(),那么如果任务有异常,它将避免使用AggregateException包装器。然而,我更喜欢使用Nito的AsyncContext类型。AsyncEx NuGet包:

public void MyMethodAsync_ReturnsFalse() 
	AsyncContext.Run(async () => 
		var objectUnderTest = ...; 
		bool result = await objectUnderTest.MyMethodAsync(); 

AsyncContext.Run will wait until all asynchronous methods complete.


Discussion 讨论

Mocking asynchronous dependencies can be a bit awkward at first. It’s a good idea to at least test how your methods respond to synchronous success (mocking with Task.FromResult), synchronous errors (mocking with Task.FromException), and asynchronous success (mocking with Task.Yield and a return value). You’ll find coverage of Task.FromResult and Task.FromException in Recipe 2.2. Task.Yield can be used to force asynchronous behavior, and is primarily useful for unit tests:

一开始,模拟异步依赖关系可能会有点尴尬。至少测试一下您的方法如何响应同步成功(用Task. fromresult进行模拟)、同步错误(用Task. fromexception进行模拟)和异步成功(用Task. fromexception进行模拟)是一个好主意。Yield和返回值)。您将在Recipe 2.2中找到对Task.FromResult和Task.FromException的介绍。Task.Yield可以用来强制异步行为,主要用于单元测试:

interface IMyInterface 
	Task SomethingAsync(); 

class SynchronousSuccess : IMyInterface 
	public Task SomethingAsync() 
		return Task.FromResult(13); 

class SynchronousError : IMyInterface 
	public Task SomethingAsync() 
		return Task.FromException(new InvalidOperationException()); 

class AsynchronousSuccess : IMyInterface
	public async Task SomethingAsync() 
		await Task.Yield(); // Force asynchronous behavior. 
		return 13; 

When testing asynchronous code, deadlocks and race conditions may surface more often than when testing synchronous code. I find the per-test timeout setting useful; in Visual Studio, you can add a test settings file to your solution that enables you to set individual test timeouts. The default value is quite high; I usually have a per-test timeout setting of two seconds.

在测试异步代码时,死锁和竞争条件可能比测试同步代码时更频繁地出现。我发现每个测试超时设置很有用;在Visual Studio中,您可以向解决方案添加测试设置文件,使您能够设置单独的测试超时。默认值相当高;我通常将每个测试的超时设置为两秒。

The AsyncContext type is in the Nito.AsyncEx NuGet package.


7.2.Unit Testing async Methods Expected to Fail单元测试异步方法可能会失败

Problem 问题

You need to write a unit test that checks for a specific failure of an async Task method.


Solution 解决方案

If you’re doing desktop or server development, MSTest does support failure testing via the regular ExpectedExceptionAttribute:


// Not a recommended solution; see below. 
public async Task Divide_WhenDenominatorIsZero_ThrowsDivideByZero() 
	await MyClass.DivideAsync(4, 0); 

However, this solution isn’t the best: ExpectedException is actually a poor design. The exception it expects may be thrown by any of the methods called by your unit test method. A better design checks that a particular piece of code throws that exception, not the unit test as a whole.


Most modern unit test frameworks include Assert.ThrowsAsync in some form. For example, you can use xUnit’s ThrowsAsync like this:

public async Task Divide_WhenDenominatorIsZero_ThrowsDivideByZero() 
	await Assert.ThrowsAsync(async () => 
		await MyClass.DivideAsync(4, 0); 

Do not forget to await the task returned by ThrowsAsync! The await will propagate any assertion failures that it detects. If you forget the await and ignore the compiler warning, your unit test will always silently succeed regardless of your method’s behavior.


Unfortunately, several other unit test frameworks don’t include an equivalent async-compatible ThrowsAsync. If you find yourself in this boat, create your own:


/// Ensures that an asynchronous delegate throws an exception. 
/// The type of exception to expect. 
/// The asynchronous delegate to test. 
/// Whether derived types should be accepted. 
public static async Task ThrowsAsync(Func action, bool allowDerivedTypes = true)where TException : Exception 
	try { 
		await action(); 
		var name = typeof(Exception).Name; 
		Assert.Fail($"Delegate did not throw expected exception {name}."); 
		return null; 
	} catch (Exception ex) 
		if (allowDerivedTypes && !(ex is TException)) 
			Assert.Fail($"Delegate threw exception of type {ex.GetType().Name}" + $", but {typeof(TException).Name} or a derived type was expected."); 
		if (!allowDerivedTypes && ex.GetType() != typeof(TException)) 
			Assert.Fail($"Delegate threw exception of type {ex.GetType().Name}" + $", but {typeof(TException).Name} was expected."); 
		return (TException)ex;
You can use the method just like it was any other Assert.ThrowsAsync method. Don’t forget to await the return value!

