
支持原创,如需转载,请注明地址:http://blog.sina.com.cn/litianping0709 作者:叶雨荫城(阿雨))





注    意:    本实验使用两个ARMSKY-CC2430EB,一个作为协调器设备,另一个作为终端设备。PC机端使
用"串口调试助手 v2.2"软件方便实验操作和现象观察,波特率:38400,无校验位,数据位:8,停止位:1。将两个ARMSKY-CC2430EB连接到PC机,然后给它们上电,协调器设备启动一个网络,  在终端设备成功加入该网络后,分别按下协调器设备和终端设备上的SW2(时间差控制在5s之内)进行绑定。成功绑定后,可以在两台PC机上分别使用"串口调试助手 v2.2"软件互相发送数据。






void SerialApp_Init( uint8 task_id )
  halUARTCfg_t uartConfig;

  SerialApp_MsgID = 0x00;//
  SerialApp_SeqRx = 0xC3;//
  SerialApp_TaskID = task_id;

  SerialApp_DstAddr.endPoint = 0;
  SerialApp_DstAddr.addr.shortAddr = 0;
  SerialApp_DstAddr.addrMode = (afAddrMode_t)AddrNotPresent;

  SerialApp_RspDstAddr.endPoint = 0;
  SerialApp_RspDstAddr.addr.shortAddr = 0;
  SerialApp_RspDstAddr.addrMode = (afAddrMode_t)AddrNotPresent;

  afRegister( (endPointDesc_t *)&SerialApp_epDesc );//注册端口

  RegisterForKeys( task_id );//注册按键事件

  uartConfig.configured           = TRUE;              // 2430 don't care.
  uartConfig.baudRate             = SERIAL_APP_BAUD;
  uartConfig.flowControl          = FALSE;
  uartConfig.flowControlThreshold = SERIAL_APP_THRESH;
  uartConfig.rx.maxBufSize        = SERIAL_APP_RX_MAX;
  uartConfig.tx.maxBufSize        = SERIAL_APP_TX_MAX;
  uartConfig.idleTimeout          = SERIAL_APP_IDLE;   // 2430 don't care.
  uartConfig.intEnable            = TRUE;              // 2430 don't care.
  uartConfig.callBackFunc         = rxCB_Loopback;
  uartConfig.callBackFunc         = rxCB;
  HalUARTOpen (SERIAL_APP_PORT, &uartConfig);

#if defined ( LCD_SUPPORTED )
    //HalLcdWriteString( "SerialApp2", HAL_LCD_LINE_2 );
    GUI_PutString5_7(0,37,"     SerialApp2      ");
#ifdef LCD_SD
    debug_str( (byte*)"SerialApp2" );


typedef struct
  bool                configured;
  uint8               baudRate;
  bool                flowControl;
  uint16              flowControlThreshold;
  uint8               idleTimeout;
  halUARTBufControl_t rx;
  halUARTBufControl_t tx;
  bool                intEnable;
  uint32              rxChRvdTime;
  halUARTCBack_t      callBackFunc;

9.2 HalUARTOpen ()
9.2.1 Description
This function opens a port based on the configuration that is provided. A callback function is also registered so events can be handled correctly.

9.2.2 Prototype
uint8 HalUARTOpen (uint8 port,
                   halUARTCfg_t *config);
9.2.3 Parameter Details
port –  specified serial port to be opened. (Read UART Ports Table)

config –  Structure that contains the information that is used to configure the port

  typedef struct
  bool   configured;

uint16 baudRate;
  bool   flowControl;  
  uint16 flowControlThreshold; 
  uint8  idleTimeout;
  uint16 rx;
  uint16 tx;  
  bool   intEnable;      
  uint32 rxChRvdTime;
  halUARTCBack_t callBackFunc;
config.configured – Set by the function when the port is setup correctly and read to be used.

   config.baudRate – The baud rate of the port to be opened. (Check UART Ports Table)

config.flowControl – UART flow control can be set as TRUE or FALSE. TRUE value will
enable flow control and FALSE value will disable flow control.
config.flowControlThreshold – Number of bytes left before Rx buffer reaches maxRxBufSize.
When Rx buffer reaches this number (maxRxBufSize – flowControlThreshold) and flowControl is
TRUE, a callback will be sent back to the application with HAL_UART_RX_ABOUT_FULL

在RX缓存达到maxRxBufSize之前还有多少字节空余。当到达maxRxBufSize – flowControlThreshold时并且流控制打开时,会触发相应的应用事件:HAL_UART_RX_ABOUT_FULL
config.idleTimeout – Rx timeout period in milliseconds. If Rx buffer haven’t got new data for idleTimout amount of time, a callback will be issued to the application with
HAL_UART_RX_TIMEOUT event. The application can choose to read everything from the Rx
buffer or just partial of it.

