Monitoring Docker and The importance of monitoring英翻汉练习2024/1/24

We now know some ways to optimize our Docker deployments. We also know how to scale to improve performance. But how do we know that our tuning assumptions were correct? Being able to monitor our Docker infrastructure and application is important to figure out why and when we need to optimize. Measuring how our system is performing allows us to identify its limits in order to scale and tune accordingly.

In addition to monitoring low-level information about Docker, it is also important to measure the business-related performance of our application.By tracing the value stream of our application, we can correlate business-related metrics to system-level ones. With this, our Docker development and operations teams can show their business colleagues how Docker reduces their organization's costs and increases business value.

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics concerning our ability to monitor our Docker infrastructure and applications at scale:The importance of monitoringCollecting metrics in PrometheusConsolidating logs in an ELK stack.

2        The importance of monitoring

Monitoring is important as it provides a source of feedback on the Docker deployment that we built. It provides an in-depth view of our application,from the performance of the low-level operating system to high-level business targets. Having proper instrumentation inserted in our Docker hosts allows us to identify our system's state. We can use this source of feedback to identify whether our application is behaving as originally planned.If our initial hypothesis was incorrect, we can use the feedback data to reviise our plan and change our system accordingly by tuning our Docker host and containers or updating our running Docker application. We can also use the same monitoring process to identify errors and bugs after our system is deployed to production.
