TeamForge Wiki Syntax & CollabNet User Information Center

the CollabNet user information center


How do I create a new Wiki page?

A CollabNet TeamForge project can have any number of Wiki pages. All Wiki pages are linked, and their relationships are traced on the Back Links tab of each Wiki page.

  1. Click Wiki in the project navigation bar.
  2. On the Wiki home page, click Edit.
  3. In the large text field, insert the title of your new page between square brackets, like this:
    • Please post comments about [test results] here.

    Then click Update.

    The text between the square brackets becomes a link on your Wiki page.
    Note: You can also type the new link in CamelCase (each word starts with an upper-case letter, no spaces) and skip the square brackets.
  4. Click the link to the new Wiki page. The new page is created. The title of the new page is the same text as the link, rendered in CamelCase.
  5. On the Create Wiki page, write the content you need, then click Save.
    Tip: You can use a variety of preconfigured queries to generate up-to-date content for your Wiki page. For example, to generate a graph of artifact statistics, add this string to your Wiki page (with the square brackets):
    • [sf:artifactStatistics]

How do I insert an attachement image?

like this:



How do I delete an attachement from a wiki page?

  1.     Browse to the wiki page that contains the attachment and click Edit.
  2.     Update the wiki page, even though you've not made any changes to it.
  3.     Click Show Details.
  4.     Click the Attachments tab.
  5.     Select the attachment you want removed and click Remove.
How do I create an anchor?
like this:
* [Dev Environment Setup | QuickStart#DevEnvironmentSetup]
* [Create New Project | QuickStart#CreateNewProject]
* [Deploy Project | QuickStart#DeployProject]

!Dev Environment Setup


!Create New Project


!Deploy Project


 Wiki Syntax

Text effects

Effect Details
Creates a horizontal rule.  
Creates a line break.  
Creates a level 1 (large) header.  
Creates a level 2 (medium) header.  
Creates a level 3 (small) header.  
Creates italic text. (That's two single quotes on each side.)  
__text__ Creates bold text. (That's two underscores on each side.)  
Creates monospaced text.  
Creates a bulleted list item.  
Creates a numbered list item.  
Creates a definition for the word "term'"with the explanation "ex."  
Creates pre-formatted text.  
%%( <css-style> )<your text>%%
Defines a CSS style command.
%%( font-size: 150%; 
color: red; )
Hello, world!%%
Blank line
Starts a new paragraph.  


Tools for bringing TeamForge data into wiki pages


Effect Details
Generates a graph of activities related to artifacts in the project.  
Generates a graph of tasks completed in the project.  
Generates a graph of file release activities in the project.  
Generates a graph of the project's document activities.  
[{INSERT ExcelToHTMLPlugin 
[{INSERT ExcelToHTMLPlugin 
Reads a Microsoft Excel file and displays it as an HTML table.


  • src: URL / Attachment file name
  • srcsheet: Sheet name
  • height: height attribute for the html table
  • width: width attribute for the html table
  • border: border attribute for the html table

More at


 Text navigation tools

Syntax Effect Details
Creates a table of contents consisting of the header text on the page.  
Creates a link to a new Wiki page called "link." If the link is a complete URL, a link to the URL is created. If the link points to a .gif, .jpg, or .png image, the image is rendered directly in the page.
Creates a link to a new Wiki page called "link" with the text "title" displayed for the URL. If the link is a complete URL, a link to the URL is created. If the link points to a .gif, .jpg, or .png image, the image is rendered directly on the page with "title" as ALT text.
Disables link creation for a CamelCase word. CamelCase words are two or more uppercase words with no spaces. By default, a CamelCase word automatically creates a link to a new Wiki page.
Creates the text "[link]."  
width='100%' height='500' 
border='1' scrolling='yes' 
Embeds an iframe into a wiki page.
  • attachment: Attachment path, e.g. 'IFramePlugin.jar(info)'
  • url: A URL, e.g ''
  • align: Align the iFrame to left/center/right
  • border: Whether there is a border or not
  • width: Width of the iFrame
  • height: Height of the iFrame
  • marginwidth: Margin width of the iFrame
  • marginheight: Margin height of the iFrame
  • scrolling: Whether the iFrame can be scrolled or not


