Show me the money: Madagascar votes

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Show me the money: Madagascar votes

  • Show me the money 让我赚大钱;给我钱
  • Madagascar 【国】马达加斯加;马达加斯加共和国
  1. Today Malagasies vote in the first round of the presidential elections.
  • the first round of 第一轮……
  • presidential election 总统选举,总统大选
  1. Although there are 36 candidates, the majority have been conspicuous by their absence on the campaign trail, save for the obligatory posters and blaring propaganda vehicles.
  • conspicuous 显著的;显眼的;引人注目的
  • obligatory 义务的;强制性的;义不容辞的
  • blare 高声发出(或奏出);高声宣布
  • propaganda vehicle 宣传手法,宣传工具
  1. Instead, the campaign has been dominated by three former presidents: Hery Rajaonarimampianina, the incumbent; Marc Ravalomanana, president from 2002 until a coup in 2009; and Andry Rajoelina, the coup leader who remained president until 2013.
  • incumbent 在职者;现任者
  • coup 政变
  1. All have deployed lavish resources, especially Mr Rajoelina, who has gone all-out on rallies, helicopters, mobile big screens and T-shirts.
  • lavish 挥霍,浪费;慷慨地给与
  1. Outlandish spending aside, both Messrs Rajoelina and Ravalomanana have large support bases and are expected to be in the run-off on December 19th.
  • Outlandish 奇异的;外国气派的;异国风格的
  • run-off (对两名得票相同者的)决胜投票;(比赛打平后的)附加赛
  1. Neither candidate was able to run in 2013; the polls are their chance to settle scores.

  2. The risk is that they won’t like the outcome, which could plunge Madagascar into another electoral crisis.

  • plunge into 投入;跳进;跳入
  • electoral crisis 选举危机
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