reddit_什么是Reddit Karma,如何获得?

reddit_什么是Reddit Karma,如何获得?_第1张图片


reddit_什么是Reddit Karma,如何获得?_第2张图片 Reddit Reddit

Karma is Reddit’s voting system. The posts with the most karma are the ones you see on the front page. Reddit tracks how much karma each of its users has earned, too. We’ll explain how Reddit karma works and how you get it.

业力是Reddit的投票系统。 业力最大的职位是您在首页上看到的职位。 Reddit也跟踪每个用户赚取了多少业障。 我们将解释Reddit业力如何工作以及如何获得它。

什么是Reddit Karma? (What Is Reddit Karma?)

Next to every Reddit post or comment are upvote and downvote buttons. By clicking one of these, you are giving either positive or negative karma to the post. Positive karma increases the number of points a post has, while negative karma decreases that number.

每个Reddit帖子或评论旁边都有upvote和downvote按钮。 通过单击其中之一,您可以为帖子提供正面或负面的业力。 正因果报应增加帖子所获得的积分,而负因果报应减少该积分。

reddit_什么是Reddit Karma,如何获得?_第3张图片

Reddit uses karma as a way of showing the best possible content to users. Upvoted comments and posts with a ton of points end up at the top of the page, which leads to even more people seeing and upvoting them. Downvoted comments end up at the bottom of the thread. If a post is downvoted enough, it eventually becomes hidden, and you have to click to expand it.

