Shiro框架:Shiro SecurityManager安全管理器解析


1. SecurityManager介绍

1.1 Authenticator

1.2 Authorizer

1.3 SessionManager

2. DefaultWebSecurityManager解析

2.1 Destroyable

2.2 CacheManagerAware

2.3 EventBusAware

2.4 CachingSecurityManager(聚合缓存管理和事件监听管理功能)

2.5 RealmSecurityManager(聚合Realm管理功能)

2.6 AuthenticatingSecurityManager(聚合登录认证功能)

2.7 AuthorizingSecurityManager(聚合访问控制功能)

2.8 SessionsSecurityManager(聚合Session管理功能)

2.9 DefaultSecurityManager

2.9.1 创建用户(Subject)功能

2.9.2 存储用户(Subject)功能

2.9.3 用户RememberMe管理功能

2.10 DefaultWebSecurityManager

Shiro作为一款比较流行的登录认证、访问控制安全框架,被广泛应用在程序员社区;Shiro登录验证、访问控制、Session管理等流程内部都是委托给SecurityManager安全管理器来完成的,在前述文章全面解析Shiro框架原理的基础之上,详见:Shiro框架:ShiroFilterFactoryBean过滤器源码解析-CSDN博客、Shiro框架:Shiro内置过滤器源码解析-CSDN博客,本篇文章继续深入解析Shiro SecurityManager安全管理器的结构和功能,为后续各处理流程的解析做好铺垫。

1. SecurityManager介绍


Shiro框架:Shiro SecurityManager安全管理器解析_第1张图片


  • Authenticator:登录认证器
  • Authorizer:访问控制器
  • SessionManager:Session管理器


public interface SecurityManager extends Authenticator, Authorizer, SessionManager {
     * Logs in the specified Subject using the given {@code authenticationToken}, returning an updated Subject
     * instance reflecting the authenticated state if successful or throwing {@code AuthenticationException} if it is
     * not.
    Subject login(Subject subject, AuthenticationToken authenticationToken) throws AuthenticationException;

     * Logs out the specified Subject from the system.
    void logout(Subject subject);

     * Creates a {@code Subject} instance reflecting the specified contextual data.
    Subject createSubject(SubjectContext context);


1.1 Authenticator


public interface Authenticator {

     * Authenticates a user based on the submitted {@code AuthenticationToken}.
    public AuthenticationInfo authenticate(AuthenticationToken authenticationToken)
            throws AuthenticationException;

1.2 Authorizer



public interface Authorizer {

     * Returns true if the corresponding subject/user is permitted to perform an action or access a resource
    boolean isPermitted(PrincipalCollection principals, String permission);

     * Ensures the corresponding Subject/user implies the specified permission String.
    void checkPermission(PrincipalCollection subjectPrincipal, String permission) throws AuthorizationException;

     * Returns true if the corresponding Subject/user has the specified role, false otherwise.
    boolean hasRole(PrincipalCollection subjectPrincipal, String roleIdentifier);

     * Asserts the corresponding Subject/user has the specified role by returning quietly if they do or throwing an
     * {@link AuthorizationException} if they do not.
    void checkRole(PrincipalCollection subjectPrincipal, String roleIdentifier) throws AuthorizationException;


1.3 SessionManager


public interface SessionManager {

     * Starts a new session based on the specified contextual initialization data, which can be used by the underlying
     * implementation to determine how exactly to create the internal Session instance.

* This method is mainly used in framework development, as the implementation will often relay the argument * to an underlying {@link SessionFactory} which could use the context to construct the internal Session * instance in a specific manner. This allows pluggable {@link org.apache.shiro.session.Session Session} creation * logic by simply injecting a {@code SessionFactory} into the {@code SessionManager} instance. */ Session start(SessionContext context); /** * Retrieves the session corresponding to the specified contextual data (such as a session ID if applicable), or * {@code null} if no Session could be found. If a session is found but invalid (stopped or expired), a * {@link SessionException} will be thrown. */ Session getSession(SessionKey key) throws SessionException; }

2. DefaultWebSecurityManager解析


Shiro框架:Shiro SecurityManager安全管理器解析_第2张图片

2.1 Destroyable


public interface Destroyable {
    void destroy() throws Exception;

