Google Play 违反欺骗行为被下架,如何解决?

在Google Play上架的时候,有些开发者会收到APP被下架或暂停的邮件通知,登录开发者后台,看到应用已经被下架。需要重新建立新的APP才可以继续上架。我们先看下,大多数收到的邮件内容。


Hi Developers at 『开发者名称』, After a recent review, 『应用标题』 (『应用包名』) has been removed from Google Play.

 Publishing Status

Publishing status: Suspended

Your app has been suspended and removed due to a policy violation.

Reasons of violation

Issue: Violation of Deceptive Behavior policy

We don't allow apps that attempt to deceive users or enable dishonest behavior. Apps must provide accurate disclosure of their functionality and should perform as reasonably expected by the user. Apps must not attempt to mimic functionality or warnings from the operating system or other apps. Any changes to device settings must be made with the user's knowledge and consent and be easily reversible by the user.
