frida https抓包

web端导入证书、https代理即可解决大部分需求,但是,有些app需要处理ssl pinning验证。

废话不多说。frida处理ssl pin的步骤大体如下。

  1. 安装python3.x,并在python环境中安装frida:
pip install frida
pip install frida-tools


  1. 下载frida-server,并使用adb命令push到/data/local/tmp目录下,并运行:
adb push frida-server /data/local/tmp

chmod 777 ./frida-server


注意:此处的 f r i d a − s e r v e r 和 f r i d a 的版本号必须要一致,否则会提示如下错误: \color{red}注意:此处的frida-server和frida的版本号必须要一致,否则会提示如下错误: 注意:此处的fridaserverfrida的版本号必须要一致,否则会提示如下错误:

frida https抓包_第1张图片

frida https抓包_第2张图片

  1. 执行如下命令,即可hook并绕过app对ssl pin的检测:
frida -U -f packagename -l ./ssl.js --no-pause


Java.perform(function() {
hook list:
6.JSSE\_security\_config (android 7.0+)
8.Apache Http client (support partly)
	// Attempts to bypass SSL pinning implementations in a number of
	// ways. These include implementing a new TrustManager that will
	// accept any SSL certificate, overriding OkHTTP v3 check()
	// method etc.
	var X509TrustManager = Java.use('');
	var HostnameVerifier = Java.use('');
	var SSLContext = Java.use('');
	var quiet_output = false;
	// Helper method to honor the quiet flag.
	function quiet_send(data) {
		if (quiet_output) {
	// Implement a new TrustManager
	// ref:
	// Java.registerClass() is only supported on ART for now(201803). 所以android 4.4以下不兼容,4.4要切换成ART使用.
06-07 16:15:38.541 27021-27073/mi.sslpinningdemo W/System.err: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Required method checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[], String, String, String) missing
06-07 16:15:38.542 27021-27073/mi.sslpinningdemo W/System.err:     at
        at mi.ssl.MiPinningTrustManger.(
06-07 16:15:38.543 27021-27073/mi.sslpinningdemo W/System.err:     at mi.sslpinningdemo.OkHttpUtil.getSecPinningClient(
        at mi.sslpinningdemo.OkHttpUtil.get(
        at mi.sslpinningdemo.MainActivity$1$
	var X509Certificate = Java.use("");
	var TrustManager;
	try {
		TrustManager = Java.registerClass({
			name: 'org.wooyun.TrustManager',
			implements: [X509TrustManager],
			methods: {
				checkClientTrusted: function(chain, authType) {},
				checkServerTrusted: function(chain, authType) {},
				getAcceptedIssuers: function() {
					// var certs = [X509Certificate.$new()];
					// return certs;
					return [];
	} catch (e) {
		quiet_send("registerClass from X509TrustManager >>>>>>>> " + e.message);
	// Prepare the TrustManagers array to pass to SSLContext.init()
	var TrustManagers = [TrustManager.$new()];
	try {
		// Prepare a Empty SSLFactory
		var TLS_SSLContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
		TLS_SSLContext.init(null, TrustManagers, null);
		var EmptySSLFactory = TLS_SSLContext.getSocketFactory();
	} catch (e) {
	send('Custom, Empty TrustManager ready');
	// Get a handle on the init() on the SSLContext class
	var SSLContext_init = SSLContext.init.overload(
		'[;', '[;', '');
	// Override the init method, specifying our new TrustManager
	SSLContext_init.implementation = function(keyManager, trustManager, secureRandom) {
		quiet_send('Overriding SSLContext.init() with the custom TrustManager');, null, TrustManagers, null);
	/*** okhttp3.x unpinning ***/
	// Wrap the logic in a try/catch as not all applications will have
	// okhttp as part of the app.
	try {
		var CertificatePinner = Java.use('okhttp3.CertificatePinner');
		quiet_send('OkHTTP 3.x Found');
		CertificatePinner.check.overload('java.lang.String', 'java.util.List').implementation = function() {
			quiet_send('OkHTTP 3.x check() called. Not throwing an exception.');
	} catch (err) {
		// If we dont have a ClassNotFoundException exception, raise the
		// problem encountered.
		if (err.message.indexOf('ClassNotFoundException') === 0) {
			throw new Error(err);
	// Appcelerator Titanium PinningTrustManager
