Popular English Idioms (Animals)

Popular English Idioms (Animals)_第1张图片

1. Cry wolf

to call for help when you don't need it

2. Pull a rabbit out of a hat

to do something unexpected that may have seemed impossible

3. When pigs fly

something will never happen

4. Get the lion's share

get the greatest percentage

5. Monkey see, monkey do

silly/unintelligent people tend to copy each other's actions

6. Pig out

eat a lot of something

7. Until the cows come home

for a very long time

8. Cat's got one's tongue

said about someone who doesn't speak (usually due to shyness)

9. Chicken out

to decide not to do something out of fear

10. Have a cow

get extremely upset

11. Holy cow!

wow, I'm surprised.

12. Nest egg

money saved for the future

13. Rat race

fierce, competitive struggle for power, position etc

14. Take the bull by the horns

face a challenge or danger boldly

15. Buy a pig in a poke

to buy something without seeing it or knowing anything about it

16. A cock-and-bull story

a silly story that is not true

17. Get off one's high horse

to begin to be humble and agreeable

18. Horse sense

common sense

19. Kangaroo court

an illegal court formed by a group of people to settle a dispute among themselves

20. Like a deer caught in the headlights

like someone who is very confused and does not know what to do

21. Look a gift horse in the mouth

to complain if a gift is not perfect

22. See a man about a dog

to leave for some unmentioned purpose (often to go to the washroom)

23. Top dog

the most important person in an organization

24. A wolf in sheep' s clothing

a person who pretends to be good but really is bad

25. As meek as a lamb

quiet, docile, meek

26. A road hog

a car driver who uses more than his share of the road

27. Eat high on/off the hog

to eat good or expensive food

28. Monkey business

unethical or illegal activity

29. Put the cart before the horse

to do things in the wrong order

30. Lock the barn door after the horse is gone

to try to deal with something after it is too late

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