如果在idleTimout amount of time时间内RX还没有得到新的数据,将会触发相应的事件HAL_UART_RX_TIMEOUT ,这时应用可以选择读出所有RX的值或者一部分。
config.rx – Contains halUARTBufControl_t structure that used to manipulate Rx buffer

包含 halUARTBufControl_t 数据结构用于控制RX缓存
config.tx – Contains halUARTBufControl_t structure that used to manipulate Tx buffer
包含halUARTBufControl_t 数据结构用于控制TX缓存
typedef struct
  uint16 bufferHead;
  uint16 bufferTail;
  uint16 maxBufSize;
  uint8 *pBuffer;
 bufferHead – contain the index of the starting position of the Rx/Tx buffer
bufferTail – contains the index of the ending position of the Rx/Tx buffer
maxBufSize – holds maximum size of the Rx/Tx buffer that the UART can hold at a
time. When this number is reached, HAL_UART_RX_FULL or HAL_UART_TX_FULL
will be sent back to the application as an event through the callback system.
*pBuffer – pointer to the buffer that contains the Rx data

config.intEnable – enable/disable interrupt. It can be set as TRUE or FALSE. TRUE value will
enable the interrupt and FALSE value will disable the interrupt.
callBackFunc –  This callback is called when there is an event such as Tx done, Rx ready…
  void HalUARTCback (uint8 port, uint8 event); 

   port - specified serial port that has the event. (Check UART Ports Table).
  event – event that causes the callback (Check Events table).
9.2.4 Return
Status of the function call. (Check Status Table).


uartConfig.configured           = TRUE;              // 2430 don't care.
  uartConfig.baudRate             = SERIAL_APP_BAUD;//设置速率
  uartConfig.flowControl          = FALSE;//没有数据流控制
  uartConfig.flowControlThreshold = SERIAL_APP_THRESH;//

  uartConfig.rx.maxBufSize        = SERIAL_APP_RX_MAX;//接收最大缓存大小
  uartConfig.tx.maxBufSize        = SERIAL_APP_TX_MAX;//发送最大缓存大小
  uartConfig.idleTimeout          = SERIAL_APP_IDLE;   // 2430 don't care.
  uartConfig.intEnable            = TRUE;              // 2430 don't care.
  uartConfig.callBackFunc         = rxCB_Loopback;

#else                          //设置相应的回调函数
  uartConfig.callBackFunc         = rxCB;

HalUARTOpen (SERIAL_APP_PORT, &uartConfig);


UINT16 SerialApp_ProcessEvent( uint8 task_id, UINT16 events )
  if ( events & SYS_EVENT_MSG )
    zAddrType_t *dstAddr;
    ZDO_NewDstAddr_t *ZDO_NewDstAddr;
    afIncomingMSGPacket_t *MSGpkt;

    while ( (MSGpkt = (afIncomingMSGPacket_t *)osal_msg_receive(
                                                          SerialApp_TaskID )) )
      switch ( MSGpkt->hdr.event )
      case KEY_CHANGE:
        SerialApp_HandleKeys( ((keyChange_t *)MSGpkt)->state,
                              ((keyChange_t *)MSGpkt)->keys );//相应的按键处理

        SerialApp_ProcessMSGCmd( MSGpkt );//处理相应的消息

      case ZDO_NEW_DSTADDR://设备匹配响应
        ZDO_NewDstAddr = (ZDO_NewDstAddr_t *)MSGpkt;
        SerialApp_DstAddr.endPoint = ZDO_NewDstAddr->dstAddrDstEP;
        dstAddr = &ZDO_NewDstAddr->dstAddr;
        SerialApp_DstAddr.addrMode = (afAddrMode_t)dstAddr->addrMode;
        SerialApp_DstAddr.addr.shortAddr = dstAddr->addr.shortAddr;
        HalLedSet( HAL_LED_4, HAL_LED_MODE_ON );


      osal_msg_deallocate( (uint8 *)MSGpkt );  // Release the memory.