2.2 CacheManagerAware


public interface CacheManagerAware {

     * Sets the available CacheManager instance on this component.
     * @param cacheManager the CacheManager instance to set on this component.
    void setCacheManager(CacheManager cacheManager);

2.3 EventBusAware

子类对象支持注入EventBus对象,类似Guava EventBus,引入事件机制,可以发布事件(publish),进而调用已注册(register)的事件监听器;

public interface EventBusAware {

     * Sets the available {@code EventBus} that may be used for publishing and subscribing to/from events.
     * @param bus the available {@code EventBus}.
    void setEventBus(EventBus bus);
public interface EventBus {

    void publish(Object event);

    void register(Object subscriber);

    void unregister(Object subscriber);

2.4 CachingSecurityManager(聚合缓存管理和事件监听管理功能)

同时实现了Destroyable, CacheManagerAware, EventBusAware,支持注入成员变量cacheManager和eventBus,并定义了销毁操作,主要实现如下:

public abstract class CachingSecurityManager implements SecurityManager, Destroyable, CacheManagerAware, EventBusAware {

     * The CacheManager to use to perform caching operations to enhance performance.  Can be null.
    private CacheManager cacheManager;

     * The EventBus to use to use to publish and receive events of interest during Shiro's lifecycle.
     * @since 1.3
    private EventBus eventBus;

     * Default no-arg constructor that will automatically attempt to initialize a default cacheManager
    public CachingSecurityManager() {
        //use a default event bus:
        setEventBus(new DefaultEventBus());

     * Destroys the {@link #getCacheManager() cacheManager} via {@link LifecycleUtils#destroy LifecycleUtils.destroy}.
    public void destroy() {
        this.cacheManager = null;
        this.eventBus = new DefaultEventBus();

2.5 RealmSecurityManager(聚合Realm管理功能)




A Realm is a security component that can access application-specific security entities
such as users, roles, and permissions to determine authentication and authorization operations.


public abstract class RealmSecurityManager extends CachingSecurityManager {

     * Internal collection of Realms used for all authentication and authorization operations.
    private Collection realms;

    public void setRealms(Collection realms) {
        if (realms == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Realms collection argument cannot be null.");
        if (realms.isEmpty()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Realms collection argument cannot be empty.");
        this.realms = realms;

    protected void afterRealmsSet() {

    public void destroy() {
        this.realms = null;

2.6 AuthenticatingSecurityManager(聚合登录认证功能


    private Authenticator authenticator;

     * Default no-arg constructor that initializes its internal
     * authenticator instance to a
     * {@link org.apache.shiro.authc.pam.ModularRealmAuthenticator ModularRealmAuthenticator}.
    public AuthenticatingSecurityManager() {
        this.authenticator = new ModularRealmAuthenticator();

     * Passes on the {@link #getRealms() realms} to the internal delegate Authenticator instance so
     * that it may use them during authentication attempts.
    protected void afterRealmsSet() {
        if (this.authenticator instanceof ModularRealmAuthenticator) {
            ((ModularRealmAuthenticator) this.authenticator).setRealms(getRealms());

    public AuthenticationInfo authenticate(AuthenticationToken token) throws AuthenticationException {
        return this.authenticator.authenticate(token);

2.7 AuthorizingSecurityManager(聚合访问控制功能)


     * The wrapped instance to which all of this SecurityManager authorization calls are delegated.
    private Authorizer authorizer;

     * Default no-arg constructor that initializes an internal default
     * {@link org.apache.shiro.authz.ModularRealmAuthorizer ModularRealmAuthorizer}.
    public AuthorizingSecurityManager() {
        this.authorizer = new ModularRealmAuthorizer();

    protected void afterRealmsSet() {
        if (this.authorizer instanceof ModularRealmAuthorizer) {
            ((ModularRealmAuthorizer) this.authorizer).setRealms(getRealms());

    public boolean isPermitted(PrincipalCollection principals, String permissionString) {
        return this.authorizer.isPermitted(principals, permissionString);

2.8 SessionsSecurityManager(聚合Session管理功能)


     * The internal delegate SessionManager used by this security manager that manages all the
     * application's {@link Session Session}s.
    private SessionManager sessionManager;

