POEAA到第九章 table module


Of course, what vendors will tell you is that there's no overhead to using their middleware for remote and local calls. If it's a local call, it's done with the speed of a local call. If it's a remote call it's done more slowly. Thus, you only pay the price of a remote call when you need one. This much is, to some extent, true, but it doesn't avoid the essential point that any object that may be used remotely should have a coarse-grained interface while every object that isn't used remotely should have a fine-grained interface. Whenever two objects communicate you have to choose which to use. If the object could ever be in separate processes you have to use the coarse-grained interface and pay the cost of the harder programming model. Obviously, it only makes sense to pay that cost when you need to, and so you need to minimize the amount of inter-process collaborations.


A common concern with domain logic is bloated domain objects. As you build a screen to manipulate orders you'll notice that some of the order behavior is only needed only for it. If you put these responsibilities on the order, the risk is that the Order class will become too big because it's full of responsibilities that are only used in a single use case. This concern leads people to consider whether some responsibility is general, in which case it should sit in the order class, or specific, in which case it should sit in some usage-specific class, which might be a Transaction Script (110) or perhaps the presentation itself.

The problem with separating usage-specific behavior is that it can lead to duplication. Behavior that's separated from the order is harder to find, so people tend to not see it and duplicate it instead. Duplication can quickly lead to more complexity and inconsistency, but I've found that bloating occurs much less frequently than predicted. If it does occur, it's relatively easy to see and not difficult to fix. My advice is not to separate usage-specific behavior. Put it all in the object that's the natural fit. Fix the bloating when, and if, it becomes a problem.
