Qt6 QML Book/初见Qt/Qt 6介绍

Qt 6 Introduction

Qt 6介绍

Qt Quick

Qt Quick is the umbrella term for the user interface technology used in Qt 6. It was introduced in Qt 5 and now expanded for Qt 6. Qt Quick itself is a collection of several technologies:

Qt Quick是Qt 6中使用的用户界面技术的总称。它在Qt 5中被引入,现在扩展到Qt 6。Qt Quick本身是几种技术的集合

  • QML - Markup language for user interfaces
  • QML -用户界面的标记语言
  • JavaScript - The dynamic scripting language
  • JavaScript -动态脚本语言
  • Qt C++ - The highly portable enhanced c++ library
  • Qt C++ -高度可移植的c++增强库

Qt6 QML Book/初见Qt/Qt 6介绍_第1张图片

Qt6 QML Book/初见Qt/Qt 6介绍_第2张图片

Similar to HTML, QML is a markup language. It is composed of tags, called types in Qt Quick, that are enclosed in curly brackets: Item {}. It was designed from the ground up for the creation of user interfaces, speed and easier reading for developers. The user interface can be enhanced further using JavaScript code. Qt Quick is easily extendable with your own native functionality using Qt C++. In short, the declarative UI is called the front-end and the native parts are called the back-end. This allows you to separate the computing intensive and native operation of your application from the user interface part.

与HTML相似,QML是一种标记语言。它由标签(在Qt Quick中称为类型)组成,这些标签被括在花括号中:Item{}。它的设计初衷是为了创建用户界面,提高开发人员的阅读速度和易用性。可以使用JavaScript代码进一步增强用户界面。Qt Quick可以很容易地使用Qt c++扩展您自己的本地功能。简而言之,声明性UI被称为前端,而本地部分被称为后端。这允许您将应用程序的密集型计算、本地操作与用户界面部分分开。

In a typical project, the front-end is developed in QML/JavaScript. The back-end code, which interfaces with the system and does the heavy lifting, is developed using Qt C++. This allows a natural split between the more design-oriented developers and the functional developers. Typically, the back-end is tested using Qt Test, the Qt unit testing framework, and exported for the front-end developers to use.

在一个典型的项目中,前端是用QML/JavaScript开发的。后端代码使用Qt C++开发,它与系统接口并执行繁重的工作。这允许更面向设计的开发人员和功能开发人员之间的自然分离。通常,后端使用Qt测试(Qt单元测试框架)进行测试,并导出供前端开发人员使用。

Digesting a User Interface


Let’s create a simple user interface using Qt Quick, which showcases some aspects of the QML language. In the end, we will have a paper windmill with rotating blades.

让我们使用Qt Quick创建一个简单的用户界面,它展示了使用QML语言。最后,我们将展示一个有旋转叶片的纸风车。

Qt6 QML Book/初见Qt/Qt 6介绍_第3张图片

We start with an empty document called main.qml. All our QML files will have the suffix .qml. As a markup language (like HTML), a QML document needs to have one and only one root type. In our case, this is the Image type with a width and height based on the background image geometry:


import QtQuick

Image {
    id: root
    source: "images/background.png"

As QML doesn’t restrict the choice of type for the root type, we use an Image type with the source property set to our background image as the root.


Qt6 QML Book/初见Qt/Qt 6介绍_第4张图片


Each type has properties. For example, an image has the properties width and height, each holding a count of pixels. It also has other properties, such as source. Since the size of the image type is automatically derived from the image size, we don’t need to set the width and height properties ourselves.


The most standard types are located in the QtQuick module, which is made available by the import statement at the start of the .qml file.


The id is a special and optional property that contains an identifier that can be used to reference its associated type elsewhere in the document. Important: An id property cannot be changed after it has been set, and it cannot be set during runtime. Using root as the id for the root-type is a convention used in this book to make referencing the top-most type predictable in larger QML documents.


The foreground elements, representing the pole and the pinwheel in the user interface, are included as separate images.


