自定义Graph Component:1.2-其它Tokenizer具体实现


自定义Graph Component:1.2-其它Tokenizer具体实现_第1张图片

def _load_custom_dictionary(path: Text) -> None:
    """Load all the custom dictionaries stored in the path.  # 加载存储在路径中的所有自定义字典。
    More information about the dictionaries file format can be found in the documentation of jieba. https://github.com/fxsjy/jieba#load-dictionary
    import jieba

    jieba_userdicts = glob.glob(f"{path}/*")  # 获取路径下的所有文件。
    for jieba_userdict in jieba_userdicts:  # 遍历所有文件。
        logger.info(f"Loading Jieba User Dictionary at {jieba_userdict}")  # 加载结巴用户字典。
        jieba.load_userdict(jieba_userdict)  # 加载用户字典。


def tokenize(self, message: Message, attribute: Text) -> List[Token]:
    """Tokenizes the text of the provided attribute of the incoming message."""  # 对传入消息的提供属性的文本进行tokenize。

    import jieba

    text = message.get(attribute)  # 获取消息的属性

    tokenized = jieba.tokenize(text)  # 对文本进行标记化
    tokens = [Token(word, start) for (word, start, end) in tokenized]  # 生成标记

    return self._apply_token_pattern(tokens)


class Token:
    # 由将单个消息拆分为多个Token的Tokenizers使用
    def __init__(
        text: Text,
        start: int,
        end: Optional[int] = None,
        data: Optional[Dict[Text, Any]] = None,
        lemma: Optional[Text] = None,
    ) -> None:
            text: The token text.  # token文本
            start: The start index of the token within the entire message.  # token在整个消息中的起始索引
            end: The end index of the token within the entire message.  # token在整个消息中的结束索引
            data: Additional token data.  # 附加的token数据
            lemma: An optional lemmatized version of the token text.  # token文本的可选词形还原版本
        self.text = text
        self.start = start
        self.end = end if end else start + len(text)
        self.data = data if data else {}
        self.lemma = lemma or text


自定义Graph Component:1.2-其它Tokenizer具体实现_第2张图片


def tokenize(self, message: Message, attribute: Text) -> List[Token]:
    """Tokenizes the text of the provided attribute of the incoming message."""  # 对传入消息的提供属性的文本进行tokenize
    import mitie

    text = message.get(attribute)

    encoded_sentence = text.encode(DEFAULT_ENCODING)
    tokenized = mitie.tokenize_with_offsets(encoded_sentence)
    tokens = [
        self._token_from_offset(token, offset, encoded_sentence)
        for token, offset in tokenized

    return self._apply_token_pattern(tokens)



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自定义Graph Component:1.2-其它Tokenizer具体实现_第3张图片

def tokenize(self, message: Message, attribute: Text) -> List[Token]:
    """Tokenizes the text of the provided attribute of the incoming message."""  # 对传入消息的提供属性的文本进行tokenize
    doc = self._get_doc(message, attribute)  # doc是一个Doc对象
    if not doc:
        return []

    tokens = [
            t.text, t.idx, lemma=t.lemma_, data={POS_TAG_KEY: self._tag_of_token(t)}
        for t in doc
        if t.text and t.text.strip()

自定义Graph Component:1.2-其它Tokenizer具体实现_第4张图片

自定义Graph Component:1.2-其它Tokenizer具体实现_第5张图片
自定义Graph Component:1.2-其它Tokenizer具体实现_第6张图片
  rasa shell nlu --debug结果,如下所示:
自定义Graph Component:1.2-其它Tokenizer具体实现_第7张图片

  rasa shell nlu --debug结果,如下所示:
自定义Graph Component:1.2-其它Tokenizer具体实现_第8张图片

from typing import List, Text, Dict, Any
from rasa.engine.recipes.default_recipe import DefaultV1Recipe
from rasa.shared.nlu.training_data.message import Message
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
from rasa.nlu.tokenizers.tokenizer import Tokenizer, Token

