oracle 10g 数据如何导入到oracle 9i时BUG解决方法

oracle 10g 数据如何导入到oracle 9i时BUG解决方法




CREATE OR REPLACE view exu81rls


AS select,, r.pname, r.pfschma, r.ppname, r.pfname,

decode(bitand(r.stmt_type,1), 0,'', 'SELECT,')

|| decode(bitand(r.stmt_type,2), 0,'', 'INSERT,')

|| decode(bitand(r.stmt_type,4), 0,'', 'UPDATE,')

|| decode(bitand(r.stmt_type,8), 0,'', 'DELETE,'),

r.check_opt, r.enable_flag,

DECODE(BITAND(r.stmt_type, 16), 0, 0, 1)

from user$ u, obj$ o, rls$ r

where u.user# = o.owner#

and r.obj# = o.obj#

and (uid = 0 or

uid = o.owner# or

exists ( select * from session_roles where role='SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE')



grant select on sys.exu81rls to public;


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