Discussion 讨论

Testing error handling is just as important as testing the successful scenarios. Some would even say more important, since the successful scenario is the one that everyone tries before the software is released. If your application behaves strangely, it will be due to an unexpected error situation.


However, I encourage developers to move away from ExpectedException. It’s better to test for an exception thrown at a specific point rather than testing for an exception at any time during the test. Instead of ExpectedException, use ThrowsAsync (or its equivalent in your unit test framework), or use the ThrowsAsync implementation, as in the last code example.


7.3.Unit Testing async void Methods单元测试异步void方法

Problem 问题

You have an async void method that you need to unit test.

您有一个需要进行单元测试的async void方法。

Solution 解决方案

Rather than solving this problem, you should do your dead-level best to avoid it. If it’s possible to change your async void method to an async Task method, then do so.

与其解决这个问题,不如尽最大努力避免它。如果可以将async void方法更改为async Task方法,那么就这样做。

If your method must be async void (e.g., to satisfy an interface method signature), then consider writing two methods: an async Task method that contains all the logic, and an async void wrapper that just calls the async Task method and awaits the result. The async void method satisfies the architecture requirements, while the async Task method (with all the logic) is testable.

如果你的方法必须是async void(例如,为了满足接口方法签名),那么考虑编写两个方法:一个包含所有逻辑的async Task方法,以及一个只调用async Task方法并等待结果的async void包装器。async void方法满足体系结构需求,而async Task方法(包含所有逻辑)是可测试的。

If it’s impossible to change your method and you must unit test an async void method, then there is a way to do it. You can use the AsyncContext class from the Nito.AsyncEx library:

如果不可能改变你的方法,你必须对async void方法进行单元测试,那么有一种方法可以做到这一点。你可以使用Nito的AsyncContext类。AsyncEx库:

// Not a recommended solution; see the rest of this section. 
public void MyMethodAsync_DoesNotThrow() 
	AsyncContext.Run(() => 
		var objectUnderTest = new Sut(); // ...; 

The AsyncContext type will wait until all asynchronous operations complete (including async void methods) and will propagate exceptions that they raise.

AsyncContext类型将等待所有异步操作完成(包括async void方法),并传播它们引发的异常。

The AsyncContext type is in the Nito.AsyncEx NuGet package.


Discussion 讨论

One of the key guidelines in async code is to avoid async void. I strongly recommend you refactor your code instead of using AsyncContext for unit testing async void methods.

异步代码的一个关键准则是避免async void。我强烈建议您重构代码,而不是使用AsyncContext进行单元测试async void方法。

7.4. Unit Testing Dataflow Meshes单元测试数据流网格

Problem 问题

You have a dataflow mesh in your application, and you need to verify it works correctly.


Solution 解决方案

Dataflow meshes are independent: they have a lifetime of their own and are asynchronous by nature. So, the most natural way to test them is with an asynchronous unit test. The following unit test verifies the custom dataflow block from Recipe 5.6:

数据流网格是独立的:它们有自己的生命周期,本质上是异步的。因此,最自然的测试方法是使用异步单元测试。下面的单元测试验证了Recipe 5.6中的自定义数据流块:

public async Task MyCustomBlock_AddsOneToDataItems() 
	var myCustomBlock = CreateMyCustomBlock(); 
	Assert.AreEqual(4, myCustomBlock.Receive()); 
	Assert.AreEqual(14, myCustomBlock.Receive()); 
	await myCustomBlock.Completion; 

Unit testing failures isn’t quite as straightforward, unfortunately. This is because exceptions in dataflow meshes are wrapped in another AggregateException each time they are propagated to the next block. The following example uses a helper method to ensure that an exception will discard data and propagate through the custom block:


public async Task MyCustomBlock_Fault_DiscardsDataAndFaults() 
	var myCustomBlock = CreateMyCustomBlock(); 
	(myCustomBlock as IDataflowBlock).Fault(new InvalidOperationException()); 
		await myCustomBlock.Completion; 
	catch (AggregateException ex) 
		AssertExceptionIs( ex.Flatten().InnerException, false); 

public static void AssertExceptionIs(Exception ex, bool allowDerivedTypes = true) 
	if (allowDerivedTypes && !(ex is TException)) 
		Assert.Fail($"Exception is of type {ex.GetType().Name}, but " + $"{typeof(TException).Name} or a derived type was expected."); 
		if (!allowDerivedTypes && ex.GetType() != typeof(TException)) 
			Assert.Fail($"Exception is of type {ex.GetType().Name}, but " + $"{typeof(TException).Name} was expected."); 

