What made me change my mind about studying chemistry?

What made me change my mind about studying chemistry?Why did I decide to learn and teach English during college?

In my opinion,they are a question ,a same question.

I like making dream.But chemistry is not about a dream.It's about truth,reality.It needs true facts.The facts were dull.No colour.No imagination.

But English just needs read,repeat,and recite.It is easy for me.It's more like physical exercise.It need work hard.If l work hard enough,I can make a progress. The feeling of achivement is very cool.It can make me to put more into learning English.I learn English very easily.I am not tired of it.Beacause I have a way ,a chance to learn it well.

But chemistry isn't .Chemistry is hard for me.No matter how I work hard,I couldn't find the successful feeling in learning chemistry.No matter how many exercises I have done,I couldn't understand it very well.I felt I was out of the world of chemistry.It made me upset.

Besides,I was an romantic girl,at that time,and now,I am still romantic.I like the feeling which English language brings to me,which is fashion,freedom and the eaqul right between the person.The last one is important for me.I like to be a freedom woman.I want to have a freedom life.My favourite woman is Jane Eye,a character of a novel,who gave me more power to face the difficulties in my life. To be a woman like Jane is my dream.And I like singing English songs ,for example ,"yesterday once more".In my early English teaching,l would teach students to sing English songs.I'm good at singing and very good ability of expressing something in Chinese are also helpful to my English teaching.But the same quality didn't work in chemistry.

All in all,to leran and to teach English is much easier for me.

Maybe I do have some gift for English.I found it was I who tauht my English all the time.

Thanks to my all English teachers,even though they didn't made me better in English,they didn't made me worse.

Now,I remembered my another English teacher,Mrs Liu.She was a very beatiful old woman.Every class,she was in good dress.And she was strict with us.One time,when she saw we hadn't finished the homework as she expected,she cried,which touched me a lot.

So,the answer is simple.That 's because I love it.

I love English.So I taught English.

The love to English is so natural,I almost forget it.

Yes,I love English , so I decide to teach it all my life.

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