GD 在Keil中的环境配置

1. Install device package

    1.1 Download DFP package from Keil

     1.2 or Download x_Addon_Vxx from GD web(Actually it is same with DFP from Keil web)

2. Can't device in the Keil configuation

   1.1 Project\Mageme\Migrate to Version 5 format

   1.2 Since some projects is developed by Keil V4, so the project uvproj. If we open it with Keil V5, we need to change it as uvprojX.

3. Set internal clock setting for template

GD 在Keil中的环境配置_第1张图片

4. Start file selection

GD32F30X, flash series

GD32303C, it is 256K flash, so select hd.

GD32F30X, <512K, startup file use _Hd.s

GD 在Keil中的环境配置_第2张图片

GD32F10x, flash series.

md:中等密度产品,FLASH=64 or 128 

5. Keil setting cause "Hardware fault" when running floating.

   Use GD32F303, the demo project setting is "Floating Point Hardware-single", actually device without FPU HW, so report issue. Should the setting as below.

6.  The Preprocessor Symbols setting to select related device of same series. Such as System_gd32f30x.c the code is for a series devices wihthou different Flash, systmem resource. If pre define "GD32F30x_HD" will select the related code.