Discussion 讨论

Unit testing of dataflow meshes directly is doable, but somewhat awkward. If your mesh is a part of a larger component, then you may find that it’s easier to just unit test the larger component (implicitly testing the mesh). But if you’re developing a reusable custom block or mesh, then unit tests like the preceding ones should be used.


7.5. Unit Testing System.Reactive Observables单元测试 System.Reactive可观察对象

Problem 问题

Part of your program is using IObservable, and you need to find a way to unit test it.

Solution 解决方案

System.Reactive has a number of operators that produce sequences (e.g., Return) and other operators that can convert a reactive sequence into a regular collection or item (e.g., SingleAsync). You can use operators like Return to create stubs for observable dependencies, and operators like SingleAsync to test the output.


Consider the following code, which takes an HTTP service as a dependency and applies a timeout to the HTTP call:


public interface IHttpService 
	IObservable GetString(string url); 

public class MyTimeoutClass 
	private readonly IHttpService _httpService; 
	public MyTimeoutClass(IHttpService httpService) 
		_httpService = httpService; 
	public IObservable GetStringWithTimeout(string url) 
		return _httpService.GetString(url) .Timeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); 
The system under test is MyTimeoutClass, which consumes an observable dependency and produces an observable as output.The Return operator creates a cold sequence with a single element in it; you can use Return to build a simple stub. The SingleAsync operator returns a Task that is completed when the next event arrives. SingleAsync can be used for simple unit tests like the following:
class SuccessHttpServiceStub : IHttpService 
	public IObservable GetString(string url) 
		return Observable.Return("stub"); 

public async Task MyTimeoutClass_SuccessfulGet_ReturnsResult() 
	var stub = new SuccessHttpServiceStub(); 
	var my = new MyTimeoutClass(stub); 
	var result = await my.GetStringWithTimeout("") .SingleAsync(); 
	Assert.AreEqual("stub", result); 

Another operator important in stub code is Throw, which returns an observable that ends with an error. The operator enables us to unit test the error case as well. The following example uses the ThrowsAsync helper from Recipe 7.2:

存根代码中另一个重要的操作符是Throw,它返回一个以错误结束的可观察对象。操作符还使我们能够对错误情况进行单元测试。下面的例子使用了Recipe 7.2中的ThrowsAsync helper:

private class FailureHttpServiceStub : IHttpService
	public IObservable GetString(string url) 
		return Observable.Throw(new HttpRequestException()); 

public async Task MyTimeoutClass_FailedGet_PropagatesFailure() 
	var stub = new FailureHttpServiceStub(); 
	var my = new MyTimeoutClass(stub); 
	await ThrowsAsync(async () => 
		await my.GetStringWithTimeout("") .SingleAsync(); 

Discussion 讨论

Return and Throw are great for creating observable stubs, and SingleAsync is an easy way to test observables with async unit tests. They’re a good combination for simple observables, but they don’t hold up well once you start dealing with time. For example, if you wanted to test the timeout capability of MyTimeoutClass, the unit test would have to wait for that amount of time. That, however, would be a poor approach: it makes your unit tests unreliable by introducing a race condition, and it doesn’t scale well as you add more unit tests. Recipe 7.6 covers a special way that System.Reactive empowers you to stub out time itself.


7.6. Unit Testing System.Reactive Observables with Faked Scheduling用假调度对System.Reactive可观察对象进行单元测试

Problem 问题

You have an observable that is dependent on time, and want to write a unit test that is not dependent on time. Observables that depend on time include ones that use timeouts, windowing/buffering, and throttling/sampling. You want to unit test these but do not want your unit tests to have excessive runtimes.


Solution 解决方案

It’s certainly possible to put delays in your unit tests; however, there are two problems with that approach: 1) the unit tests take a long time to run, and 2) there are race conditions because the unit tests all run at the same time, making timing unpredictable.