    // Return unprocessed events
    return ( events ^ SYS_EVENT_MSG );

  if ( events & SERIALAPP_MSG_SEND_EVT )//数据发送事件
    SerialApp_SendData( otaBuf, otaLen );//发送数据

    return ( events ^ SERIALAPP_MSG_SEND_EVT );

  if ( events & SERIALAPP_MSG_RTRY_EVT )//数据重发
    if ( --rtryCnt ) //重发的次数
      AF_DataRequest( &SerialApp_DstAddr,
                      (endPointDesc_t *)&SerialApp_epDesc,
                       SERIALAPP_CLUSTERID1, otaLen, otaBuf,//相应的长度和响应的数据指针。
                      &SerialApp_MsgID, 0, AF_DEFAULT_RADIUS );
      osal_start_timerEx( SerialApp_TaskID, SERIALAPP_MSG_RTRY_EVT,
                                            SERIALAPP_MSG_RTRY_TIMEOUT );



    return ( events ^ SERIALAPP_MSG_RTRY_EVT );

  if ( events & SERIALAPP_RSP_RTRY_EVT )//响应重发
    afStatus_t stat = AF_DataRequest( &SerialApp_RspDstAddr,
                                      (endPointDesc_t *)&SerialApp_epDesc,
                                       SERIAL_APP_RSP_CNT, rspBuf,//这里面的东西是啥?

    if ( stat != afStatus_SUCCESS )
      osal_start_timerEx( SerialApp_TaskID, SERIALAPP_RSP_RTRY_EVT,
                                            SERIALAPP_RSP_RTRY_TIMEOUT );//如果发送不成功就再发。

    return ( events ^ SERIALAPP_RSP_RTRY_EVT );

  if ( events & SERIALAPP_TX_RTRY_EVT )//发送到上位机吗?

    if ( rxLen )
      if ( !HalUARTWrite( SERIAL_APP_PORT, rxBuf, rxLen ) )
        osal_start_timerEx( SerialApp_TaskID, SERIALAPP_TX_RTRY_EVT,
                                              SERIALAPP_TX_RTRY_TIMEOUT );
        rxLen = 0;

    return ( events ^ SERIALAPP_TX_RTRY_EVT );

  return ( 0 );  // Discard unknown events.






SERIALAPP_TX_RTRY_EVT :发送数据到上位机事件(我猜的)

来看相应的HalUARTWrite( SERIAL_APP_PORT, rxBuf, rxLen )函数:

This function writes a buffer of specific length into the serial port. The function will check if the Tx buffer is full or not. If the Tx Buffer is not full, the data will be loaded into the buffer and then will be sent to the Tx data register. If the Tx buffer is full, the function will send a callback HAL_UART_TX_FULL and return 0. Otherwise, the length of the data that was sent will be returned.




(2)发送数据函数:SerialApp_SendData( otaBuf, otaLen );

(3)处理数据函数:erialApp_ProcessMSGCmd( MSGpkt );;




* @fn      rxCB
* @brief   Process UART Rx event handling.
*          May be triggered by an Rx timer expiration - less than max
*          Rx bytes have arrived within the Rx max age time.
*          May be set by failure to alloc max Rx byte-buffer for the DMA Rx -
*          system resources are too low, so set flow control?
* @param   none
* @return  none
static void rxCB( uint8 port, uint8 event )
  uint8 *buf, len;

  if ( otaBuf2 )//猜测:没发完则返回;

  if ( !(buf = osal_mem_alloc( SERIAL_APP_RX_CNT )) )//分配内存空间

  len = HalUARTRead( port, buf+1, SERIAL_APP_RX_CNT-1 );//读串口数据。第一位用于 保存SerialApp_SeqTx值

  if ( !len )  // Length is not expected to ever be zero.
    osal_mem_free( buf );//如果没有数据则释放内存

  if ( otaBuf )  //如果otaBuf 这个被占用的话则保存在otaBuf2中
    otaBuf2 = buf;
    otaLen2 = len;
  else  //否则保存在otaBuf 中
    otaBuf = buf;
    otaLen = len;
    osal_set_event( SerialApp_TaskID, SERIALAPP_MSG_SEND_EVT );//设置发送数据事件。


* @fn      SerialApp_SendData
* @brief   Send data OTA.
* @param   none
* @return  none
static void SerialApp_SendData( uint8 *buf, uint8 len )
  afStatus_t stat; //状态