     * Default no-arg constructor, internally creates a suitable default {@link SessionManager SessionManager} delegate
     * instance.
    public SessionsSecurityManager() {
        this.sessionManager = new DefaultSessionManager();
    public Session start(SessionContext context) throws AuthorizationException {
        return this.sessionManager.start(context);

    public Session getSession(SessionKey key) throws SessionException {
        return this.sessionManager.getSession(key);

2.9 DefaultSecurityManager


    protected RememberMeManager rememberMeManager;
    protected SubjectDAO subjectDAO;
    protected SubjectFactory subjectFactory;

     * Default no-arg constructor.
    public DefaultSecurityManager() {
        this.subjectFactory = new DefaultSubjectFactory();
        this.subjectDAO = new DefaultSubjectDAO();
2.9.1 创建用户(Subject)功能


Shiro框架:Shiro SecurityManager安全管理器解析_第3张图片


    protected Subject doCreateSubject(SubjectContext context) {
        return getSubjectFactory().createSubject(context);


2.9.2 存储用户(Subject)功能



     * Saves the subject's state to a persistent location for future reference if necessary.

* This implementation merely delegates to the internal {@link #setSubjectDAO(SubjectDAO) subjectDAO} and calls * {@link SubjectDAO#save(org.apache.shiro.subject.Subject)}. * * @param subject the subject for which state will potentially be persisted * @see SubjectDAO#save(org.apache.shiro.subject.Subject) * @since 1.2 */ protected void save(Subject subject) {; } /** * Removes (or 'unbinds') the Subject's state from the application, typically called during {@link #logout}.. *

* This implementation merely delegates to the internal {@link #setSubjectDAO(SubjectDAO) subjectDAO} and calls * {@link SubjectDAO#delete(org.apache.shiro.subject.Subject) delete(subject)}. * * @param subject the subject for which state will be removed * @see SubjectDAO#delete(org.apache.shiro.subject.Subject) * @since 1.2 */ protected void delete(Subject subject) { this.subjectDAO.delete(subject); }

2.9.3 用户RememberMe管理功能



    protected void rememberMeSuccessfulLogin(AuthenticationToken token, AuthenticationInfo info, Subject subject) {
        RememberMeManager rmm = getRememberMeManager();
        if (rmm != null) {
            try {
                rmm.onSuccessfulLogin(subject, token, info);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                if (log.isWarnEnabled()) {
                    String msg = "Delegate RememberMeManager instance of type [" + rmm.getClass().getName() +
                            "] threw an exception during onSuccessfulLogin.  RememberMe services will not be " +
                            "performed for account [" + info + "].";
                    log.warn(msg, e);
        } else {
            if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
                log.trace("This " + getClass().getName() + " instance does not have a " +
                        "[" + RememberMeManager.class.getName() + "] instance configured.  RememberMe services " +
                        "will not be performed for account [" + info + "].");

    protected void rememberMeFailedLogin(AuthenticationToken token, AuthenticationException ex, Subject subject) {
        RememberMeManager rmm = getRememberMeManager();
        if (rmm != null) {
            try {
                rmm.onFailedLogin(subject, token, ex);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                if (log.isWarnEnabled()) {
                    String msg = "Delegate RememberMeManager instance of type [" + rmm.getClass().getName() +
                            "] threw an exception during onFailedLogin for AuthenticationToken [" +
                            token + "].";
                    log.warn(msg, e);

    protected void rememberMeLogout(Subject subject) {
        RememberMeManager rmm = getRememberMeManager();
        if (rmm != null) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                if (log.isWarnEnabled()) {
                    String msg = "Delegate RememberMeManager instance of type [" + rmm.getClass().getName() +
                            "] threw an exception during onLogout for subject with principals [" +
                            (subject != null ? subject.getPrincipals() : null) + "]";
                    log.warn(msg, e);

2.10 DefaultWebSecurityManager



    public DefaultWebSecurityManager() {
        ((DefaultSubjectDAO) this.subjectDAO).setSessionStorageEvaluator(new DefaultWebSessionStorageEvaluator());
        this.sessionMode = HTTP_SESSION_MODE;
        setSubjectFactory(new DefaultWebSubjectFactory());
        setRememberMeManager(new CookieRememberMeManager());
        setSessionManager(new ServletContainerSessionManager());