	// Wrap the logic in a try/catch as not all applications will have
	// appcelerator as part of the app.
	try {
		var PinningTrustManager = Java.use('appcelerator.https.PinningTrustManager');
		send('Appcelerator Titanium Found');
		PinningTrustManager.checkServerTrusted.implementation = function() {
			quiet_send('Appcelerator checkServerTrusted() called. Not throwing an exception.');
	} catch (err) {
		// If we dont have a ClassNotFoundException exception, raise the
		// problem encountered.
		if (err.message.indexOf('ClassNotFoundException') === 0) {
			throw new Error(err);
	/*** okhttp unpinning ***/
	try {
		var OkHttpClient = Java.use("com.squareup.okhttp.OkHttpClient");
		OkHttpClient.setCertificatePinner.implementation = function(certificatePinner) {
			// do nothing
			quiet_send("OkHttpClient.setCertificatePinner Called!");
			return this;
		// Invalidate the certificate pinnet checks (if "setCertificatePinner" was called before the previous invalidation)
		var CertificatePinner = Java.use("com.squareup.okhttp.CertificatePinner");
		CertificatePinner.check.overload('java.lang.String', '[;').implementation = function(p0, p1) {
			// do nothing
			quiet_send("okhttp Called! [Certificate]");
		CertificatePinner.check.overload('java.lang.String', 'java.util.List').implementation = function(p0, p1) {
			// do nothing
			quiet_send("okhttp Called! [List]");
	} catch (e) {
		quiet_send("com.squareup.okhttp not found");
	/*** WebView Hooks ***/
	/* frameworks/base/core/java/android/webkit/ */
	/* public void onReceivedSslError(Webview, SslErrorHandler, SslError) */
	var WebViewClient = Java.use("android.webkit.WebViewClient");
	WebViewClient.onReceivedSslError.implementation = function(webView, sslErrorHandler, sslError) {
		quiet_send("WebViewClient onReceivedSslError invoke");
	WebViewClient.onReceivedError.overload('android.webkit.WebView', 'int', 'java.lang.String', 'java.lang.String').implementation = function(a, b, c, d) {
		quiet_send("WebViewClient onReceivedError invoked");
	WebViewClient.onReceivedError.overload('android.webkit.WebView', 'android.webkit.WebResourceRequest', 'android.webkit.WebResourceError').implementation = function() {
		quiet_send("WebViewClient onReceivedError invoked");
	/*** JSSE Hooks ***/
	/* libcore/luni/src/main/java/javax/net/ssl/ */
	/* public final TrustManager[] getTrustManager() */
	/* TrustManagerFactory.getTrustManagers maybe cause X509TrustManagerExtensions error  */
	// var TrustManagerFactory = Java.use("");
	// TrustManagerFactory.getTrustManagers.implementation = function(){
	//     quiet_send("TrustManagerFactory getTrustManagers invoked");
	//     return TrustManagers;
	// }
	var HttpsURLConnection = Java.use("");
	/* libcore/luni/src/main/java/javax/net/ssl/ */
	/* public void setDefaultHostnameVerifier(HostnameVerifier) */
	HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier.implementation = function(hostnameVerifier) {
		quiet_send("HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier invoked");
		return null;
	/* libcore/luni/src/main/java/javax/net/ssl/ */
	/* public void setSSLSocketFactory(SSLSocketFactory) */
	HttpsURLConnection.setSSLSocketFactory.implementation = function(SSLSocketFactory) {
		quiet_send("HttpsURLConnection.setSSLSocketFactory invoked");
		return null;
	/* libcore/luni/src/main/java/javax/net/ssl/ */
	/* public void setHostnameVerifier(HostnameVerifier) */
	HttpsURLConnection.setHostnameVerifier.implementation = function(hostnameVerifier) {
		quiet_send("HttpsURLConnection.setHostnameVerifier invoked");
		return null;
	/*** Xutils3.x hooks ***/
	//Implement a new HostnameVerifier
	var TrustHostnameVerifier;
	try {
		TrustHostnameVerifier = Java.registerClass({
			name: 'org.wooyun.TrustHostnameVerifier',
