kaldi环境安装- ubuntu16 安装kaldi

1. 克隆kaldi

git clone https://github.com/kaldi-asr/kaldi

2. 检查依赖

  • 进入kaldi主目录,可以查看INSTALL文件,里面记录了安装的相关指令,如下:
This is the official Kaldi INSTALL. Look also at INSTALL.md for the git mirror installation.
[Option 1 in the following does not apply to native Windows install, see windows/INSTALL or following Option 2]

Option 1 (bash + makefile):

    go to tools/  and follow INSTALL instructions there.

    go to src/ and follow INSTALL instructions there.

  • 根据安装指令,cd 进入 tools 目录,查看tools 目录细的INSTALL文件,如下
To check the prerequisites for Kaldi, first run


and see if there are any system-level installations you need to do. Check the
output carefully. There are some things that will make your life a lot easier
if you fix them at this stage. If your system default C++ compiler is not
supported, you can do the check with another compiler by setting the CXX
environment variable, e.g.

  CXX=g++-4.8 extras/check_dependencies.sh

Then run

  • 运行 extras/check_dependencies.sh 检查依赖是否满足,根据提示安装组件,比如:
sudo apt-get install sox
sudo apt-get install autoconf

当运行 extras/check_dependencies.sh ,返回以下结果的时候,则说明依赖安装完毕:

extras/check_dependencies.sh: all OK.
  • ** 特别说明安装 intel MKL(也可以用openblas或者其它底层数学库代替,具体可以参考http://kaldi-asr.org/doc/matrixwrap.html ),可能下载比较慢,需要耐心等待
    1. 安装cuda,链接地址https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads

      cuda 安装提示

    2. 根据Base Installer 的提示,在命令行输入以下指令;

wget http://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/10.2/Prod/local_installers/cuda_10.2.89_440.33.01_linux.run
sudo sh cuda_10.2.89_440.33.01_linux.run

  3. cuda安装一直会失败,查看log如下:

>sudo sh cuda_10.1.243_418.87.00_linux.run

1 [INFO]: Driver not installed.
2 [INFO]: Checking compiler version...
3 [INFO]: gcc location: /bin/gcc
5 [INFO]: gcc version: gcc version 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-39) (GCC)
7 [INFO]: Initializing menu
8 [INFO]: Setup complete
9 [INFO]: Components to install:
10 [INFO]: Driver
11 [INFO]: 418.87.00
12 [INFO]: Executing NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-418.87.00.run --ui=none --no-questions --accept-license --disable-nouveau --no-cc-version-check --install-libglvnd 2>&1
13 [INFO]: Finished with code: 256
14 [ERROR]: Install of driver component failed.
15 [ERROR]: Install of 418.87.00 failed, quitting

  4. 起初怀疑是 Disabling Nouveau 的问题,按照document的操作,发现安装仍然失败;

  5. 后来试了很多方法,发现是要 stop x server(stop the display manager in order to stop the X server),解决办法如下:

  1. To find out your display manager, you can try running

pgrep -l dm

  2. Follow these steps for cleaning:

apt-get --purge -y remove 'cuda*'

apt-get --purge -y remove 'nvidia*'

apt autoremove -y

apt-get clean


  3. Go to the CUDA download site. Click on Linux -> x86_64 -> Ubuntu -> 18.04 -> Deb (local) And follow the Installation Instructions.

  • 编译kaldi,在 tools/ 目录下面输入 make -j 4
make - j 4
  • 编译src目录,cd 到 src 目录,configure有许多选项,具体可以额参考document,输入以下指令:
./configure --shared
  make depend -j 8
  make -j 8
  • 这样kaldi就安装完了,也可以不安装cuda(没有N卡的时候),这样就不能运行DNN部分;

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