error: failed to attach to process named: "" unable to start the exception thread Exiting.

iPhone:~ root# debugserver *:10011 -a WeChat
debugserver-@(#)PROGRAM:debugserver PROJECT:debugserver-320.2.89
for arm64.
Attaching to process WeChat...
error: failed to attach to process named: "" unable to start the exception thread Exiting.

重新从iPhone Developer/usr/bin目录下拷贝一个干净的debugserver到mac上,然后用ldid重新签名解决。

ECamera-Pro:debugserver user$ ldid -e debugserver > debugserver.entitlements
ECamera-Pro:debugserver user$ ldid -Sdebugserver.entitlements debugserver

iPhone:~ root# debugserver *:10011 -a WeChat
debugserver-@(#)PROGRAM:debugserver  PROJECT:debugserver-320.2.89
 for arm64.
Attaching to process WeChat...
Listening to port 10011 for a connection from *...

你可能感兴趣的:(error: failed to attach to process named: "" unable to start the exception thread Exiting.)