2024年1月30日 晨会汇报 without a script


  1. Good morning, everyone!

  2. Today, I’m delighted to share an overview of my recent work, which includes a review of yesterday’s accomplishments and my agenda for today.

  3. Yesterday’s primary focus centered on segmenting the tasks assigned to me for this current iteration.

  4. Thanks to Ms. Zhou’s guidance, I initiated work on the H5 end, being ready to make significant progress.

  5. Additionally, I participated in a user acceptance meeting led by Mr. Yao.

  6. This experience was particularly enlightening, as it allowed me to engage in real-world conversations with our customers.

  7. Analyzing previous discussion records greatly enhanced my understanding of our customers’ preferred English communication style.

  8. Looking ahead to today, my plan is to immerse /[ɪˈmɜːs]/ myself in familiarizing with specific H5 end components and delve /[delv]/ into CSS variables /[ˈveərɪəblz]/ pertinent /[ˈpɜːtɪnənt]/ to our style themes.

  9. I welcome any feedback or suggestions you may have regarding my updates.

  10. Thank you for your attention!

A Template:

Good morning, everyone!

Today, I’m pleased to present an update on my recent work activities, which are segmented into two main sections: a recap of my work from [previous day/period] and my plan for [current day/period].

Yesterday’s Focus:

  • Primary task or focus area: [Detail the main task or project you focused on.]
  • Collaboration or assistance received: [Mention any significant collaboration or assistance from team members, if applicable.]
  • Additional activities or achievements: [Highlight any additional tasks or meetings you attended, emphasizing their purpose or outcome.]

Today’s Plan:

  • Main goal or task: [Outline the primary task or goal for the day.]
  • Specific areas of focus: [List any specific areas, tools, or components you plan to work on or familiarize yourself with.]
  • Any additional objectives or meetings: [Mention any meetings, collaborations, or additional objectives for the day.]

Concluding remarks: [Express openness to feedback and gratitude for the team’s attention.]

Thank you!