  // Pre-pend sequence number to the start of the Rx buffer.
  *buf = ++SerialApp_SeqTx; //序列号保存在buf指向缓存区内的第一位,上面已经讲过。

  otaBuf = buf;            
  otaLen = len+1;

  stat = AF_DataRequest( &SerialApp_DstAddr,
                         (endPointDesc_t *)&SerialApp_epDesc,
                          otaLen, otaBuf,
                          &SerialApp_MsgID, 0, AF_DEFAULT_RADIUS );

  if ( (stat == afStatus_SUCCESS) || (stat == afStatus_MEM_FAIL) )
    osal_start_timerEx( SerialApp_TaskID, SERIALAPP_MSG_RTRY_EVT,
                      SERIALAPP_MSG_RTRY_TIMEOUT );
    rtryCnt = SERIALAPP_MAX_RETRIES; //这段把我看晕死了开始不明白为何发送成功后还要发,最后才知道为了减少丢包多发几次,保证数据传递的可靠性,这协议栈写的,真让我晕。



* @fn      SerialApp_ProcessMSGCmd
* @brief   Data message processor callback. This function processes
*          any incoming data - probably from other devices. Based
*          on the cluster ID, perform the intended action.
* @param   pkt - pointer to the incoming message packet
* @return  TRUE if the 'pkt' parameter is being used and will be freed later,
*          FALSE otherwise.
void SerialApp_ProcessMSGCmd( afIncomingMSGPacket_t *pkt )
  uint8 stat;
  uint8 seqnb;//序列号
  uint8 delay;

  switch ( pkt->clusterId )
  // A message with a serial data block to be transmitted on the serial port.
    seqnb = pkt->cmd.Data[0];//得到数据包里的序列号 SerialApp_SeqRx保存收到的数据个数

    // Keep message if not a repeat packet
    if ( (seqnb > SerialApp_SeqRx) ||                    // Normal
        ((seqnb < 0x80 ) && ( SerialApp_SeqRx > 0x80)) ) // Wrap-around
      // Transmit the data on the serial port.
      if ( HalUARTWrite( SERIAL_APP_PORT, pkt->cmd.Data+1,
                                         (pkt->cmd.DataLength-1) ) )//发送数据到串口
        // Save for next incoming message
        SerialApp_SeqRx = seqnb;

        stat = OTA_SUCCESS;
        stat = OTA_SER_BUSY;//没写成功状态信号
      stat = OTA_DUP_MSG;  //有重复数据

    // Select approproiate OTA flow-control delay.

    // Build & send OTA response message.
    rspBuf[0] = stat;
    rspBuf[1] = seqnb;
    rspBuf[2] = LO_UINT16( delay );
    rspBuf[3] = HI_UINT16( delay );
    stat = AF_DataRequest( &(pkt->srcAddr), (endPointDesc_t*)&SerialApp_epDesc,
                            SERIALAPP_CLUSTERID2, SERIAL_APP_RSP_CNT , rspBuf,
                           &SerialApp_MsgID, 0, AF_DEFAULT_RADIUS );

    if ( stat != afStatus_SUCCESS )
      osal_start_timerEx( SerialApp_TaskID, SERIALAPP_RSP_RTRY_EVT,
                                            SERIALAPP_RSP_RTRY_TIMEOUT );//启动响应重发事件

      // Store the address for the timeout retry.
      osal_memcpy(&SerialApp_RspDstAddr, &(pkt->srcAddr), sizeof( afAddrType_t ));

  // A response to a received serial data block.
    if ( (pkt->cmd.Data[1] == SerialApp_SeqTx) &&
        ((pkt->cmd.Data[0] == OTA_SUCCESS) ||
         (pkt->cmd.Data[0] == OTA_DUP_MSG)) )
      // Remove timeout waiting for response from other device.
      osal_stop_timerEx( SerialApp_TaskID, SERIALAPP_MSG_RTRY_EVT );//当反馈信号回来时取消重发事件
      delay = BUILD_UINT16( pkt->cmd.Data[2], pkt->cmd.Data[3] );
      // Re-start timeout according to delay sent from other device.
      osal_start_timerEx( SerialApp_TaskID, SERIALAPP_MSG_RTRY_EVT, delay );//如果对方忙的话过一段时间后再继续发送数据。

