I am a drop of water

Hi, everyone. I am a drop of water. I am part of the water, which is an odorless, tasteless, transparent liquid.

And from a physical point of perspective, ,I can freeze at 0 degrees celsius and boil at 100 degrees celsius at a standard atmosphere. Moreover, I have a large specific heat capacity. Meanwhile, I am composed of hydrogen molecules and oxygen molecules in chemistry, that is H2O. In my daily routine, I always take a journey from a cloud to a river. Then I run into a reservoir and is used by people, finally evaporates back to the cloud. That is called hydrologic cycle.

Although I am small, but I play a significant role both in maintaining human beings' everyday lives and keeping the ecological balance of nature together with my brothers and sisters.

Besides being born in primitive times, I gradually stepped into human's life in ancient. On the one hand, I was called "the source of life" that provided humans with fresh water and moistened the crops. And nowadays, I become the blood of industrial as well as city's life. On the other hand, as a famous saying goes, water constantly dripping wears holes in stone, which was written in "Han History". It means that constant effort brings success. Absolutely, I can be an important part of Chinese culture, which gives Chinese nation a strong spiritual pillar from generation to generation.

As for the ecological balance, first of all, I am able to help stabilize the temperature. I can cool it when the weather heats up and warm it when it cools down through my large specific heat capacity so as to mitigate the greenhouse effect. In addition, I have the ability to clean and break down wastes in the biosphere cycle. For instance, I can carry down dirt, debris and minerals when I fall down as a raindrop. Also, in the human body, when I run through their kidneys, I can carry the toxins to the bladder and let them go at last. Therefore, I play an indispensable role in dealing with the global warming problem and promoting biological metabolism.

However, the current water resource situation is not optimistic at present. What's worse, serious water waste phenomena and pollution occur frequently. I am even dirtier than I was before. Our water family is in great danger. We dedicated ourselves unreservedly to mankind. But now we just need a little care from everyone, or we will all die out. Firstly, I suggest people learn about the importances of water between nature and human beings. Secondly, people had better start out small to take proper action in order to conserve water, such as turning the faucet off when brushing teeth, taking shorter showers, washing a full load of laundry and so on. Last but not least, I advice the local government to improve the policies and systems for protecting the water resources and formulate the relevant laws, because the law is the most rigid social norms that can help implement all measures efficiently.

Only in this way can we build up a brighter future for the natural world.

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