The System.Reactive (Rx) library was designed with testing in mind; in fact, the Rx library itself is extensively unit tested. To enable thorough unit testing, Rx introduced a concept called a scheduler, and every Rx operator that deals with time is implemented using this abstract scheduler.

To make your observables testable, you need to allow your caller to specify the scheduler. For example, you can take the MyTimeoutClass from Recipe 7.5 and add a scheduler:



要使可观察对象可测试,需要允许调用方指定调度器。例如,你可以从Recipe 7.5中获取MyTimeoutClass并添加一个调度器:

public interface IHttpService 
	IObservable GetString(string url); 

public class MyTimeoutClass 
	private readonly IHttpService _httpService; 
	public MyTimeoutClass(IHttpService httpService) 
		_httpService = httpService; 
	public IObservable GetStringWithTimeout(string url, IScheduler scheduler = null) 
		return _httpService.GetString(url) .Timeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), scheduler ?? Scheduler.Default); 

Next, you can modify your HTTP service stub so that it also understands scheduling, then introduce a variable delay:


private class SuccessHttpServiceStub : IHttpService 
	public IScheduler Scheduler 
	public TimeSpan Delay 
	public IObservable GetString(string url) 
		return Observable.Return("stub") .Delay(Delay, Scheduler);

Now you can go ahead and use TestScheduler, a type included in the System.Reactive library. TestScheduler gives you powerful control over (virtual) time.

现在您可以继续使用TestScheduler,这是系统中包含的一种System.Reactive library. TestScheduler为您提供了对(虚拟)时间的强大控制。

TestScheduler is in a separate NuGet package from the rest of System.Reactive; you’ll need to install the Microsoft.Reactive.Testing NuGet package.

TestScheduler在一个独立的NuGet包中,与System.Reactive的其余部分分开;你需要安装Microsoft.Reactive.Testing NuGet包。

TestScheduler gives you complete control over time, but you often just need to set up your code and then call TestScheduler.Start. Start will virtually advance time until everything is done. A simple success test case could look like the following:

TestScheduler为您提供了对时间的完全控制,但您通常只需要设置代码,然后调用TestScheduler. Start. Start实际上会提前完成所有事情。一个简单的成功测试用例可能如下所示:

public void MyTimeoutClass_SuccessfulGetShortDelay_ReturnsResult() 
	var scheduler = new TestScheduler(); 
	var stub = new SuccessHttpServiceStub 
		Scheduler = scheduler, 
		Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5), 
	var my = new MyTimeoutClass(stub); 
	string result = null; 
	my.GetStringWithTimeout("", scheduler) .Subscribe(r => { result = r; }); 
	Assert.AreEqual("stub", result); 

The code simulates a network delay of half a second. It’s important to note that this unit test does not take half a second to run; on my machine, it takes about 70 milliseconds. The half-second delay only exists in virtual time. The other notable difference in this unit test is that it isn’t asynchronous; since you’re using TestScheduler, all your tests can complete immediately.Now that everything is using test schedulers, it’s easy to test timeout situations:


public void MyTimeoutClass_SuccessfulGetLongDelay_ThrowsTimeoutException() 
	var scheduler = new TestScheduler(); 
	var stub = new SuccessHttpServiceStub 
		Scheduler = scheduler, 
		Delay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.5), 
	var my = new MyTimeoutClass(stub); 
	Exception result = null; 
	my.GetStringWithTimeout("", scheduler) .Subscribe(_ => Assert.Fail("Received value"), ex => { result = ex; }); 
	Assert.IsInstanceOfType(result, typeof(TimeoutException)); 

Once again, the preceding unit test does not take 1 second (or 1.5 seconds) to run; it executes immediately using virtual time.


Discussion 讨论

In this recipe we’ve just scratched the surface on System.Reactive schedulers and virtual time. I recommend that you start unit testing when you start writing System.Reactive code; as your code grows more and more complex, you can rest assured that Microsoft.Reactive.Testing is capable of handling it.


TestScheduler also has AdvanceTo and AdvanceBy methods, which enable you to gradually step through virtual time. These may be useful in some situations, but you should strive to have your unit tests only test one thing. To test a timeout, you could write a single unit test that partially advanced the TestScheduler and ensured that the timeout didn’t happen early, and then advanced the TestScheduler past the timeout value and ensured that the timeout did happen. However, I prefer to run separate unit tests as much as possible; for example, one unit test ensuring that the timeout didn’t happen early, and a different unit test ensuring that the timeout did happen later.

