雅思写作: Sugary food and drink products

Many manufactured food and drink products contain high levels of sugar, which causes many health problems. Sugary products should be made more expensive to encourage people to consume less sugar.

Do you agree or disagree?

Sample 1

Certain concerned citizens believe that prices should be raised to counter the high sugar content in various food and drink products. In my opinion, this solution may have a marginal impact, but other reforms would engender greater progress.

Supporters of this policy argue that it has been effective in the past. The best-known corollary would be the high price of tobacco products in many nations. Countries where prices are low, such as Indonesia, Vietnam, and India, have considerably higher rates of smokers compared to nations that have instituted heavy taxes.Similarly, taxation has had limited effectiveness concerning food products in European nations where sugary and fatty foods are more expensive and there has been a concomitant marginal decline in consumption. However, the more striking realization from attempts to tax luxuries is that individuals are often willing to pay to satisfy their addictions and would rather sacrifice in other areas.

Therefore, superior solutions involve more holistic government action. This can be illustrated through policies in Japan. From a young age, children are fed healthy meals at school as well as at home, and the government has encouraged health awareness through a variety of programs and initiatives aimed at various demographics.The result is that sugary drinks and products have a place in society that is less prominent than in nations such as the United States where the culture centers on fast food, soda, and packaged meals. A more thoughtful approach should not be discounted simply because of the challenges posed by enacting and evaluating small steps that are aligned and enforced consistently over a period of years.

In conclusion, the immediate and largely ineffective fix offered by raising prices is not advisable compared with more long-term measures. Governments must therefore take a long view and communicate this clearly to the general citizenry.

Sample 2

The increasing consumption of food and beverages rich in sugar has caused many detrimental health issues among people. In this situation, I partially agree with the argument that people need to be motivated to eat less sugar; however, I believe that raising the price of these products is not the only and the most suitable method.

To commence with, the primary reason why people need to consider reducing the amount of sugar in their daily meals is that it can lead to devastating diseases. Although many processed foods and drinks usually contain a high level of glucose, they are mostly fast, convenient and cheap. Therefore, many people, in order to save time and effort, overuse these types of products, which may eventually lead to many health problems such as obesity, diabetes, etc. For instance, America has a significant high percentage of people who suffer from obesity, and according to some scientists, fast food and sweets are the main culprits.

However, since many people may oppose the move to increase the price of sugary foods, there are some other ways that can be adopted to tackle this problem.One way is that governments can proactively put a limit to the amount of sugar in fast food and canned food so that people can still enjoy these types of foods and drinks without consuming too much sugar. Another method is to use advertising to raise awareness among people about the consequences of eating sugar excessively. As a result, many people can realize the problem themselves, and therefore be more cautious while choosing and using convenience products to avoid items that have high levels ofglucose.

In conclusion, even though many people may enjoy having fast food or sweet drinks, it is important that they need to be discouraged from eating too much of these products by any means. Besides raising the price of these types of food and beverages, there are many other ways that the government should take into consideration.

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