I am a dolphin, yeah! 今天我是一只小海豚了

After over 22months, I am finally a dolphin today! Thanks so much for all the steemians who's been supporting me, like @rivalhw, @abit, @justyy, @magicmonk, @tumutanzi, @htliao, @utopian-io, just to name a few. Without your support, I don't think I can stick to the path on writing.

The past 22months has been quite an adventure for me. I was new and naïve to blockchain & cryptocurrency. I accidentally stepped into a completely new world that I had never imagined or pictured of. I had never thought that writing would have become part of my routine, and it would have brought me some passive income. I had never pictured myself a writer or actively participated in social medial and content platform, not to mention about trading cryptos. It all happened and became true in the past 22months.

I witnessed the completing of hype cycle of cryptocurrency, and I had many lessons that I had learned. Should history repeat itself, I wish I will be smarter and made better decisions. During this bumpy ride, I have made some good friends whom I have never met in real life. They taught me a lot and made me smarter. I really appreciate their friendship and support. Even though we have never met in person, I feel like I can always go to them for suggestions and count on them.

Let the journey continue. I have no idea where the adventure will end, but what matters is today, As a truly believer of today shapes your future, every choice today will define your tomorrow, I stick to my choice to be a steemian and will continue to explore every possibilities along the way, let the unknown intrigue me and continue to inspire me for embracing new endeavors and challenges.


回顾这22 个月,仿佛一切就在眼前。我从对区块链和数字货币完成不懂得一个韭菜不断学习和了解。我在意外的情况下进入一个全新的世界。我从来没有想到写作会成为我的日常生活的一部分。而且也没想到写作还可以带来一些睡后收入。我也没想到自己会如此积极地参与各大内容平台,更不要提参与数字货币的交易了。一切都在这22 个月内发生。


我会继续在这条路上走下去。虽然我不知道前途在哪里。但是,我坚信今天造就你的将来,今天所做的任何决定都将决定着你的明天。 我会坚持写作,并探索每种可能性。让未知继续激励我去拥抱未知的未来,并为之努力着。

Photo credit: pixabay.com

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