
  1. 声明SoundTouch对象和内存变量,根据声道数和采样率初始化对象和内存
    SoundTouch *soundTouch = NULL;
    SAMPLETYPE *sampleBuffer = NULL;
    int sample_rate=44100;
    int channels =2;
    float pitch= 1.0f;
    float speed= 1.0f;
    //采样位数 SoudTouch最低支持16bit,所以使用16bit的来播放
    int bits= 16;
    int BUFF_SIZE =sample_rate * channels * bits/8;
    sampleBuffer = static_cast(malloc(BUFF_SIZE));
    soundTouch = new SoundTouch();

  1. PCM数据给SoundTouch处理
    int nb=0;
    //示例1 :文件读取
    int size = fread();
    nb = size/channels;
    //示例2 :ffmpeg解码
    int nb = swr_convert();
    int maxSamples = BUFF_SIZE / channels; 
    soundTouch->putSamples(sampleBuffer, nb);
    int num = soundTouch->receiveSamples(sampleBuffer, maxSamples);

  1. 设置变速和变调
    soundTouch->setPitch(1.0); //变调

  1. SoudTouch选择处理数据是16bit还是32bit,在STTypes.h里面找到
        /// Choose either 32bit floating point or 16bit integer sampletype
        /// by choosing one of the following defines, unless this selection 
        /// has already been done in some other file.
        /// Notes:
        /// - In Windows environment, choose the sample format with the
        ///   following defines.
        /// - In GNU environment, the floating point samples are used by 
        ///   default, but integer samples can be chosen by giving the 
        ///   following switch to the configure script:
        ///       ./configure --enable-integer-samples
        ///   However, if you still prefer to select the sample format here 
        ///   also in GNU environment, then please #undef the INTEGER_SAMPLE
        ///   and FLOAT_SAMPLE defines first as in comments above.
        //#define SOUNDTOUCH_INTEGER_SAMPLES     1    //< 16bit integer samples
        #define SOUNDTOUCH_FLOAT_SAMPLES       1    //< 32bit float samples


  1. ffmpeg里面使用的时候需要注意的点:因为FFmpeg解码出来的PCM数据是8bit (uint8)的,而SoundTouch中最低
    16bit( 16bit integer samples),所以我们需要将8bit的数据转换成16bit


SAMPLETYPE *sampleBuffer=NULL ;
uint8_t *out_buffer = NULL;


int data_size = resampleAudio(reinterpret_cast(&out_buffer));
for(int i = 0; i < data_size / 2 + 1; i++)
    sampleBuffer[i] = (buffer[i * 2] | ((buffer[i * 2 + 1]) << 8));

  1. 官方示例,将一个文件变速变调转为另外一个文件
static void
_processFile(SoundTouch *pSoundTouch, const float pitch, const float tempo, const char *inFileName,
             const char *outFileName) {

    SoundTouch *pSoundTouch = new SoundTouch();
    int nSamples;//采样率
    int nChannels;//声道
    int buffSizeSamples;//每一次缓冲大小
    SAMPLETYPE sampleBuffer[BUFF_SIZE];//缓冲

    // open input file
    WavInFile inFile(inFileName);
    int sampleRate = inFile.getSampleRate();
    int bits = inFile.getNumBits();
    nChannels = inFile.getNumChannels();

    // create output file
    WavOutFile outFile(outFileName, sampleRate, bits, nChannels);


    assert(nChannels > 0);
    buffSizeSamples = BUFF_SIZE / nChannels;

    // Process samples read from the input file
    while (inFile.eof() == 0) {
        int num;

        // Read a chunk of samples from the input file
        num = inFile.read(sampleBuffer, BUFF_SIZE);
        nSamples = num / nChannels;

        // Feed the samples into SoundTouch processor
        pSoundTouch->putSamples(sampleBuffer, nSamples);

        // Read ready samples from SoundTouch processor & write them output file.
        // NOTES:
        // - 'receiveSamples' doesn't necessarily return any samples at all
        //   during some rounds!
        // - On the other hand, during some round 'receiveSamples' may have more
        //   ready samples than would fit into 'sampleBuffer', and for this reason
        //   the 'receiveSamples' call is iterated for as many times as it
        //   outputs samples.
        do {
            nSamples = pSoundTouch->receiveSamples(sampleBuffer, buffSizeSamples);
            outFile.write(sampleBuffer, nSamples * nChannels);
        } while (nSamples != 0);

    // Now the input file is processed, yet 'flush' few last samples that are
    // hiding in the SoundTouch's internal processing pipeline.
    do {
        nSamples = pSoundTouch->receiveSamples(sampleBuffer, buffSizeSamples);
        outFile.write(sampleBuffer, nSamples * nChannels);
    } while (nSamples != 0);

    delete (pSoundTouch);

  1. ffmpeg示例

    SoundTouch *soundTouch = NULL;
    SAMPLETYPE *sampleBuffer = NULL;
    int sample_rate=44100;
    int channels =2;
    float pitch= 1.0f;
    float speed= 1.0f;
    //采样位数 SoudTouch最低支持16bit,所以使用16bit的来播放
    int bits= 16;
    int BUFF_SIZE =sample_rate * channels * bits/8;
    sampleBuffer = static_cast(malloc(BUFF_SIZE));
    soundTouch = new SoundTouch();

    int WlAudio::getSoundTouchData() {
        int maxSamples = BUFF_SIZE / channels;
        while (playstatus != NULL && !playstatus->exit) {
            out_buffer = NULL;
            if (finished) {
                finished = false;
                data_size = resampleAudio(reinterpret_cast(&out_buffer));
                if (data_size > 0) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < data_size / 2 + 1; i++) {
                        sampleBuffer[i] = (out_buffer[i * 2] | ((out_buffer[i * 2 + 1]) << 8));
                    //nb 表示采样个数  在resampleAudio里面解码的时候通过swr_convert返回值回去
                    soundTouch->putSamples(sampleBuffer, nb);
                    //获取处理后的数据  到sampleBuffer
                    num = soundTouch->receiveSamples(sampleBuffer,maxSamples);
                } else {
            if (num == 0) {
                finished = true;
            } else {
                if (out_buffer == NULL) {
                    num = soundTouch->receiveSamples(sampleBuffer, maxSamples);
                    if (num == 0) {
                        finished = true;
                return num;
        return 0;
    int buffersize = wlAudio->getSoundTouchData();
    if (buffersize > 0) {
    //两个8bit->一个16bit     转换为char*是为了都转换成字节来处理
                                                    (char *) wlAudio->sampleBuffer, buffersize * nChannels * 2 );