Qt6 QML Book/初见Qt/Qt 6介绍_第5张图片

We want to place the pole horizontally in the center of the background, but offset vertically towards the bottom. And we want to place the pinwheel in the middle of the background.


Although this beginners example only uses image types, as we progress you will create more sophisticated user interfaces that are composed of many different types.


Image {
    id: root
    Image {
        id: pole
        anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
        anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
        source: "images/pole.png"

    Image {
        id: wheel
        anchors.centerIn: parent
        source: "images/pinwheel.png"

To place the pinwheel in the middle, we use a complex property called anchor. Anchoring allows you to specify geometric relations between parent and sibling objects. For example, place me in the center of another type ( anchors.centerIn: parent ). There are left, right, top, bottom, centerIn, fill, verticalCenter and horizontalCenter relations on both ends. Naturally, when two or more anchors are used together, they should complement each other: it wouldn’t make sense, for instance, to anchor a type’s left side to the top of another type.

为了将风车放在中间,我们使用了一个叫做锚(anchor)的复杂属性。锚定允许您指定父对象或兄弟对象之间的几何位置关系。例如,把我放在另一种类型的中心(anchors. centerIn: parent)。在两者间有left, right, top, bottom, centerIn, fill, verticalCenter和horizontalCenter的位置关系。当然,当两个或两个以上的锚点一起使用时,它们应该使用对应布局:例如,将一个类型的左侧锚点到另一个类型的顶部是没有意义的。

For the pinwheel, the anchoring only requires one simple anchor.



Sometimes you will want to make small adjustments, for example, to nudge a type slightly off-center. This can be done with anchors.horizontalCenterOffset or with anchors.verticalCenterOffset. Similar adjustment properties are also available for all the other anchors. Refer to the documentation for a full list of anchors properties.



Placing an image as a child type of our root type (the Image) illustrates an important concept of a declarative language. You describe the visual appearance of the user interface in the order of layers and grouping, where the topmost layer (our background image) is drawn first and the child layers are drawn on top of it in the local coordinate system of the containing type.


To make the showcase a bit more interesting, let’s make the scene interactive. The idea is to rotate the wheel when the user presses the mouse somewhere in the scene.


We use the MouseArea type and make it cover the entire area of our root type.


Image {
    id: root
    MouseArea {
        anchors.fill: parent
        onClicked: wheel.rotation += 90

The mouse area emits signals when the user clicks inside the area it covers. You can connect to this signal by overriding the onClicked function. When a signal is connected, it means that the function (or functions) it corresponds to are called whenever the signal is emitted. In this case, we say that when there’s a mouse click in the mouse area, the type whose id is wheel (i.e., the pinwheel image) should rotate by +90 degrees.



This technique works for every signal, with the naming convention being on + SignalName in title case. Also, all properties emit a signal when their value changes. For these signals, the naming convention is:



For example, if a width property is changed, you can observe it with onWidthChanged: print(width).

例如,如果宽度(width)属性改变了,你可以使用onWidthChanged: print(width)来观察它。

The wheel will now rotate whenever the user clicks, but the rotation takes place in one jump, rather than a fluid movement over time. We can achieve smooth movement using animation. An animation defines how a property change occurs over a period of time. To enable this, we use the Animation type’s property called Behavior. The Behavior specifies an animation for a defined property for every change applied to that property. In other words, whenever the property changes, the animation is run. This is only one of many ways of doing animation in QML.


Image {
    id: root
    Image {
        id: wheel
        Behavior on rotation {
            NumberAnimation {
                duration: 250

Now, whenever the wheel’s rotation property changes, it will be animated using a NumberAnimation with a duration of 250 ms. So each 90-degree turn will take 250 ms, producing a nice smooth turn.


Qt6 QML Book/初见Qt/Qt 6介绍_第6张图片


You will not actually see the wheel blurred. This is just to indicate the rotation. (A blurred wheel is in the assets folder, in case you’d like to experiment with it.)


Now the wheel looks much better and behaves nicely, as well as providing a very brief insight into the basics of how Qt Quick programming works.

现在风车示例看起来好多了,性能也很好,并且提供了一个非常简单的示例了解Qt Quick编程基础。