Tab Completion <Keyword+Tab>
You can type a keyword and hit the Tab key (under the Tab Completion mode). The editor will fill in with a sample template for the specific markup represented by the keyword.
  • link:Inserts a sample link.
  • h1:Inserts level 1 heading sample.
  • h2:Inserts level 2 heading sample.
  • h3:Inserts level 3 heading sample.
  • bold:Inserts a bold text sample.
  • italic:Inserts an italics text sample.
  • mono:Inserts a mono text sample.
  • mono:Inserts a mono text sample.
  • sup:Inserts a superscript sample.
  • sub:Inserts a subscript sample.
  • strike:Inserts a strike through text sample.
  • br:Inserts a line break.
  • hr:Inserts a horizontal line.
  • pre:Inserts a pre-formatted text sample.
  • code:Inserts a code block sample.
  • dl:Inserts a definition list block sample.
  • toc:Inserts the Table of Contents plugin syntax.
  • tab:Inserts a sample tabbed section block syntax.
  • table:Inserts a sample table syntax.
  • img:Inserts a sample image plugin syntax.
  • quote:Inserts a sample quoted text block.
  • sign:Inserts the user's signature.


Attachments for wiki pages

Syntax Effect Details
Embeds an attachment in the page. If the attachment is a .gif, .jpg, or .png image file, the attachment will be embedded in the page; otherwise, the name of the attachment will display as a downloadable link. After adding attachments, the exact syntax for including the current page's attachments is shown next to each attachment's name in the Attachments section of the Edit Wiki page. You can use the same syntax to embed attachments from other wiki pages in the same project.
Inserts the contents of an attachment (text file) into a page. If the attachment is a text file, the content of the text file is inserted into the page. For more information, click here.
  • This markup is for inserting content of a text file.
  • Files with the following extensions are allowed as attachment: .txt, .html, .xml, .cpp and .java.
  • In addition to image files, inserting files with the following extensions is not supported by this markup: .doc, .xls, .pdf, .zip, .jar.
[{Mediaplayer src='fileName.wmv'}]
Embeds a Windows Media Player or Quicktime Player on a wiki page.
  • src: Media URL / Attachment file name
  • playertype: "mediaplayer" / "quicktime"
  • width, height: Dimension of the embedded media displayed
  • movieheight, moviewidth: Dimension of the display screen
  • caption: Caption to be displayed below the media player
  • control: Displays Control bar. mediaplayer: 1 (Show) / 0 (Hide); quicktime: true (Show) / false (Hide)
  • autostart: Play automatically. mediaplayer: 1 (Auto) / 0 (Manual, Click to play); quicktime: true (Auto) / false (Manual, Click to play)
  • autorewind: Automatically rewinds when play ends. mediaplayer: 1 (Auto Rewind) / 0 (Play once); quicktime: true (Auto Rewind) / false (Play once)
  • playcount: Number of times the movie will play. 0 represents always play.


[{INSERT ExcelToHTMLPlugin 
[{INSERT ExcelToHTMLPlugin 
Reads a Microsoft Excel file and displays it as an HTML table.


  • src: URL / Attachment file name
  • srcsheet: Sheet name
  • height: height attribute for the html table
  • width: width attribute for the html table

More at

Embeds a Flash Player on your wiki page.
  • width='n'
  • height='n'
  • controls='true|false'
  • play='true|false'
  • loop='true|false'
  • parameters='param1=value1, &param2=value2'


width='100%' height='500' 
border='1' scrolling='yes' 
Embeds an iframe into a wiki page.
  • attachment: Attachment path, e.g. 'IFramePlugin.jar(info)'
  • url: A URL, e.g ''
  • align: Align the iFrame to left/center/right
  • border: Whether there is a border or not
  • width: Width of the iFrame
  • height: Height of the iFrame
  • marginwidth: Margin width of the iFrame
  • marginheight: Margin height of the iFrame
  • scrolling: Whether the iFrame can be scrolled or not



 更多语法请查阅 TeamForge 8.0 > Work with TeamForge > Reference library > Reference information for project members > Wiki syntax

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