			implements: [HostnameVerifier],
			method: {
				verify: function(hostname, session) {
					return true;
	} catch (e) {
		//java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "org.wooyun.TrustHostnameVerifier"
		quiet_send("registerClass from hostnameVerifier >>>>>>>> " + e.message);
	try {
		var RequestParams = Java.use('org.xutils.http.RequestParams');
		RequestParams.setSslSocketFactory.implementation = function(sslSocketFactory) {
			sslSocketFactory = EmptySSLFactory;
			return null;
		RequestParams.setHostnameVerifier.implementation = function(hostnameVerifier) {
			hostnameVerifier = TrustHostnameVerifier.$new();
			return null;
	} catch (e) {
		quiet_send("Xutils hooks not Found");
	/*** httpclientandroidlib Hooks ***/
	try {
		var AbstractVerifier = Java.use("ch.boye.httpclientandroidlib.conn.ssl.AbstractVerifier");
		AbstractVerifier.verify.overload('java.lang.String', '[Ljava.lang.String', '[Ljava.lang.String', 'boolean').implementation = function() {
			quiet_send("httpclientandroidlib Hooks");
			return null;
	} catch (e) {
		quiet_send("httpclientandroidlib Hooks not found");
android 7.0+ network_security_config TrustManagerImpl hook
apache httpclient partly
	var TrustManagerImpl = Java.use("");
	// try {
	//     var Arrays = Java.use("java.util.Arrays");
	//     //apache http client pinning maybe baypass
	//     //
	//     TrustManagerImpl.checkTrusted.implementation = function (chain, authType, session, parameters, authType) {
	//         quiet_send("TrustManagerImpl checkTrusted called");
	//         //Generics currently result in java.lang.Object
	//         return Arrays.asList(chain);
	//     }
	// } catch (e) {
	//     quiet_send("TrustManagerImpl checkTrusted nout found");
	// }
	try {
		// Android 7+ TrustManagerImpl
		TrustManagerImpl.verifyChain.implementation = function(untrustedChain, trustAnchorChain, host, clientAuth, ocspData, tlsSctData) {
			quiet_send("TrustManagerImpl verifyChain called");
			// Skip all the logic and just return the chain again :P
			return untrustedChain;
	} catch (e) {
		quiet_send("TrustManagerImpl verifyChain nout found below 7.0");
	// OpenSSLSocketImpl
	try {
		var OpenSSLSocketImpl = Java.use('');
		OpenSSLSocketImpl.verifyCertificateChain.implementation = function(certRefs, authMethod) {
		quiet_send('OpenSSLSocketImpl pinning')
	} catch (err) {
		quiet_send('OpenSSLSocketImpl pinner not found');
	// Trustkit
	try {
		var Activity = Java.use("");
		Activity.verify.overload('java.lang.String', '').implementation = function(str) {
			quiet_send('Trustkit.verify1: ' + str);
			return true;
		Activity.verify.overload('java.lang.String', '').implementation = function(str) {
			quiet_send('Trustkit.verify2: ' + str);
			return true;
		quiet_send('Trustkit pinning')
	} catch (err) {
		quiet_send('Trustkit pinner not found')
	try {
		//cronet pinner hook
		//weibo don't invoke
		var netBuilder = Java.use("$Builder");
		netBuilder.enablePublicKeyPinningBypassForLocalTrustAnchors.implementation = function(arg) {
			//weibo not invoke
			console.log("Enables or disables public key pinning bypass for local trust anchors = " + arg);
			//true to enable the bypass, false to disable.
			var ret =, true);
			return ret;
		netBuilder.addPublicKeyPins.implementation = function(hostName, pinsSha256, includeSubdomains, expirationDate) {
			console.log("cronet addPublicKeyPins hostName = " + hostName);
			//var ret =,hostName, pinsSha256,includeSubdomains, expirationDate);
			//this 是调用 addPublicKeyPins 前的对象吗? Yes,CronetEngine.Builder
			return this;
	} catch (err) {
		console.log('[-] Cronet pinner not found')




cat /proc/cupinfo

adb shell getprop ro.product.cpu.abi

查看frida可以ssl pin的进程:

frida-ps -U


tcpdump -i wlan0 -s 0 -w /sdcard/test.pcap

