2021-09-02 The Line of Choice

The way that life is simple is that it proceeds day by day with the same choice available to us in every moment of each and every day. We wake up in the world of things bumping into each other. We see it happen, and we have a choice.

We can choose to make or be made. We can choose appreciation and love or suffering and anger. We can choose to be okay with the ways things end up bumping into each other — come what may. Or we can choose to rail against it, feeding an ever-growing desire that things be other than they are. These choices are simple.

There is a line between us and the world. It’s the line marked by choice. We cannot choose how things play out in the world. Wars, famine, abuse, deceit, hurricanes — these things happen without our choosing them. The pain and destruction they cause is real.

But on the other side of that line is each of us. We can choose who we are — how we are. We can choose how we act. We can choose what we set in motion. When we cross that line that separates us from the world — when we choose — we make an offering.

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