

如果熟悉 C 语言,那么也许会使用过assert.h中的assert函数,在 Java 中的assert关键字也能够提供运行时断言这一功能,不过不同之处在于,Java 的断言可以在运行中决定是否开启,因此不必重新编译字节码。

本文主要对assert这个关键字在 JVM 字节码层面的实现原理进行分析,讨论其运行时配置断言启用与禁用的方式。


  1. assert关键字基础
  2. assert实现原理分析
  3. assert运行时配置启用与禁用

1. assert关键字基础

class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        assert null instanceof Object : "Hello, world!";



$ javac Main.java
$ java -ea Main
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.AssertionError: Hello, world!
        at Main.main(Main.java:3)

2. assert实现原理分析


class Main {
  static final boolean $assertionsDisabled;

       0: aload_0
       1: invokespecial #1                  // Method java/lang/Object."":()V
       4: return

  public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
       0: getstatic     #2                  // Field $assertionsDisabled:Z
       3: ifne          23
       6: aconst_null
       7: instanceof    #3                  // class java/lang/Object
      10: ifne          23
      13: new           #4                  // class java/lang/AssertionError
      16: dup
      17: ldc           #5                  // String Hello, world!
      19: invokespecial #6                  // Method java/lang/AssertionError."":(Ljava/lang/Object;)V
      22: athrow
      23: return

  static {};
       0: ldc           #7                  // class Main
       2: invokevirtual #8                  // Method java/lang/Class.desiredAssertionStatus:()Z
       5: ifne          12
       8: iconst_1
       9: goto          13
      12: iconst_0
      13: putstatic     #2                  // Field $assertionsDisabled:Z
      16: return


class Main {
    static final boolean $assertionsDisabled;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        if (!$assertionsDisabled) {
            if (!(null instanceof Object)) {
                throw new AssertionError("Hello, world!");
    static {
        $assertionsDisabled = !Main.class.desiredAssertionStatus() ? true : false;


AssertionError这个异常的构造函数有许多种重载,对于除了()V(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V(Ljava/lang/String;)V之外的 7 种重载,它们会通过String类的静态方法valueOf将参数转变为字符串然后再调用构造函数的(Ljava/lang/String;)V重载。特别的是,对于(Ljava/lang/Object;)V这个重载,会判断参数是否为Throwable实例,如果是Throwable实例则会通过ThrowableinitCause实例方法为cause赋值。

3. assert运行时配置启用与禁用


class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    static class Test extends Foobar {
        static void test() {
            assert null instanceof Object : "Hello, world!";
    static class Foobar {
        static {



java Main
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.AssertionError: Hello, world!
        at Main$Test.test(Main.java:7)
        at Main$Foobar.(Main.java:12)
        at java.base/java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
        at java.base/java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:315)
        at Main.main(Main.java:3)

在 Main#main 中通过 java.lang.Class#forName 加载 Main$Test 类,由于 Main$Foobar 是 Main$Test 的超类,因此要加载 Main$Foobar 类并在 Main$Test# 被调用之前先调用 Main$Foobar#,但是在 Main$Foobar# 却中调用了 Main$Test#test,但是此时尚未调用Main$Test#,所以被 Main$Test#test 所访问到的 Main$Test#$assertionsDisabled 在此时尚未被初始化,其值为默认值false,无论是否使用-ea选项。



 * Returns the assertion status that would be assigned to this
 * class if it were to be initialized at the time this method is invoked.
 * If this class has had its assertion status set, the most recent
 * setting will be returned; otherwise, if any package default assertion
 * status pertains to this class, the most recent setting for the most
 * specific pertinent package default assertion status is returned;
 * otherwise, if this class is not a system class (i.e., it has a
 * class loader) its class loader's default assertion status is returned;
 * otherwise, the system class default assertion status is returned.

* Few programmers will have any need for this method; it is provided * for the benefit of the JRE itself. (It allows a class to determine at * the time that it is initialized whether assertions should be enabled.) * Note that this method is not guaranteed to return the actual * assertion status that was (or will be) associated with the specified * class when it was (or will be) initialized. * * @return the desired assertion status of the specified class. * @see java.lang.ClassLoader#setClassAssertionStatus * @see java.lang.ClassLoader#setPackageAssertionStatus * @see java.lang.ClassLoader#setDefaultAssertionStatus * @since 1.4 */ public boolean desiredAssertionStatus() { ClassLoader loader = getClassLoader0(); // If the loader is null this is a system class, so ask the VM if (loader == null) return desiredAssertionStatus0(this); // If the classloader has been initialized with the assertion // directives, ask it. Otherwise, ask the VM. synchronized(loader.assertionLock) { if (loader.classAssertionStatus != null) { return loader.desiredAssertionStatus(getName()); } } return desiredAssertionStatus0(this); } // Retrieves the desired assertion status of this class from the VM private static native boolean desiredAssertionStatus0(Class clazz);

首先会获取这个类的类加载器,假如这个类加载器为null即Bootstrap Class Loader,则返回desiredAssertionStatus0的结果,这个结果对于上面的 Main$Test 来说,取决于是否使用了-ea参数,但是由于 Main$Test 的类加载器并不是null,所以desiredAssertionStatus不会在这里直接返回。

类加载器的classAssertionStatus是一个Map,如果不在代码中通过java.lang.ClassLoadersetClassAssertionStatussetPackageAssertionStatussetDefaultAssertionStatus专门设置特定的断言开关,也没有调用过java.lang.ClassLoader#clearAssertionStatus,则这个Map将始终为null,因此 Main$Test 的desiredAssertionStatus所返回的结果仍旧取决于是否使用了-ea选项。


 * Returns the assertion status that would be assigned to the specified
 * class if it were to be initialized at the time this method is invoked.
 * If the named class has had its assertion status set, the most recent
 * setting will be returned; otherwise, if any package default assertion
 * status pertains to this class, the most recent setting for the most
 * specific pertinent package default assertion status is returned;
 * otherwise, this class loader's default assertion status is returned.

* * @param className * The fully qualified class name of the class whose desired * assertion status is being queried. * * @return The desired assertion status of the specified class. * * @see #setClassAssertionStatus(String, boolean) * @see #setPackageAssertionStatus(String, boolean) * @see #setDefaultAssertionStatus(boolean) * * @since 1.4 */ boolean desiredAssertionStatus(String className) { synchronized (assertionLock) { // assert classAssertionStatus != null; // assert packageAssertionStatus != null; // Check for a class entry Boolean result = classAssertionStatus.get(className); if (result != null) return result.booleanValue(); // Check for most specific package entry int dotIndex = className.lastIndexOf('.'); if (dotIndex < 0) { // default package result = packageAssertionStatus.get(null); if (result != null) return result.booleanValue(); } while(dotIndex > 0) { className = className.substring(0, dotIndex); result = packageAssertionStatus.get(className); if (result != null) return result.booleanValue(); dotIndex = className.lastIndexOf('.', dotIndex-1); } // Return the classloader default return defaultAssertionStatus; } }



  • Java 语言规范(Java SE 8 版本)