    DefaultV1Recipe.ComponentType.MESSAGE_TOKENIZER, is_trainable=False
class BertTokenizer(Tokenizer):
    def __init__(self, config: Dict[Text, Any] = None) -> None:
        :param config: {"pretrained_model_name_or_path":"", "cache_dir":"", "use_fast":""}
        self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(
            config["pretrained_model_name_or_path"],  # 指定预训练模型的名称或路径
            cache_dir=config.get("cache_dir"),  # 指定缓存目录
            use_fast=True if config.get("use_fast") else False  # 是否使用快速模式

    def required_packages(cls) -> List[Text]:
        return ["transformers"]  # 指定依赖的包

    def get_default_config() -> Dict[Text, Any]:
        """The component's default config (see parent class for full docstring)."""
        return {
            # Flag to check whether to split intents
            "intent_tokenization_flag": False,
            # Symbol on which intent should be split
            "intent_split_symbol": "_",
            # Regular expression to detect tokens
            "token_pattern": None,
            # Symbol on which prefix should be split
            "prefix_separator_symbol": None,

    def tokenize(self, message: Message, attribute: Text) -> List[Token]:
        text = message.get(attribute)  # 获取文本
        encoded_input = self.tokenizer(text, return_offsets_mapping=True, add_special_tokens=False)  # 编码文本
        token_position_pair = zip(encoded_input.tokens(), encoded_input["offset_mapping"])  # 将编码后的文本和偏移量映射成一个元组
        tokens = [Token(text=token_text, start=position[0], end=position[1]) for token_text, position in token_position_pair]  # 将元组转换成Token对象

        return self._apply_token_pattern(tokens)



from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Text

from rasa.engine.graph import ExecutionContext
from rasa.engine.recipes.default_recipe import DefaultV1Recipe
from rasa.engine.storage.resource import Resource
from rasa.engine.storage.storage import ModelStorage
from rasa.nlu.tokenizers.tokenizer import Token, Tokenizer
from rasa.shared.nlu.training_data.message import Message

    DefaultV1Recipe.ComponentType.MESSAGE_TOKENIZER, is_trainable=False
class AnotherWhitespaceTokenizer(Tokenizer):
    """Creates features for entity extraction."""
    def not_supported_languages() -> Optional[List[Text]]:
        """The languages that are not supported."""
        return ["zh", "ja", "th"]

    def get_default_config() -> Dict[Text, Any]:
        """Returns the component's default config."""
        return {
            # This *must* be added due to the parent class.
            "intent_tokenization_flag": False,
            # This *must* be added due to the parent class.
            "intent_split_symbol": "_",
            # This is a, somewhat silly, config that we pass
            "only_alphanum": True,

    def __init__(self, config: Dict[Text, Any]) -> None:
        """Initialize the tokenizer."""
        self.only_alphanum = config["only_alphanum"]

    def parse_string(self, s):
        if self.only_alphanum:
            return "".join([c for c in s if ((c == " ") or str.isalnum(c))])
        return s

    def create(
        config: Dict[Text, Any],
        model_storage: ModelStorage,
        resource: Resource,
        execution_context: ExecutionContext,
    ) -> AnotherWhitespaceTokenizer:
        return cls(config)

    def tokenize(self, message: Message, attribute: Text) -> List[Token]:
        text = self.parse_string(message.get(attribute))
        words = [w for w in text.split(" ") if w]

        # if we removed everything like smiles `:)`, use the whole text as 1 token
        if not words:
            words = [text]

        # the ._convert_words_to_tokens() method is from the parent class.
        tokens = self._convert_words_to_tokens(words, text)

        return self._apply_token_pattern(tokens)


[1]自定义Graph Component:1.1-JiebaTokenizer具体实现:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/awGiGn3uJaNcvJBpk4okCA
[4]spaCy GitHub:https://github.com/explosion/spaCy
